Monday, April 2, 2018

"A Beautiful Pool To Rest The Troubled Soul"

More family pictures at Easter egg hunt. The lines on the patio floor are shadows of the top of patio that are spaced. 4-2-2018 Perryton, TX      
I joined friends today at the Center for lunch. It was so good to be back where I belong, after having a great two day Easter vacation with some family, although I have been lost mentally in this lonely house. Just too much excitement to come back home to silence. It is normal for me to take a few days to recover. God cannot speak to us unless we are still, and listening. I do so much want to hear His loving voice. I had a good night's sleep, now I need to be patient and wait for more direction from my Heavenly Father. At this hour of the day I feel like I'm in a waiting mode. I have peace, but no desire to be doing things that need to be done. I think I might be missing out on the greatest blessing of all. I have finished my hard working days, and now need to take my rest. I just don't know how to accept these blessings, without feeling unworthy. I hope I'm reading it right.  

I have calmed down some over our President being stoned daily, for taking control of the evil deeds that the evil politicians were throwing at him. I now realize he is being made stronger each day, and the evil is slowly disappearing. What a great God we serve. Little by little I'm unloading my burdens to Him. I always thought I had to carry them. Now I have finally accepted the fact that my burdens were always God's. He, and only He is strong enough to carry them. I am now free from a lot of worry, and fear, that I maneuvered for so long. I must not confuse anyone. God expects all of us to be yielded to Him. He is the air that we breath, and the spiritual food we must have. If we think anything different, we are but fools. I will always remember that, and live a respectful life to the best of my ability. When I fall He will pick me up. Only because He knows I was doing my best. Oh! How I love those quite times with Jesus.  

I can see all kinds of things happening on television even now that should alarm me, but I am trusting God, and I will not worry. The battle is His, and not ours. In every situation He is the protector of our lives. He is the way, the truth, and the light. In Him there is no darkness. Never let the light be turned off in your life. As long as there is peace, joy, and happiness, there is light. Walk away from darkness, because it could cause you to stumble. Darkness is blindness. The Word teaches that when there is no light, the blind leads the blind. This is happening in many lives today. I must, we must, walk away from darkness. Have I opened up a place for discussion? I hope so.    

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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