Monday, December 31, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I Hope It Lasts Awhile Longer"

Jean's Comment's: "I Hope It Lasts Awhile Longer": The only bible I ever read. As you can see it's been read many times. Tape on top of tape is barely holding it together. 12-31-2018 Pe...

"I Hope It Lasts Awhile Longer"

The only bible I ever read. As you can see it's been read many times. Tape on top of tape is barely holding it together. 12-31-2018 Perryton, TX
I have a suggestion for all Christians for a New Year's resolution. Tomorrow is the first day of the New Year, 2019. If you will do this you will build your faith beyond all imagination. Take you Holy Bible, KJV, place it near your bed with a sheet of typing paper folded, an ink pen, and your glasses if you need them. Starting with chapter one in the first book of the bible, Genesis, read the whole chapter before going to bed. Take your pen and write on the typing paper Genesis 1, cross it out, and mark 2. Read that chapter tomorrow night. Do this in consecutive order for the entire year. Read only one chapter a night no matter how short. or how long, they are. You probably won't finish the bible in a year, but continue on with the next year. After reading the chapter always kneel by your bed and pray. (talk to God personally, and sincerely, because He is real and hears every word you say.) Never start crying and ask for pity. When you cry your heart out, let it be for thanksgiving that He saved you by His Grace, and Mercy. Thank Him for listening to you, thank Him for answering you, if you have simply asked for forgiveness for sins committed today. Thank Him for wisdom you have asked for, You asked, He giveth. Ask Him to keep you, and your family safe and well. I don't believe we should ask God for anything that we specifically want, because He is our Father, and He knows best. If we will just pray for the things I listed, God will add to our desire, even though it may be something even better.

As you can see the bible I have posted is barely holding together, but it is worth a million dollars to me. Many of the pages have marks drawn under verses from years back when I was reading. Those marks meant something back then, but I cannot tell you what. That same verse could mean something different today. God speaks to us through His word, and we should always remember. I must have probably a dozen bibles in my home, but this is the only one I read. I've even noticed where I have marked a date with a minister's name on a sermon they preached on many years ago. Precious memories, how they linger.

I have never been this outspoken before about my experience with God, but I felt it was time to let people know without a doubt, that God, and His Son, Jesus Christ. is real, and I cannot do that without involving my own personal experience. I believe there comes a time in everyone's life that they have to have a personal experience with God. That is if they ever expect to find perfect peace, and wisdom to know the difference between right and wrong. There is no other way to find that satisfaction. and assurance until we get sincere with God. It's there for you, believe me.

Happy New Year

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Christmas Away From Home"

Jean's Comment's: "Christmas Away From Home": Christmas 2018 at Kent and Angela Sharp's house. Sitting on floor, Angela, Bailey, on couch, Austin, standing Kent. 12-30-2018 Perryto...

"Christmas Away From Home"

Christmas 2018 at Kent and Angela Sharp's house. Sitting on floor, Angela, Bailey, on couch, Austin, standing Kent. 12-30-2018 Perryton, TX
One never gets too old to enjoy getting Christmas presents. I got many nice things, and I am so thankful for all of them. My two grown grandchildren were unwrapping gifts for hours, it seemed. Of course they had to handle each gift, and figure out how to operate it before opening another. All of them have worked very hard this past year, so they were deserving of lots of gifts, and fun. I am the one who was not deserving, but somehow I feel like I got the most. I am what you might call fully retired, and too lazy to make my bed. My New Year's wish is for all of my children, and grandchildren to have the best year ever. Several changes will be made in the lives of some of them, that I know about. Of course there will be changes made that I don't know about, but that is life, and we must accept all things as blessings. The bible teaches us that “all things work together for the good to them that love the Lord.” He would never do bad things to us if we truly love Him. They may seem bad at times, but it is always best in the long run. My daughter, and I, both went home with a bad cold, but we know God will heal it soon. I hear Him every day telling me what I need to do next. It's almost like an echo of my earthly father.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. I will be staying home to rest with this cold. I've had enough excitement for awhile anyway. I just hope my voice clears up enough for me to call my family and friends to wish them a Happy New Year. Also, I got an assignment to do a portrait painting of a lovely couple, and I'm anxious to start that. My painting has been on hold for some time now, but I'm glad to be starting back. My birthday is the last of January, and I've been invited to a nice place for a celebration. It is not personal, but for all members who have birthdays in the month. I don't know If I will be able to attend or not. I don't look forward to birthdays any more since they make me feel so old. It takes awhile to put them behind me. Actually I am as happy as I was at 17 when I got married. I've lived longer than my mate, but I don't have to take care of him any more. I miss him, but I enjoy my freedom, and my family. God has a reason for letting me live a long, and happy life. I will do all I can to continue down that road. I just want to be a blessing to others.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "it's All In The Luggage"

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "it's All In The Luggage": Jean's Comment's: "it's All In The Luggage" :                   Finally ready to load up. So glad I got it all done. 1...

"One Cook Several Instructors"

The chef is Kent, but he had several others telling him, more of this, and less of that. 12-29-2018 Perryton, TX
  It is so nice to be back home after nine days of Christmas vacation. I had a wonderful time with family, and am still feeling the thrill after getting back home. I was blessed in many different ways while there at Abilene TX. We are expecting great, and mighty things to happen in 2019. That's not to say we won't still have battles to fight, but we believe those battles are God's, and He will, like always before, fight them for us. We're just going along for the ride. This year is gone, but we can say it was a good one for us. Because we kept our feet on the ground, we are now ready to sail through 2019.

Kent cooked most of the Christmas dinner, but a lot of us were standing by making sure he did it right. Actually we were engrossed in his creative style of cooking. We got to do a lot of tasting while he kept adding more of this, and that, to his mixture for dressing. It was fun entertainment, and when finished and cooked, it was delicious. He served ham, beef chops, fresh green beans with new potatoes, corn, candied yams, cranberry sauce, dressing, and dinner rolls. For dessert he served pumpkin pie, and pecan bars. His assistant, and wife Angela, made sure all means of serving this special meal was top notch. The table was beautifully set with cloth napkins to match the tablecloth. My daughter, Rhonda, said the blessing, and the food enjoyed by all.

