Saturday, March 10, 2018

"A Past Picture Of Diet-less Me"

                   Myrtle Jean Sharp feeling happier than I am today. 3-10-2018 Perryton, TX

Today has been one of the best weather days we’ve had in months, and I have felt lousy. I could not seem to get a peaceful spirit. I thought of many different reasons that I felt that way, but could not agree to any of them. Everything has been going so great for me for several months, I have had a shouting spirit, and spoke of my joy on my blogs several times. I did get off to the grocery store, but nothing else have I done all day. As darkness was approaching I knew I had to find out what I needed to do for myself to feel better. I pulled up an old picture album and found this picture of me. I hardly recognized it. It reminded me of when I was heavier than I am now, and I certainly looked better than I do now. I thought I had found the answer to my sadness today. I have been depriving myself of all the good stuff I used to eat. I went to the frig and took out a carton of frozen strawberries that I had gotten for my son. I looked at the carb label, and decided I could eat a couple of spoonfuls. I put it back in the frig, and went to my recliner. That little bit of strawberries was so good I had to go do it again. Then I started craving cheese crackers. Instead I got a package of party mix, and just took the whole pack to my recliner and dug in.

Now I am wondering if I want to lose that couple of pounds that I still have on since last thanksgiving. I have lose it twice already, and gained it back plus a couple of more. After seeing this picture of me I may decide to forget the diet, and just be myself. If I have to store all the new cloths I have bought since losing weight I will surely be depressed. Oh! My. What is wrong with me today. I have come to the conclusion that God allows us to go through days like this so He can send us a surprise blessing. I would feel too guilty to ask God for something great, if I was being a glutton. However I did ask Him to give me peace today.

Why is life sometimes so miserable? I can say every bible character I have read about had their times of pain, and disappointments, along with their blessings. I am positive that I will feel better tomorrow, except for gaining a pound or two. That also may have to be taken from my mind, and be just the same old me that I have been for years. I am healthy, and that is the most important thing. Maybe God was warning me today that I was going to get sick from not eating right. To tell the truth, I fully believe He is right. No diet is a good one without a balance of  meat, grain, vegetables, fruits, and sugar. I think I can also balance my intake. I will try.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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