Tuesday, April 17, 2018

"Look Who Said Good Morning To Me"

                      Sunshine in my heart. You light up my life. 4-17-2018 Perryton. TX  

I woke up this morning, after going to bed last night feeling defeated, to see this huge bright sun welcoming me. Sometimes we might think, it's just not going to work, but then the sunshine appears, and everything is great again. How long will we keep believing God for miracles? Forever, and ever. I have been working on a project with a few other prayer warriors that was an almost impossibility from the start. It has been a battle since day one. When we thought we had it won, then Satan attacked again. Last night I had almost decided that this case was hopeless, and felt so sad. Then this morning I awake to the brightest sunshine I have ever seen. I am in full force once more. A miracle, yes, but faith has kicked in again. When God gives us a project we must give it all we've got. After all He didn't give us all we've got for nothing in return. I'm not saying that this miracle, some of us have been praying for, has happened yet, but I am saying we have been given more ammunition with which to fight with. In the natural sense one would say this case is not even necessary for God to care about. The natural eye can see all kinds of things to believe this person is ready to go to the nursing home, and wait to die. That is what the doctor suggested, but the mentally affected servant said no. They are fighting harder than anyone to win this battle. This is strictly a case of depression, and not because of any kind of drug abuse. A life long Christian, who has been healed of even cancer in the past. This person will say," I don't know why, but God just won't heal me of depression.” That's the miracle we are praying for, “Deep depression.”

As I leave today to go to work on a part-time job, I pray that I will be strengthened all day by this beautiful sunshine. I myself, need strength to withstand the horrible pain that I encounter daily with people fighting to live. I want to be a faithful servant who puts God first in their lives. At best my work is minimal, but God judges from the effort, not the success. He never judges unfairly. I love Him most for that. I truly believe that most depression stems from lack of trust in God. People may say they believe, and they do, but not enough to put Him first, even before themselves. I grieve the loss of my husband, and loved ones daily, but I will not be put on the depression diagnostic list. God didn't promise us a life free of sorrow and grief. He promised to help us live with it and be happy in spite of it. I experience that promise in my life daily. He is the Great Sunshine In my life each day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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