I stayed an extra day after Christmas to meet a special friend of my granddaughter who was there from California. I just had to make sure this friend was as nice as I had been told by everyone he was, since he is so interested in my granddaughter, and she is so proud of him. I was immediately convinced that everything I had been told was correct. He got my approval right away. These two graduated together from UT, but the job Ryan decided to take required him to spend a year in California. I am trusting that everything will work out for both of them, since her job is in Dallas.

To say I had a great time is not enough. This was a time I truly needed to get myself back together since I had been having a difficult time missing all my beloved deceased family during the Christmas season. Living alone is hard anytime, but especially at Christmas. Coming home I took an extra day and swung by my favorite place to get away by myself, and play the slots awhile. This was the finish to my great vacation with my family, that made me perfectly content. I have been satisfied all day, and thanking God for all his blessings to me. I am now ready for a New Year,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "it's All In The Luggage"

Jean's Comment's: "it's All In The Luggage":                   Finally ready to load up. So glad I got it all done. 12-20-2018 Perryton, TX It seems like I had to do a gillion thin...

"it's All In The Luggage"

                  Finally ready to load up. So glad I got it all done. 12-20-2018 Perryton, TX
It seems like I had to do a gillion things to get ready for a one week trip. I would rather take my cloths out of a closet than a suitcase. Then there were a dozen other bags with shoes, hair dryer, and curler. Medicine, cameras, I-phone and equipment, make up, hair brushes, toothpaste, and brushes, just to name a few. I honestly don't like to travel, although I am happy, and excited when I get to my destination. The worse part is just getting everything ready, and trying not to forget something. I never fail to wish I had brought something that I thought I wouldn't need. I am hoping for a good night's sleep so I will feel like driving the 300 plus miles tomorrow. I will be spending time with several members of my family, and I know that is going to be a blessed time.

When I return I will be thinking about what I can do for New Year's celebration. I'm sure that will involve another couple of nights away from home, but a much shorter trip. It's all still in the making as of now. I know for sure I am ready for a New Year. I cannot complain about the old one, but I just like new beginnings. I feel so positive about 2019. I believe our country will improve, and our President will be made stronger than ever. He has had a rough two years, and it's time for him to have a rest.

I thank God many times a day for what He is doing for our country. I ask Him not to spare any mercy for the evil, deep-state fighters who don't believe in God. I believe I will see that request answered more, and more every day. I also believe we have the right to ask God to destroy any, and all, of those who only want to destroy our President for making America Great again. They belong in the pit, and the sooner the better. Several of those such individuals have already been thrown into the pit, in my opinion. God is not through yet. Man will finally come to see that there is an Almighty God who is not all dumb, and let people mock Him by refusing to obey his word. Genesis 6:3 KJV. And The Lord said, “My Spirit shall not always strive with man.” I know several people who should be very concerned about this statement, and make haste to change their attitude. Some will, but many will not, according to God's word. A day of reckoning is close for many. Happy are those who trust in the Lord, and honor His word always. We all should live like today may be our last, but keeping in mind that God also said “Rejoice in The Lord, always.” I will rejoice today, and if I'm still here tomorrow, I will still rejoice.

Merry Christmas to all, and I will be back at my computer, God willing, in a week.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Gifts I Wasn't Going To Buy"

Jean's Comment's: "The Gifts I Wasn't Going To Buy": Just finished my Christmas shopping. Could be something explosive. 12-19-2018 Perryton, TX   I'm so glad the day is nearing the end...

"The Gifts I Wasn't Going To Buy"

Just finished my Christmas shopping. Could be something explosive. 12-19-2018 Perryton, TX
I'm so glad the day is nearing the end. I am very tired. Went and got my hair cut and set, finished my Christmas shopping, and put a big roast in the oven for Chuck to have the week I am gone. All of this after I had spent time at the Senior Christmas party. I still have a lot to do before I am ready to leave day after tomorrow. The old body won't let me do much any more without giving out. But that which I do is still a lot of fun. I will be having the time of my life when I get with my family at Christmas. I will be gone a week so don't expect to see any blog from me till after that. Tomorrow will be the last one.

It was a wonderful Christmas party at the Center today. So many people with so much to be happy for. Good lunch, and fun without a doubt. Again I will say we are so blessed to have a nice place like this to go and share our blessings. Sometimes I think I do too little to show my appreciation, but it's within my heart anyway. I can always use my age for an excuse to justify my lack of pitching in when there is so much that has to be done. Seriously, I don't have the energy I use to have.

I will be missing several things at church that I would like to attend, but one can only do so much. When your children grow up, and move away, then their children grow up and move away, it's very hard to get everyone together once a year, Our schedules change from day to day. It ends up being a “one day at a time thing.” Every night I have to say, I can't believe another day is gone. Where did it go? The sun comes up, and bingo, it's going down. It never fails it's duty, even though sometimes we may not see it.

I am running short on time again so I will close with this thought. God is still on the Throne, and He still answers prayer. Ask, and ye shall receive.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Good Morning Beautiful"

Jean's Comment's: "Good Morning Beautiful": This is not a fire. It's the sun getting dressed for the day. 12-18-2018 Perryton, TX I waited to open my drapes this morning ...

"Good Morning Beautiful"

This is not a fire. It's the sun getting dressed for the day. 12-18-2018 Perryton, TX

I waited to open my drapes this morning till this beautiful red light came on. It means, go slowly, and wait for green light. I am sure my day will be a good one because I have seen the early morning beauty. If I will observe all caution lights, and wait for the right signals, I will get through the Christmas rush without a pile up. I am so thankful this morning that yesterday's dreaded day turned into a blessed day. I gave thanks to God both last night, and this morning.

