Sunday, April 8, 2018

"I'm Going To Eat You Anyway"

Looks like my asparagus came out of the freezer. Lying on the ground after the freeze. 4-8-2018 Perryton, Tx
I went to cut a mess of asparagus for lunch today, and found it lying on the ground. I didn't know we had had a freeze. I've never seen the asparagus killed before by a freeze. Now I am wondering about the fruit. At least the freeze was so short lived till I didn't even know it happened. It is a nice beautiful day today. Mother Nature will do her thing regardless. I'm thinking about cutting the asparagus and cooking it anyway. It's very green, and looks fresh. I had my heart set on a fresh mess of asparagus.

This is Sunday, and Chuck is here fixing him a steak. I am not hungry for steak so I will probably eat asparagus with some crackers and cheese spread. I will skip the peach pie, although it will be very hard to do. My meal last evening was nothing but salad. I am serious about getting a few more pounds off. I have invited friends over Wednesday for lunch. I will be having bierox, and pear salad. There goes all the weight I have lost. I love bierox, and always eat too many. I will still have Amish Wedding peach pie so I probable will have my pie then.

I took my friend to the Widower's meeting last evening. She seemed to enjoy it a lot, and fit right in with the group. I am so thankful that she is beginning to pull out of the deep loneliness she had drifted into. I am one of a group of many cheerful, upbeat, singles who have beaten the loneliness crises, and have a lot of fun together. It's amazing how much we can liven each other up. If God has to He can put us into small groups to speak to us of what we no longer get in the churches. His Power through the Holy Spirit will not be quenched for long. All of us agree that what we really need is each other, and a place to enjoy our freedom of speech about our relationship with Jesus. A little good food, and a prayer of thanksgiving.

I am still rejoicing with the performance of our President, Trump. Only a Higher Power than man can do the job he is doing. God did not leave us to be totally destroyed by the enemy. He sent us leaders who would keep us safe, and destroy our enemies. Again I ask is there anything more wonderful than that? Our life is in His hand, and He will keep us forever safe. Psalms 91: 9-16. President Trump is the mind, voice, and power of this biblical, Almighty Power. He is not God, nor does he profess to be, but he is yielded to God's wisdom which is granted to those whom God chooses. May we all approach, and regard this chosen leader with the highest of respect. We do not have the right to put him in a box.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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