Wednesday, March 7, 2018

"What The Heck"

  A little unbalanced above the eyes, but thank God, not the head. 3-7-2018 Perryton TX

The primaries are over in Texas, and I am excited about the results. Most of the candidates I voted for won their contest. One of my choices lost as was expected, because of a late decision to enter the primaries. I believe my second choice will win by a majority in the run offs. We have the general election coming up, but maybe we can survive the suspense. One thing I am sure of, God is in control, and whatever happens will be because of his will. I also believe every registered voter should vote in an election. It’s been said, if you don’t vote then keep your mouth shut when things happen that you don’t like. I agree with that statement.

Nothing can be more rewarding than to accept the results of an election with a good attitude. That is what so many Americans are lacking in. All games are going to have winners and losers because that is what makes life worth living for. I’m glad we still have a right to use our voices. Many countries do not have this privilege. That right also, is one that has to be fought for. Nothing in this world is free if it’s worth having. Those who have everything given to them will have no victory. I can truly say in all the past elections this past year or so be it Presidential, Congressman. Representative, Governor, or any other, I have worked diligently to help my choice of candidate win. Not all have been winners, but all in all we true, honest, Americans are supported by a higher power who knows our heart. I declare victory in every type of situation. Now on to the luncheon where I spend a lot of time. My soul mates mean more to me than any political victory.

My life is speeding up and it may be a good thing, even though I’m retired. I have accepted more responsibility than I planned, but like I said work is always rewarding though we be retired. I have great ambitions, but without work they cannot be accomplished. As long as I am ambitious, and cheering myself on, I will never die of boredom. I love, love doing the things I enjoy. Pleasure is high on that list of priorities. Without it my other duties would fail. I have a balance scale, and I keep it even. It’s time for a friend, and I, to go on a pleasure trip right away. It could be called a celebration trip, because I have used my voice to hack a few people off. That is a troublesome effort, but one that requires discipline when enough is enough. I go to celebrate my authoritative  opinion, which I believe is a God-given, gift. I owe myself a reward for using it. I don’t often do this, and I think I have failed God many times because of it. My love remains strong for all my disagreeables. I just don’t want to be thought of as agreeing with them.  The difference of opinions will resolve themselves when God see fit.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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