Tuesday, April 24, 2018

"My Goal Is Hanging On The Closet Door"

Looks sloppy hanging there, but it really is cute. Gold sequins entirely cover this tunic. 4-24-2018 Perryton, TX
I have chosen this gold sequin tunic with a black lace under garment to wear to my granddaughter's college graduation. The problem is I need to lose 10 pounds in one month. The tunic is tight fitting even though it doesn't look like it. I bought this tunic knowing I had to lose some weight before I could wear it, but I wanted it that badly. Watch this miracle happen. This granddaughter is special, and I'm sure we will be celebrating her great achievement after the graduation. My accessories are debatable. I have several with which to chose from. It's so fun to dress, and act young. I do it more now than when I was young. Don't really know why. But my granddaughters always wanted to wear my cloths. I would only have five pounds to lose if I hadn't indulged so much at Thanksgiving and Christmas. I will take it off because I know how to do it. I don't have quite the nerve to wear this tunic like it's suppose to be worn without anything under it. Although I think it would be beautiful worn that way on a younger lady. I found a little gold handbag I have had for years. Never hardly ever used it. It is not much bigger than enough to hold a Kleenex. The gold chain is new-looking, and long enough to put my arm through. If all goes well this is what I will be wearing to the graduation.

After such a lovely day yesterday today has been cold and windy. I can't even comment on the weather this spring, because I've never seen anything like it. We are so anxious for a normal spring season without fear of snow tomorrow. All my plans for today had to be canceled, because of bad weather. You guessed it, yard work. I just did some baking, and getting ready for company in a couple of days. That big fresh, apple pie I made smells so good, but I promise I won't even taste it. I have had fish for the past two days, and probably will have it the rest of the week. I was nice enough to think of my company first.

Tomorrow I will be going to the Center for lunch. Bacon wrapped chicken is good for my diet, but the potato casserole and strawberry short cake isn't. There is always salad so I will have chicken and salad tomorrow. I will pretend like I'm enjoying my lunch. I just can't miss again since I've already missed several times lately. Besides I need the uplift I always get when I go to the Center. My sweet men and lady friends sure bring out the best in me. I love those friendly smiles they all wear. I even keep thinking I might get asked by one of these unmarried gentleman to sit by him. I think we all are so set in our ways that we are afraid to touch each other. I know that's true of me, although I am fighting with it. A smile, and a hug occasionally, is good enough.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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