It was later in the morning when the mail man delivered me a wonderful, surprise gift. It was a signed Certificate by both President Donald J. Trump, and Vice-President Mike Pence, making me a member of the REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL HONOR ROLL. I want to thank both of them for their great, most appreciated, choice to give me that honor. I will continue to support them with all my might. They are getting our country back with the help of God. I knew when I saw the beautiful red sky this morning something exciting was going to happen. I am so thankful for the love of God, and His mercy for me. One grain of sand in the, oceans of forever piling up, is the human I am, yet I am part of God's creation. He knows how many hairs are on my head, and every deed I've ever done. Just in case you don't know that, He is the God of your life also. Our minds would completely dissolve if we tried to understand all the mysteries of God. But for sure don't ever doubt Him, and honor Him daily.

I also got a nice cash gift from my daughter for Christmas. She told me to use it for whatever I wanted. I made an appointment at the Beauty Salone today. I will use part of the money for that. I changed my mind about letting my hair grow long and straight. It just didn't fit my personality. I always wanted to look like my grandmother with a bun piled high on her head, but I just couldn't look like her no matter how long I let my hair grow. She was still pretty when she died even with a bun and wrinkles to go with it. Her beauty came from her heart, and she was a very loving person. She lost her first husband, and was left with three little children. She then married my grandfather who was ten years younger than her. They had two children, and my mother was also a pretty lady. I am looking forward to meeting them all again in heaven. I will not let Satan tell me there is no heaven. I loved my family too much to believe that. I'm sure things won't be like here on earth, but I have to believe they will be much better.

Please keep our President, and Vise President in your prayers.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, December 17, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A True Story Never Grows Old"

Jean's Comment's: "A True Story Never Grows Old": There are some awesome Christmas decorations in my neighborhood this year. 12-17-2018 Perryton, TX.   The best thing about Christmas d...

"A True Story Never Grows Old"

There are some awesome Christmas decorations in my neighborhood this year. 12-17-2018 Perryton, TX.
  The best thing about Christmas decorations this year is it is not all about colored lights, and wreaths. I have seen some really interesting replica's of the birth of Jesus. One yard has a life-like wooden shed with stalls, and troughs where cattle feed. Real hay fills the manger where Baby Jesus is lying. Life size Joseph, and Mary figures with the three kings are standing looking on. It is so impressive, till one don't want to be in any hurry about leaving. Then the picture I have posted is two adult figures, but I guess I'm not familiar with that story. They are possible angels, although they appear to be just some kind of high authoritative persons. They stand on either side of the door like guards or something. Many more interesting scenes can be seen all over the city. I have not driven by these places at night, but I know it would be most breath taking when all lite up. I have to admit I am enjoying Christmas more this year than I have in a long time. Could it be God is telling us to enjoy while we still can? We all know our Christian beliefs are in danger of becoming obsolete. I have no worries of my own sorrow, but I certainly fear for my children, and grandchildren. I pray that God will have mercy on them. I feel like I have done all I could to teach them of the real meaning of Christmas. I have also taught them that according to God's word, someday the Christians would be persecuted, and even killed, if a bible is found in their possession. We are seeing that already happening, but it will get worse. I feel like the worse thing about my death will be knowing that my children, and grandchildren may be put to death over the belief that I taught them. And if they do deny Jesus, they will be punished also by the Almighty God, who will not allow His Son to be denied.

My best advise to everyone is be sure you have accepted Christ as your savior, and never, never deny Him, even in death. Have a talk with Jesus daily so you will not become a stranger to Him. I don't mean a talk mentally, but verbally. You may not see Him, but He is in your presence if you fully believe in him. He sees you, he hears you, and He will answer your pray if it be not related to selfishness. Once you have accepted Christ, you must prove it daily without any doubt to others. Not by words only, but by actions. It can never be a, turn it on, and off situation. Most of all if we will truly be faithful to God, He will be faithful to us, and get us through every problem we may face. We cannot ever tell God what to do. We must ask Him, and believe that He loves us, because He promised to never leave nor forsake us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Small Things Come In Large Packages"

Jean's Comment's: "Small Things Come In Large Packages": The big gift my 50 year son asked me for. He don't know what's in it. He just ask for a big gift. 12-16-2018 Perryton, TX I don...

"Small Things Come In Large Packages"

The big gift my 50 year son asked me for. He don't know what's in it. He just ask for a big gift. 12-16-2018 Perryton, TX
I don't ever remembering my youngest son, age 50, asking me for a gift, but this Christmas he told me he was coming to get me, and he wanted a big gift, I told him to tell Santa, and not me. He said Oh...._well O K. I thought I would just play the trick on him. He does not know what's in the package, but it is big as he requested. I can't wait for all the fun. I just finished making five loaves of yeast bread to have through Christmas. No bierox this year. Just loaves which is good enough to eat with just butter alone. My mother taught me to make bread as a child. Her sister, my aunt Myrtle, taught her. There is no recipe for this bread/ It's just made from memory, and the memory is a lot of guess. It usually turns out well, I don't think a little variation makes much difference. However, it does have lots of calories in it. I will be leaving a Christmas dinner here for my son Chuck. He never leaves home for any holidays. He is happy with whatever I fix him, although he always knows it will be turkey and dressing at Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Ham, and candied yams, along with all the other stuff.

It's been a lovely day today. Unbelievable just nine days from Christmas. I so hope it will stay nice till after Christmas. I got a lot done today in preparing for the week I will be gone. I have not made plans yet for New Year's , but I am sure I will be celebrating in some way. I usually spend it with some of my family, and we always eat our black eyed peas. This has been a tradition with us every since I can remember. New Year's seems to help us bury the sadness of having our precious family memories staying with us all through Christmas. It just seems to help us get back on track to the regular duties of survival. I'm expecting a very happy New Year, and I wish all my readers the same.

