Monday, April 9, 2018

"The Joy Of My Kitchen"

Bierox and peach pie ready for lunch Wednesday. The filling in some of the Bierox had to peek through.  4-9-2019 Perryton, TX

I am having lunch at my house Wednesday 4-11-2018 to honor a friend who may be moving back to Perryton. She moved away six years ago, and I had not seen her since, although I had talked with her on the phone from time to time. I have already made Bierox, and Amish Wedding peach pie. I will have pear salad, and chilled cucumber slices with red onion slices. Not sure if I will fix anything else. Ann Bettes is a nice person who has a lot of friends she doesn't even know about. So glad to have her back, even if it's just for a visit.

Some of the Bierox are partly uncovered. That's because I don't like more crust than meat, so I make the crust too thin to keep from cracking. That's o k because the crust is very crisp, and tasty. The Bierox freezes well also. I made two peach pies and a dozen Bierox so if others want to join us for lunch we will have plenty. Once I get all the cooking utensils cleaned up I'll be ready for the big day. Only a minor bit of dusting and wiping will be left to do. At least I just plan to do a minor bit.

I will be attending a membership dinner tomorrow evening at the Museum of the Plains for all members. It is always nice, and a good time to see friends you haven't seen since maybe the last membership dinner. I'm staying pretty busy now just trying to keep up with all the invites I get. I'm thankful, but getting a little tired out. I have three events on the same day coming up, and I'm glad they are scheduled at different times. I really want to make them all. I think I see some yard work being put off awhile longer.

I guess I cannot write a blog without exploding about our corrupt justice system. I get so angry at what's going on in our “Once-Upon-A-Time,” fair and just America. If God struck all the evil leaders dead, I don't think we would have many honest citizens left. I am looking for that to happen. He is just getting everyone ready for the great fall. Those who fall, and those who will watch them fall. The bible is all true, and it certainly declares that evil will fall with a big bang. I'm expecting it to happen any day. If I was giving advise, I would say to those who have not repented, do so quickly. I would also say to those who are trusting God, don't take your eyes off him for one second. Everyone has been warned, and there will be no excuses excepted. No not even one. But there will be thousands who will try. I have heard these two words used so many times, “I thought.” Well it's time to stop thinking, and start being positive. If you're not sure, work on it till you are. 

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp


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