Friday, April 6, 2018

"Freedom Means So Much To Even The Birds"

                            I managed to get another bird in flight. 4-7-2018 Perryton, TX
This picture was taken a couple of days ago of the sun setting. I was going to post it then, but another one came up so I used it. I wanted to show another lucky shot of a bird in flight. I haven't seen the sun at all today. The weather today has been sold, windy, and hazy. Snow and sleet has been predicted for the week-end. This always happens right after Easter in the Texas Panhandle. We are praying it won't be bad enough to kill the fruit. The trees were loaded with blossoms, and I sprayed them for worm-free fruit. At least we have to get the trees ready to produce even if we don't have any.

I took my friend to the Center today for lunch. She remembered several people there from when she used to live here. It was good for her to reunite with old friends and acquaintances. The lunch was good also. After lunch we drove around and did some investigating on apartments. I was shocked at how many empty places we found. I'm not sure of the reason, because usually it's hard to find a place to live. My friend is considering moving back here, but it's not definite. She has a pretty tough choice to make. She really needs our prayers. This is going on her third week of being in Perryton, and she has attended church both Sundays. We plan to do some more dinning tomorrow evening with the Widower's group depending on the weather. I will be fixing lunch one day for her also, and will invite another friend or two.
I have had my blessing already today. I'm so excited about a granddaughter who is just twenty years old, but is graduating from college next month. She has been offered a management job for a big city with a very good starting salary. She has two more interviews to do with other cities before she accepts. Everyone knows the anxiety of a young person finishing college as to what their future might be. I was so thankful that God didn't lose any time answering her prayer. I am sure she will make the right choice, but she will take her time in choosing.
Although I have had a full day of enjoyable activity I am still always lonely when I stay home at nigh without anyone to talk to. It never seems to get easier. I so much want to put my arms around my husband, and tell him how much I have missed him these last five years. Only the tears help us get through the lonely times. God wipes our tears away, and then I feel better. It takes a deep determination to carry on. Also I see so many others who are in the same situation as myself. We know we are not alone. We support one another, and share our burdens, How great our God is, and how grateful I am for His Almighty power.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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