Monday, March 5, 2018

"From The Heart Of This Church Speaks Beauty"

Beautiful pathway at church in Gainesville, Texas. Across the street from where my son lived. 3-5-2018 Perryton, TX 

Some places are worth remembering. I was visiting my son and daughter-in-law in Gainesville, Texas in the summer of 2014.  Directly across the street from their house was this big church building with an acre of beautiful landscaped yard. A wide cement path curved in and out all around the church block. Gorgeous blooming trees, and flowers decked the edges of the pathway. Joining the church ground to the west was an very old cemetery with new graves still being dug. This was the biggest, and the most interesting graveyard I had ever visited. It gave you a pleasant feeling to stroll around and read the headstones. It was well kept, and showed to be of wealthy people. I spent a couple of hours there before getting tired and walking back to the house. I ran onto this picture I had taken while there, and thought I needed to post something more pleasant than “war in the sky,” which was my blog today. A peaceful bit of scenery sure helps the worried mind to relax somewhat. I will hold dear these memories of  Gainesville, Texas where my son and family lived for several years. They have since advanced to higher, and more rewarding responsibilities, but they will never forget their time spent in Gainesville. Their two children graduated high school there.

What is life without God? Troubles and trials, and hard to endure the wasteful days. I see this happening all around me, and it makes me so sad, even though I have the sweetest peace on earth. Like our Rev. Billy Graham I want every person in the world to have peace just like me. Jesus gave His life that we may have peace, but many will never be free from deep depression. They don’t know how to escape the trap they made for themselves. Neither will they allow others to open the door. They are trapped, body, mind, and soul. They even believe others are trapped, and they are the free ones.

How does this second paragraph correlate with the first, you may ask. It just shows how beautiful one’s life can be if they truly want to work the grounds, and water the living things that gives beauty, The body must be kept whole without spot or blemish. It is the Temple of the Lord. The heart must be kept clean because “from the heart comes beauty.” God’s word declares this.  Also “from the heart the mouth speaketh.”  It’s not what goes in one’s mouth that makes them dirty, but what comes out. I am so ashamed at some of the language I read on face book. God is deeply offended by this, and I wish I could help stop the filth that children are exposed to. I don’t expect to live as long as Rev. Billy Graham did, but God help me to stay as true as did this Saint of God. That’s asking for a lot, but I so wish.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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