I will miss the luncheon at the Center tomorrow. There is still some business I have to take care of, so hopefully I will be able to make the Christmas party Wednesday. I can't miss that no matter what comes up. My friends mean too much to me to not share in the lively party we always have. I love them all so much, because they make me laugh when I feel worthless. They seem to never have a worry. I pray that God will bless them all in a great big way this Christmas. It's truly amazing how fortunate we are to have a place like The Senior Citizen's Center. “Thank you Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Sun Went Down Too Quick"

Jean's Comment's: "The Sun Went Down Too Quick": A few minutes ago I shot this picture while driving home from the grocery store. The sky was so beautiful with almost no flare from the su...

"The Sun Went Down Too Quick"

A few minutes ago I shot this picture while driving home from the grocery store. The sky was so beautiful with almost no flare from the sun. 12-15-2018 Perryton, TX 
I made a trip to Liberal, Kansas today. I needed to pick up a few things before I leave for Christmas. It's just about a 100 mile round trip, but with all the other things I did, I was very tired, and failed to get my blog posted before 6 o'clock. The last big job I did was buy groceries. I needed a lot of things to get me ready for Christmas. When driving home from the store the sky was lovely to look at. The sun was hidden behind clouds with just a tiny bit showing through. It was almost ready to set so I stopped and took a picture. When I finished putting up the groceries I ate a snack, and leaned back in my recliner for some quick rest. I am getting anxious for Christmas to be over. The age thing is too much for all the hustle, and bustle. I think I'm trying to pack too much fun into it this year. Too many ideas, and not enough energy to use them all. New Year's will be a big relief for me. Twill be back to business as usual. I hope the memories of so many of my friends, and loved ones will fly away. It's been hard to keep them off my mind. It's almost like we've had a huge reunion, and now it's time to say good-bye again.

Tomorrow is Sunday, but I will be busy again with working toward getting ready to leave Friday. House cleaning, laundry, baking, packing, and getting the car ready. All within the three days I won't be working on my other job. I will get it all done, but there won't be much time to spare. The world will have to keep turning without my help. Before this day ended I wasn't sure If I was going or coming. I mentioned something to that effect at the store when I was checking out today. A lady heard me and said, “ I think it's something in the air because I've been feeling the same way.” When you leave your debit card in the machine, and it takes two people five times to make you understand what they are telling you, that's serious. I don't think they make a pill for that. Anyway Christmas only comes once a year, and I think I can survive it again.

I feel like the New Year will be a real blessing for me. I don't know what's in store, but I am sure it will be good. My thoughts, and prayers go out to all my readers. I have the same feeling for all of you.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, December 14, 2018

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "I Am As Free As A Bird"

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "I Am As Free As A Bird": Jean's Comment's: "I Am As Free As A Bird" : Birds flying in droves today across the street. The wind was high enough to l...

"For Better Or For Worse"

This is suppose to be the new look for me. Didn't change much. Guess I will just have to stay me. 12-14-2018 Perryton, TX
I am posting a picture of me that what I thought would be unrecognizable by most. It didn't prove out. My efforts to change my appearance did very little to help. I had not cut my hair in awhile, and my plan was to let it hang straight. Somehow the natural fiber of my hair didn't agree with me. I guess I'm not professional enough, and I do not trust anyone else with my aged hair. I will always refuse to wear a wig. That's enough of that. However, I will continue to keep my natural color of dark brown. That requires some help with the bottle. I went to the Center today with this same hairstyle, and I did not receive one comment. I'm sure everyone recognized me. Don't know if that was good or bad, but I can settle for whatever.

Santa was all dressed up in a new suit today, and came to see us at the Center. It still thrills our heart when we see Santa. He hugged most of us, and even had some to sit on his lap. Several lap sitters were much heaver than Santa. There is always something to make us laugh happening at the Center. I was needing a good laugh, and I'm glad I went today. Getting back home to the boring, and no verdict of guilt yet of these traitors who have long been over due, puts me back in an angry mood. Is this the way the rest of our lives are going to be? I feel pretty sure it is. Slowly, but surely, we are losing every ounce of our respect for justice in our country. If that be the case I still believe in God. Each one of us are an individual case for the Highest Judge of all. He will prevail no matter who else tries to stop Him.

In just a week, and one half, I will be having a great time with several of my family members. Christmas this year is already having a cheerful meaning to me. This family has been blessed so much till we all have to celebrate together, and love each other like never before. How could God love us so much, we ask? After all we all did have to pay a price, and sometimes it was high. But never high enough to give us so much in return. I will be remembering to pray for all who have not been blessed as much. I do believe in due time everyone will be shouting the victory over sin, and temptation. In the mean time God's grace is sufficient to carry us through any dark time in our lives. Trust, and obey, is the only way to be happy in Jesus. We all fail, but Jesus does not. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, and forget your misfortunes. From me to you, may God bless you, and put a smile upon your face.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I Am As Free As A Bird"

Jean's Comment's: "I Am As Free As A Bird": Birds flying in droves today across the street. The wind was high enough to let them sail. 12-13-2018 Perryton, TX    I managed to ge...

"I Am As Free As A Bird"

Birds flying in droves today across the street. The wind was high enough to let them sail. 12-13-2018 Perryton, TX 

I managed to get a few of the birds today as they flew in droves up the street. The wind was so high till all the birds had to do was raise their wings, and no camera was quick enough to get a picture of the dozens flying close together. I managed to get the tail end of one large flock. I don't know where they were going, but I'm sure to a warmer place. The temperature has been in the low forties with a terrific high wind. It's strange how Mother Nature has a way of taking care of her living creation. I can't imagine where this many birds, dozens, upon dozens zooming together in a long trail with someplace to go. I am glad I'm not a bird today.

