Sunday, March 25, 2018

"A Shameful Non Pruned Tree"

This 45 year old apple tree needs to be cut down. Neglected too long. 3-25-2015 Perryton, TX

The apple tree I am posting is a shameful sight. As you can see it has been neglected far too long. This apple tree produced delicious apples for many years, but after forty five years it is now ready to be cut down. The tree was not pruned properly, and as a result it acted upon it's own will. Without proper care it has become worthless, and causes shame to my other trees. It still bears fruit, but not good enough to eat. Point in mind follows.

I have been watching hundreds of thousands of school students march across America this week. For lack of pruning they have been growing the wrong direction, and now need to be cut down. These children do not know why they are marching. They have been brain washed by evil, wealthy, authoritative, power seekers, and are victims of worthless, non pruned trees. God help these innocent, learners of just education to find their way back to school. America's only hope is God Almighty. Never doubt that He will prune every tree that beareth not good fruit. His Word says to cut them down when they do not bear good fruit. Wow! What a mouth full of truth. But truth is what it is indeed. How much longer will native' Christians still refuse to call sin, sin, and start teaching the entire bible? They need to do a little tree pruning on themselves. I am not exempting myself from this fact. I too am guilty of turning my head the other way when I see loved ones dipping deeper, and deeper, into sin.,Of course there is nothing we can do to stop them, but we do not have to approve of it. A true quote says, “silence is a sign of agreeing.”

In the past few months I have made several people mad at me because I finally spoke out against Satanic acts being exercised by people who had not been pruned, and was growing mightily in the wrong direction. I have always offered a solution, but Satan will not allow his angels to change. For years I have lived the life of a loving Christian, and always found hope for the evil that drove people farther away from God. Then I realized that it was just adding fuel to the fire, and needed to be recognized. If we are looking for all people to like us, then we better rethink our Bible interpretations. Jesus, that perfect Son of God, was definitely not liked by all. Yet He was only LOVE. How do you explain someone who is all love, but never failed to call out sin when He saw it?

It's time for all sleeping giant's to wake up and fight the enemy. I challenge you to talk to God about it. Pruning time is now or never.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

A shameful sight. It has seen better days. Apple tree 45 years old. 3-25-2018 Perryton, TX

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