Sunday, March 11, 2018

"I'm Fascinated With Art"

                    Time change sunrise Sunday morning at 8:00. 3-11-2018 Perryton, TX

I made it through the time change just fine. Couldn’t tell any difference in my body, mind, or soul. I caught a glimpse of the sun as it was quickly rising this morning.  The skies were beautiful. The Great Artist was at work at 8:00 this morning. Wish I could follow His instructions better. My art easel and paints have been waiting on me for month’s now. I’ve got an idea, and the things needed to make it come alive, just haven’t wanted to put on my scrubs yet. I’m about to run out of excuses. I need so badly to get it going again. If the inner soul ever lets me get inspired that’s when I will put it on canvas. My favorite art instructor, and mind expert, told me he could read my mind by looking at my art. He proved that to me, and I have been reluctant to be honest much of the time when painting a portrait. I feel like I am painting the subject’s feelings instead of my own. Huh? Is there a difference? I can’t do that and be the sincere person I am.  Anyway I do enjoy doing what my mind tells me. I have heard that President George W. Bush has a collection of his portraits of well known people hanging in the Presidential Bush Library in Dallas Texas. I have seen them on television, and although they are recognizable it is obvious that the artist painted his opinion of the person. Being the humorous person he is, he can do that. He painted his father, ex-President H.W. Bush, and I saw his mother when she viewed the portrait for the first time. She looked shocked and asked, “ and that’s suppose to be my husband?” The crowd laughed loudly. The artist, George W. Bush, is the best thing I like about him. An honest man when it comes to painting portraits. I just don’t want him painting me. Although, I believe all of us might be curious as to what he may come up with. I think I could live it down.

I feel rested this morning, and hopefully will have a better day than I had yesterday. Some days I just get over anxious for something to happen that I know is going to, soon or later. It might be called a pleading child of a Heavenly Father who knows best. I always get over every disappointment life hands me. Yes, I am still a child in many ways, I’m not wanting to grow old any way soon. I would love to hang out with my grandchildren, but they live to far from me. They are a special gift to me from God. They don’t know it, but they feed my learning appetite, all of them. The old saying is, “wisdom comes from age, but intelligence comes from youth.” A good balance comes from putting them together. Oh! How I love the challenge. I just hate the anxiety it brings.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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