I have had a good day visiting with my son. We just watched television, and recalled a few old memories. His memory is almost as good as mine, and do we ever have fun reliving some of the good ole times. I'm so happy to have this one son still with me. He is the only one of my four children who never moved away from me. He never married, and has always had health issues, but has always had many friends stay in touch with him. He seems to have a built-in source of information that attracts a lot of interest from those who know him. He is my oldest child, and is mostly different from the others however, they all are of a different personality. I can say his television stays on 24-7. I believe he has read the entire volume of encyclopedias. As little as one would think after being around him most of his life, he is very knowledgeable about the bible. Yes, the bible is something he seldom ever mentions except if he uses it to correct someone who he thinks is misinterpreting it. He never tries to prove his theory, but will not hesitate to offer it. I go to his house twice a week to help clean, and prepare food for him. He is also a good cook so I don't have to do much of that.

Tomorrow is my day to enjoy another type of pleasure. I feel like I will be getting up, dressing up, and showing up at the Senior Citizen's Center tomorrow. I have missed a few days lately, and it's time to get back to less serious business. I've been trying too hard to solve a lot of the political problems that we are dealing with. It seems as though no one in Washington D C pays any attention to me. I will just go back to my old funny as heck, friends at the Center. They don't care if anyone listens to them or not. They would rather be comfortable by letting someone else worry about our future. I have to say I couldn't agree with them more. I hope they saved my seat.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Always A Bird Or Two"

Jean's Comment's: "Always A Bird Or Two": Big Dover came to visit me this evening. He is perched a few yards from my front porch. His girlfriend is not in the pic, but she is a sho...

"Always A Bird Or Two"

Big Dover came to visit me this evening. He is perched a few yards from my front porch. His girlfriend is not in the pic, but she is a short distance from him. They are such good neighbors. 12-12-2018 Perryton, TX  
I sat outside for thirty minutes today with just a light sweeter on while waiting for my hair to dry. The sun was shinning bright, and a perfectly blue sky was untouched by not even a tiny white cloud. It was a perfect day. The birds were taking in the quietness, and were enjoying each other as they followed me with their eyes. The birds are a lot of
company to me, and I do take a lot of pictures of them. Sometimes it's one bird, and sometimes it's several which are perched on lines connected to poles, and it looks as though they are having a bird party. Very seldom do I see but one breed of bird in the same tree, or on a line. They all are interesting to me.

This has been a rest day for me I did cook spaghetti and meatballs, but didn't follow through on making yeast bread. I used light bread to make garlic toast for the spaghetti. Then I decided to forget about making an appointment for my hair, and did it myself. I had put it off too long, and didn't have a place here in town that I wanted to use. I put a rinse on, but decided not to cut it. I am thinking about letting it grow long, and keeping it straight. If I do it will be the first time ever I have let my hair hang straight. It was sun dried with a little wind, and it shines like midnight moon. I am daring myself to let it do it's own thing, but I'm sure trying. I might post a picture of myself later. It would be a lot less trouble, and I would also be in style.

I am getting bored, and would like to go out tonight, but I waited too long to get in the mood. Maybe I will luck out and get it back again soon. I rested too much today, and I need to work it off. Actually I just need to be with friends having a good time. I've been trying to add another regular escape date from my home besides the Citizen's Center, but just haven't fully decided which one to choose. I believe it will happen soon, and I am ready now. It's funny how sometimes you feel like you've hung the moon, and other times you feel like you've hung pig. The bottom line is I am happy at most anything I do.

It's time to say good-night, and I will see you tomorrow. Watch for a new me, because my appearance has changed.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "My Eyes Behold The Beauty Of God"

Jean's Comment's: "My Eyes Behold The Beauty Of God":            Love this early morning scene about 6:15 this morning. 12-11-2018 Perryton, TX I got up this morning at 6 o'clock. Thi...

"My Eyes Behold The Beauty Of God"

           Love this early morning scene about 6:15 this morning. 12-11-2018 Perryton, TX

I got up this morning at 6 o'clock. This view of the sun rising was beautiful. I am always glad to see the sun come up. I went to bed last night with a heavy heart after just learning one of my nephews has lung cancer, and it sounds like an in-treatable case. He is too young for his life to end so soon, but only God can change that. We can pray and trust God, but the victims must also have a change of heart, and ask for healing themselves. When we have known a person all of their life, and know the life they have lived, it is either easy, or hard, to believe God for their healing. Sometimes we just have to say, “God have mercy on this loved one, and speak to them personally. The bible does say, “Love covereth a multitude of sins.” I'm praying for a healed body, and a healed mind.” Sometimes I think I pray for more miracles than anybody, but I have had a lot of them answered. The biggest miracle I have had answered was when Christ forgave me, and accepted me for his own. I have been a believer in God for many years since that miraculous day. I truly believe it takes a one on one with Jesus to overcome the devil's temptations. The father of all demons will never leave you, because he is angry that you trusted God. It is certain that Satan can never win you back, if you will refuse to listen to him every time he speaks to you. God said He would never leave us either, so we have a choice to which one we want to follow.

I left this blog this morning to go to work, so eight hours later here I am to finish it. I did have a hard day, and am very tired, but feel good about all I accomplished. I'm winding things up before Christmas so I can fully relax, and enjoy my family. I will spend my evening watching comments made about the important meeting today between President Trump, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer concerning the wall. Nothing could possible be as interesting as this subject. In my opinion it is the most important thing being tackled at this time. We the people elected President Trump for the most purpose of building a wall. We have no country without a wall. I am confident our President will get it done some way. He is being led by the Almighty God, and God can do all things. I am a Christian warrior, and I will fight till the wall is completed. We just cannot let the evils take over our country. Satan is powerful, but he is no match for God. However, God expects us to fight for the good He has given us all if we will just trust him. I trust, and I will fight with all my might.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, December 10, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Merry And Sad Mean Total Confusion"

Jean's Comment's: "Merry And Sad Mean Total Confusion": The Christmas decorations at our Assisted Living Center are very beautiful. 12-10-2018 Perryton, TX   I visited the Perryton Assisted ...

