Monday, March 5, 2018

"Looks Like War In The Sky"

                             It looks like war in the sky this morning. 3-5-2018 Perryton, TX

What is happening in the sky this morning? I got a picture of part of the jet streams, but not all. I had never seen so many, at one time, so close together. The closest I live to a large airport is 140 miles. With all the tension building up every day about powerful missiles, and threats to use them, I think it is normal for people to stay alarmed. At least I am taking nothing as “bully talk.” I won’t be one of those people who say, “well there’s nothing I can do about it.” There is something all of us can do, and we better start confessing. We can get our heads out of the sand, and acknowledge that times are darker now than they have ever been since America was discovered. The civil war that is brewing now, will make the last one look like peanuts. It will include not only American fighters within, but world wide enemy countries who are just waiting for their chance to whip them all. A divided America cannot win a world-wide war. It’s time to take a stand against disgusting, sinful acts against our God. I will no longer turn my head from the evil I have tolerated for so long. Some of you can already vouch for that. I am sorry to have to abandon some of you, but you did not heed the warnings I presented to you directly from God’s Word. I have chosen this day whom I will serve. I will no longer be a spaghetti-type servant, but will be as stiff as a poker about my belief. No more compromising. I truly believe God will not always strive with man, Genesis 6:3. There is only one way to be happy. That is to surrender your life to God. He will guide you, but He will not force you to follow Him. If you are now a Satan follower, you must bid him farewell, and be willing to pay the price he will put on you. He is never nice.

With all my blasting evil, and warning against war-times this morning, I still am bubbling with joy. My sins are covered by His blood, and nothing can ever take that away from me. Jesus paid the price for all our sins, but Satan refuses to let us go without a fierce battle with him. The battle is not ours, but Gods, but can you believe that with Satan telling you differently? You must, must, believe or you will be lost forever. Belief in Jesus is the simple, magic word that will forever give you happiness, and prosperity. There is no half-way. It’s all the way or nothing. Can I depend upon you to take this message serious, and join hands with Jesus? Please let me know how you feel, be it agreeable, or disagreeable. You will always be in my prayers.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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