Thursday, March 29, 2018

"A Peach Of A Tree"

              Chuck's peach tree has such pretty, pink blossoms. 3-29-2018 Perryton,TX

I just got home from visiting with Chuck. I will be helping him with his yard work as soon as it warms up, and quits showering at night. I took a picture of his beautiful blooming peach tree today. I also sprayed it for worm free peaches. Every peach tree I have ever had died from bag worms, but Chuck has had good luck with his. The elm trees in Chuck's yard need to have some trimming done to them. Some that are growing from roots of the old trees will have to be cut down, and the roots poisoned. None of this work is too much for Chuck and I to do. We both love working in the yard. 

This will be my last blog for a few days. I will be leaving in the morning for a short Easter holiday vacation. When I return I will be hitting the keyboard again. I will miss sharing my daily musings with everyone, but will be back soon. I hope I can bring back some exciting news. At least I will get to see several members of my family. That is a blessing all of it's own. I will be traveling with a dear friend for which I have known for fifty years. This is enough to make me happy, and it could help me to find some of my youth that has been gone for a long time. Both of our minds are as sharp as ever. That's not saying we only thought of nice things that one should never forget. There were a few, at least for me, that makes me wonder how I did them. I might could even do them all over again. Once I was an impersonator for Dolly Parton at one of our company parties. I played the guitar, and my boobs were so big I could hardly see the strings, (excuse me), there were no strings. My husband had no idea what to expect, and needless to say he was quite embarrassed. He was the one who got all the laughs. This friend and I worked together for many years. Many of our old working partners have already passed on. I will always remember them. 

On a more serious note, I am holding fast to my belief that our President is draining the swamp. I will never doubt him no matter what happens. As long as God protects him, and I can see the great improvements he is making, I will stand by his side. I see more, and more, every day an evil, corrupt, people trying to bring down God's Israel. The Psalmist, David, cried a prayer to God chapter 83, 4. They have said, ( evil enemies of God,) Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation. (United States); that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. The fight has always been against Israel, God's chosen servant, for which a nation was named for. Anyone who turns against Israel will forever be doomed. David begs God to have no mercy on those who hate Israel. Can we do the same as David? Something to seriously thing about.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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