"Merry And Sad Mean Total Confusion"

The Christmas decorations at our Assisted Living Center are very beautiful. 12-10-2018 Perryton, TX
I visited the Perryton Assisted Living Center today. It was decorated so beautiful, and the residents there seem so happy. I am thankful for a nice place for those needing a little help with their medicine, and a few other things to have a lovely, comfortable place to live. They are served three meals a day in a spacious dinning room, and the food is wonderful. This dinning room is more like a ballroom than just tables, and chairs, like a regular nursing home. I would recommend it to anyone needing a place to finish out their life in dignity. Of course no one would choose this place over their own home, but the time does come when it is necessary not to stay alone any longer. My prayers are with the residents, and the helpers, who make this place pleasurable.

I have been doing some finishing up on my own Christmas buying, and decorating. I still live alone, and am able to do most everything I always did, but just not as hunky-dory. The less I do to decorate the less I have to do to un-decorate. It's no fun to put everything away after Christmas is over, and I will be spending Christmas away from home. Chuck will be here to keep my place merry while I am gone. I am excited about spending Christmas with several of my children, and grandchildren.

The past two weeks have been nothing but watching television from morning till night. The Bush funeral was a full week of nothing but a final good-bye which was more exaggerated than I have ever seen before. I don't mean any disrespect to the Bush family, but I have to believe even the family were relieved when the last good-bye was given. In my opinion, the entire funeral was exhausting, and uncomfortable to many who attended with seating arrangements given them against their desire. I have heard many conversations since the last prayer was given, on what some people was taking in from viewing the service rather than listening to the speakers. The expressions on faces of those front seat present, and ex-chief individuals who were at one time the top officials of our country. Hands being passed with something in them, only to cause speculation about the differences between the then, and now, attendees. I thought it sad to hear so much speculation, even about the good, and bad things of the deceased ex President. To put it mildly this country is becoming a mockery of the Christian values it was founded on. This week I have been glued to the set waiting for an answer to why the director of the FBI, James Comey has failed to answer questions that was why he got fired in the first place. After six hours of behind closed doors of questioning, we still have no answers. What has happened to our Great country? Is there any hope? I am ready to call on the Almighty God to use His wrath on the evil men, and women who have almost destroyed our country.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Let Me Take This Picture Of What I See"

Jean's Comment's: "Let Me Take This Picture Of What I See": Looks like the ring-neck doves have invited some black birds to their Sunday morning church services. Never seen this before. Could this m...

"Let Me Take This Picture Of What I See"

Looks like the ring-neck doves have invited some black birds to their Sunday morning church services. Never seen this before. Could this mean America is coming together? 12-9-2018 Perryton, TX

What an unusual sight for me this morning. I have never seen two or more birds of different feathers flock together. This Sunday morning I glanced out my kitchen window, and saw such a thing. I'm sure the birds were worshiping their heavenly father as I saw their heads bowed. The ring-neck doves must have had a change of heart, and invited the black birds to worship with them. Notice the black birds are sitting in the back pews. My first thought was how nice it would be if all human religions could come together, and worship one God. At least we can dream of that very thing happening.

The Almighty God who created the universe is the only God who is real. He is our only hope when life seems hopeless. He is our only comforter when we are sick, and confused about which medicine to take. He is the Great Physician, and knows all about our troubles. He speaks loud and clear in His Word, “there are no other Gods but Me.” People who worship any other kind of symbols are wasting their time. They are called idols, and God said, “do not worship idols.” It is better for one to stay at home than to go to a church where only rituals are practiced. I believe every individual must enter into a one-on-one relationship with God. God will never tell anyone to do anything that seems strange to them. He sent His son, Jesus, to earth to die for our sins, doing away with all other strange ways of worship. Jesus is the New Covenant, and one has only to believe in Him, and follow the New Testament, (New Covenant,) to be accepted by God. An outward sign is only for man, and not for God. Although God does ask us to show an outward sign of an acceptance of Jesus Christ, known as baptism in the Holy Spirit. I believe every new born Christian should be baptized. Many of our churches of today are slack in keeping this command. I do not call baptism a ritual. It is a sign of a new birth, and only needs to be done once, no matter what denomination you belong to. I am speaking of true Christian denominations. I'm not saying that one should only be baptized once if the candidate did not feel satisfied with the first baptism. It is o k to renew their outward sign, and be dipped again.

I believe if Jesus cannot be felt in your church, then you are in the wrong church. He is the head of the church, and the people are the members of His body. Let us all be more aware of that statement made by God. We don't have to see Jesus in person, but we certainly must be able to feel his presence or we are in the wrong crowd. It is a good thing for a church to be organized, but not to the limit of no other way, but our way. No church is perfect, just like no human is perfect. Let us remove the judgmental attitude from our churches, and all come together in unity, and worship God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Christmas Rush Is Here"

Jean's Comment's: "The Christmas Rush Is Here":            The Sonic Drive Inn makes  great shakes. 12-8-2018 Perryton, TX I stopped at the Sonic Drive Inn today for a shake. It w...

"The Christmas Rush Is Here"

           The Sonic Drive Inn makes  great shakes. 12-8-2018 Perryton, TX

I stopped at the Sonic Drive Inn today for a shake. It was very busy, but their shakes are great. In fact every place I shopped today was busy. Christmas sells will probable be high this year, thanks to our wonderful President Donald Trump. He has already done wonders for America in just the two years he's been in the Oval Office. Our small town of Perryton is bringing in portable buildings to take care of extra students enrolled in the schools. The city is building a 15 million dollar new jail, and the hospital has just finished a high dollar expansion. It makes me wonder what is going to happen to the most wonderful country in the world known as The United States. Is it soon to be the poorest country in the world because of all the illegals being allowed to come here?

I was late getting to write this blog today and I need to post it before 6 o'clock so I apologize and hope not to be so busy tomorrow.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, December 7, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "An Angel Watches Over My Grandchildren Daily"

Jean's Comment's: "An Angel Watches Over My Grandchildren Daily": The angel lite up on top of the silverware chest is a gift from a granddaughter given to me 25 years ago. There was a note inside that rea...

