Tuesday, March 27, 2018

"Will It Produce After All"

   These cherry blossoms are making me smile. Fist blossoms in 8 years. 3-27-2018 Perryton,

The cherry tree I'm posting is about the only tree I care about in my yard. It is eight years old and this is the first year it has had any blossoms. It is quite different than most cherry trees since it has four different kinds of cherries on it. Chuck ordered it from a special company that grafts different kinds of fruit to the same roots. The blossoms on this tree are suppose to be rare, and very delicious. I hope I get to find out if that's right this summer. We have one other rare cherry tree, but it doesn't have any blossoms yet. It just has one kind of fruit, and is also eight years old, but never has blossomed yet. I'm not doing anything to pamper these fruit trees any more. If they produce, good, but if they don't, so be it.

We did get a little moister last night. My rain gauge shows ¼ of an inch, but it does help. There has been no sun today, and my bones are feeling it. Every once in awhile I can see it trying to break through, but only for a second. It has just been one of those cold, cloudy, windy, pre Easter days. I don't put my winter cloths away. I have enough closets to keep them all hanging. It's always easy to dress according to the weather at my house. The past two days I have worn a coat when going out.

I'm looking forward to a great Easter week-end with my youngest son, and family. I will be traveling with a friend to visit with them for two nights. I am always made to feel like a loving mother while I am there. Or maybe I should say, a mother that is loved. Both descriptions are correct. My oldest son, Chuck, will be here to keep my home while I am gone.

I was gone from home most of the day today. I haven't heard much news yet, but I don't think anything drastic has happened, or I would have heard about it from someone where I shopped and visited. I am just ready to go and celebrate again while we have a few days of peace. I will be thinking about that soon. I have been invited to a dinner in two weeks, where several of my friends will be celebrating also, but I may find something before then. I am thinking that I need to join up with friends to laugh, and act crazy, every week-end. The week-end dinner I have been attending is too boring, and does not excite me that much. I have been skipping it lately. However I do love that group of people, and am pleased that they enjoy themselves. I need to feel productive, and not just a puppet on a chair. I have a mind control of my own, and I don't need to be controlled by someone else s mind. Sorry, but that's who I am. I hope I never try to control other's mind. I may try to be helpful, but not demanding. Our deeds will be judged by someone greater than you or I.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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