Friday, March 9, 2018

"Silver And Gold Have I Some"

A tiny child"s ring possible from an Indian settlement located fifteen miles south of my house where I dug it up. 3-9-2018 Perryton, TX.

I recently dug up this tiny child’s ring when planting garden in my yard. It is marked sterling, and 14 k. gold. The heart shaped design is set with a 14 k. gold Indian bird. The marking inside the ring is definitely a jewelers mark, and it is clearly seen, but I have not yet gotten it identified. The ring is in mint condition. My house sits on a piece of ground that we bought to build it on 49 years ago. It had been a wheat field before being developed for residential building lots. Fifteen miles south of me is a buried Indian City. It is located between a mountainous area where Indians used to trade. The Buried City has been professionally excavated by a man who bought the land. He used the most skilled scientific archeologist he could find. Many artifacts have been moved from the site to the City’s museum. Hundreds of arrow heads have been found through out the mountains around the area. I am trying to find an antique expert of old Indian jewelry to identify this tiny ring. If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it. The ring looks to be of the finest craftsmanship. I am a lover of fine antiques of any kind, and used to own an antique shop. I just can’t get it out of my blood. I have also found some old marbles in my yard. Since no one lived on this spot of grown before me, I have to think this land was once lived on by Indians also. I am inside the city limits now, but when we first came here this spot was far out of town. That was 65 years ago. There are still a few dug-outs here with people still living in them by choice. They have modernized them, but enjoy the past memories of hardship many years ago. I live in the far north west part of the panhandle of Texas. No sky scrappers or commuting trains within many miles of here. But a place of peace, interest, and prosperity from farming, ranching, and gas, and oil, production. The original town of Perryton, Texas has grown to a small city with several nice motels, lovely homes, and new churches. We can boast of one of the nicest, and largest museums within miles.

A bit of interesting truth about our county is the development of the cemetery south of town. One of the founders of it was the first to be buried there. This is quite coincidental, but many more stories can be told of just such coincidences. Funny, sad, and some important facts can all be told about our city of Perryton. I am a hypocrite to my regret. I always told my husband if he died before me, I was leaving this place the next day. He would never even talk about leaving Perryton. He has been gone over five years, and I love this place more now than ever before. I hope God has forgive me.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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