"An Angel Watches Over My Grandchildren Daily"

The angel lite up on top of the silverware chest is a gift from a granddaughter given to me 25 years ago. There was a note inside that read, "grandma please keep this angel lite up and remember to pray for me every day. She was a very young wife and mother at the time. I have honored that request every day since. 12-7-2018 Perryton TX
Christmas time always brings many joys along with many tears. I have been busy this morning patching Chuck's jeans because I refuse to let him wear then with holes in the knees. He likes the knees showing, but I don't. Even If I bought him new ones he wouldn't wear them as long as he could get his old ones to hang on him. This is not a new trend with him. I think he started this trend when he was in high school. He is now 67. He now has lots of others enjoying that trend also. From grade school to social security age I see bare knees, and sometimes more. At least he never let his jeans hang down to his butt, and let his under ware show. These jeans were beyond iron-on patches. I used the better part of another pair of jeans to repair these. I was seriously doing a professional job which took over three hours, It brought back old memories when as a child I used to patch my dad, and brother's jeans. They were not like my son. They would rather to have had new ones, but our family couldn't always afford it. I could almost make my patch work invisible since they were so particular. I felt very professional. No wonder I got the job of sewing up a ball player's pants while in school He had ripped them from the crock down to the bottom of his pants. I was one of about fifteen girls taking home-economics in high school, but they brought the pants to me. It was the easiest repair job I ever did. Just had to sew the seams back up.

After I finished my patching this morning I had to cry, and thank God for so many precious memories. I immediately was reminded of this darling angel that stays lite up the year round. The granddaughter who gave me the angel is 44 years old, and still needs prayer every day. Without her faith in grandmother's prayer she might not be here today. She has managed to survive many terrible things that many of us has never had to. Only God knows how to diagnose her case, but I will always love the unfortunate person she was born with. I truly believe she has tried to be released from the pit she has lived in most of her life, but it is just too deep for her to climb out of. She was born a beautiful baby, and is now a beautiful slave of Satan. In spite of all his evil power he cannot take away her natural beauty. The angel light will remain lite up until either her death or her release from Satan. I think the door to her cage is open, but she cannot see it. Hopefully someday she will find it. She is either in a pit or a cage. Nothing is impossible with God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I Can't Wait For Christmas"

Jean's Comment's: "I Can't Wait For Christmas": Just can't let many days pass without putting a part of the beautiful skies on my blog. 12-6-2018 Perryton, TX I am too much of a na...

"I Can't Wait For Christmas"

Just can't let many days pass without putting a part of the beautiful skies on my blog. 12-6-2018 Perryton, TX
I am too much of a nature lover to let beautiful scenes like this go unappreciated. I was washing dishes at my sink when I noticed this gorgeous sunset through the kitchen window. I fell in love with it, and had to share. My albums are full of natural art that I have taken of the heavens above. A lot of them may seem duplicated, but actually every picture I have posted is one of it's kind. This sunset I posted today was taken last evening, It reminded me of a huge fire in the distance. I had to say good-bye, I'll see you again tomorrow night. Within minutes it was dark outside.

I went to bed hoping I could quickly drop off to sleep. It didn't happen, and like so many nights I fought with my pillow for hours. The last time I looked at my clock it was almost 3 o'clock. I don't take naps during the day, so I don't know why I can just sleep about four hours out of the 24. And that is not without waking up 3 or 3 times, and going to the bathroom. Amazingly, I always feel great when I wake up in the morning usually about 6 o'clock. I have tried several different things people have suggested for me to help me sleep, but nothing has worked. I absolutely refuse to take a strong drug to make me sleep. Almost every time I fall asleep the dreams start up. My life has been like this every since I lost my husband six years ago. I sleep in the same bed we slept together in for fifty years, excuse me, the same bedroom, but a different bed. I have changed mattresses a few times. Many times I reach over to touch him, but when I fully wake up I am the same old lonely person I've been for several years. Nothing will ever change that, because I cannot give into change. I am strong, and mostly happy, but I do have to work at it daily, and be very cautious not to get on the wrong road. I truly want to stay the better-half of my deceased husband, like he always told people that is who I was. That statement is more true now than ever. I really am just one-half of who I used to be.

I do count my blessings at night instead of stars, but sometimes it seems like there is more blessings than stars. I just have not yet been blessed with sleep. I am so thankful for a loving family who mean everything to me. I can't think about going off and leaving them, yet I can't think about any of them going off and leaving me. I hope for that great day of Christ's return for his children so we can all go up together. If not I am sure there will be something just as good that I don't know about.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "There Is Just Something About That Image"

Jean's Comment's: "There Is Just Something About That Image": Our church chose to use the shadow of the manger scene this Christmas. 12=5-2018 Perryton, TX   I was touched today when I drove by my ...

"There Is Just Something About That Image"

Our church chose to use the shadow of the manger scene this Christmas. 12=5-2018 Perryton, TX
I was touched today when I drove by my church and saw this display of the shadows of the manger scene. No strong colors, or bright lights to emphasise the figures. After all there were no electric lights back then, and probably not even a candle light. Jesus was born in a stable with only hay for his manger bed. I suppose his mother lay on the dirt floor of the stable. They were turned away from the Inn because there was no more rooms. This shadow picture made me realize just how uncomfortable the parents of baby Jesus must have been. Had the original manger scene been put up, I probably would not have felt a thing. I have seen it many times in the same styles, and colors. Today I thought oh my, there they are in real life. It became real to me that Jesus was actually born as a babe to save us from our sins. He was born in discomfort, just like he lived, and died in total discomfort. Oh! My God, let us all be moved this Christmas like never before. This could possible be the last birthday we can celebrate of Jesus.

