Thursday, March 1, 2018

"I'm Interested In This Birdhouse"

                                      Birdhouse near the ground. 3-1-2018 Perryton, TX

I’m puzzled as to why my elderly neighbors hung this neat little birdhouse in a small tree near the ground. It’s possible that they being in their nineties, wanted to keep tabs on the eggs without having to climb upon something. These neighbors are a pleasure to live next-door to. Their house, garage, and yard are always immaculate. They express their love for nature in so many ways. No wonder they have lived so long. They have loved every day of their life. They have several family members who visit them daily. How lucky they are for that blessing. I have but one son who lives closer to me than 300 miles. I am thankful for my many friends who live all around me.

It has been a beautiful day. I washed my car, but didn’t get much else done. I plan to work in the yard tomorrow if it’s still nice out. I noticed an early blooming cherry tree in my yard today was strutting it’s stuff. Just hope we don’t have a late freeze. I will be putting fertilize on my yards next week. I am so ready for summer. I expect that every day now I will see growth of some kind in my yard. Tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths are breaking the ground already. A rabbit jumped up and ran today finding the hole in the fence where she escapes when scared. I think she has built a nest to raise her little ones later on. Since the mother rabbits have lost their babies to the lawn mower, they have since moved their nest to the asparagus bed, and flower garden. They do like to eat some of my early, tender plants, and I am unhappy with them for that.

A few of us oldies invited our candidate to the Citizen’s Center yesterday. It was a nice meeting, and a large crowd attended. I have helped my candidate campaign for years. I feel like I owe it to my state, and community. I’m always reminded of the famous quote by Edmund Burke, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” I always feel good after the election even if my candidate didn’t win. I am a good loser, even if I worked hard to help them. I hate it when people act like children if they lose, or even if they think they might lose. What a poor excuse for a Christian citizen of the United States. I’m sorry, but I can’t be that kind of a person. I have too much fear of my Heavenly Father to treat someone bad. I can disagree, and still have true love in my heart for the winner. However, if that person who wants to be angry at me for my belief in politics will just have to answer for their own sin. I wish them well whether they win or lose.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp   

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