I am trying hard to make Jesus real this Christmas, but the little girl is still in me that makes me want to joke about Santa Clause. I believed in that old guy until I was almost grown. It was so hard to give up the idea that Santa Clause was not real. Then when I did accept it, I wanted to keep up the fun of joking about him. I have played jokes on my family for almost every Christmas of their life. I have another fun joke planed for this Christmas. I especially remember the year that snow was deep all over the ground. My uncle lived in the country so we all went to his house for Christmas. It was hard to fight snowy roads, but we finally got there. We children were told that Santa would be late because of the snow, but he would be coming. Sure enough it was getting late, but not one child was going to sleep without seeing Santa Clause. I think our parents was thinking we would fall asleep, but it didn't happen. They didn't know what to do. Finally we were told Santa was coming, but he had to wrap a quilt around him so he could not hug us like usual. They told us he would leave the presents outside the door. We heard a knock, and we almost killed each other trying to get to the door. When we opened it we saw a big guy with a quilt wrapped all around him, and even his head was covered. He was walking away, but was trying to wave at us without us seeing who he was. It was our grandpa, but we believed it was Santa for years after that. The presents made us forget about not getting to see Santa. At least he had brought them to us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I See A Huge Light Bulb Over America"

Jean's Comment's: "I See A Huge Light Bulb Over America":    Does this look like a light bulb? Yes, high up in the sky. 12=4=2018 Perryton, TX   I could barely glance at this sun today because...

"I See A Huge Light Bulb Over America"

   Does this look like a light bulb? Yes, high up in the sky. 12=4=2018 Perryton, TX

I could barely glance at this sun today because of the blindness it caused. I closed my eyes, and hoped I got a part of it in the photo. I was surprised to see a perfect light bulb when I unloaded the camera. It has been cool here today, but the sun was extremely bright. We had frost on the trees, and ground this morning. I was so glad to see the sunshine after all the frost this morning. The birds are having a parade around the trees in my back yard. They seem to be celebrating also. I so wish the weather would stay this way till after Christmas. I will be traveling, and I don't like it when the roads are wet, or iced over.

I have finished my work for the day, and looking forward to a nice evening of having a fruit cocktail, with chip, and dips while I catch up on the news. The news is more about the behavior of our own American citizens (especially the leaders,) than anything else. There is so much hate, and disrespect till I wonder if America will ever be one nation under God with liberty, and justice for all, again. I am watching our President Trump extend the olive branch to the family of the deceased ex-president, George H. W, Bush with seemingly no appreciation in return. I realize it would be hard to accept defeat by a man whom you had not one bit of respect for, but we must realize we are only one of the millions who had a different view of the winning President. The rudeness some saw in the debate sessions were really just an honest man giving an honest opinion. He was not the normal political, hypocritical, person who was only interested in getting votes. It was because of his honesty, and his dynamic delivery there of, that made people explode with great cheers, and action to boot. Two years later these same people are still cheering, and many more have come on board. The world has gotten too mean to be that nice, pity-feeling president who is letting it ( evil power,) become center stage in our democracy. I, for one, am so thankful for the fearless, honest, crafty, and successful President God helped us elect.

I believe President George H, W, Bush made things right with God before he gave in to death. I do hope the rest of the family will find the grace to do so, also. But what's more I hope the millions of people who were disappointed in the actions of the Bush family during the election process, will also find the same grace. America needs to repent, and let God rule this country the way he chooses. He has chosen His leader, let us cooperate, and mend the fences,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, December 3, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Son Of God Asked Him For Strength"

Jean's Comment's: "The Son Of God Asked Him For Strength": When all else fails try Jesus. He accepted His cross, and paid for our sins. Happy Birthday Jesus. 2-3-2018 Perryton, TX   The human b...

"The Son Of God Asked Him For Strength"

When all else fails try Jesus. He accepted His cross, and paid for our sins. Happy Birthday Jesus. 2-3-2018 Perryton, TX
The human body Jesus shared while here on earth was just like yours, and mine. It felt pain, and was tempted by Satan just like we are. Although Jesus knew who He was, and had left his home in Glory to come to earth, to be brutally beaten, and eventually be nailed to a cross to die from swords that pierced His body; it was still the human in Him that tempted his spirit to plead for mercy. How on earth could anyone mock His birth, and death, by refusing to believe in Him? Some people say we have to honor other's faith, but I say I will never honor anyone's faith that doesn't believe in Jesus the Christ. I will respect those of unlike faith, but never honor it. If we as Christians don't speak out against other bibles being used, other than the Holy Bible, while taking the oath of office in the United States Government, we are simply not a true servant of God the creator of all. We also are not warriors of Jesus if we fail to uphold His commands. “Come follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19. To say the least we are not protecting our constitution from being trashed. It has held us together for over 240 something years, but it is in dire danger of being banished. Every America citizen over the age of 18 has a duty to fight for our constitutional rights, which is the ground work of Christians seeking freedom from all other religions that want to control the Christians. Reluctantly I have to say more of the younger, and the less concerned about the danger situation of their country, either didn't vote or voted out of curiosity instead of sincerity. What a shame for our colleges to teach that everything in America should be free. Somebody failed to get taught the basics of economics. I believe I learned in GRADE SCHOOL THAT NOTHING OF VALUE WAS FREE. One had to earn everything they got even as children. Children worked at home with helping do chores, tend garden, help can food, and process the meat after butchering, Excuse me, I know I will get many nasty words from this statement, but yes, meat was raised on most peoples farm. God created the eatable animals just for that purpose. The difference today is advanced technology, and an lack of cure for laziness. Send your kids to college to learn how to get more free stuff, and don't worry about the future.

America's only hope is in the mercy of God. He will, like always before, punish the evil ones, and save the righteous ones. I will say with all my bible knowledge, which is limited to say the least, I believe that many very high, used to be, ranking officials will see their deeds brought to justice. God is a God of His word, and He said all sin would be punished. I think the time has come for America to be rewarded for it's strong belief in the Almighty God. Do I hear an amen?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Divided By Non-Believers of Christ"

Jean's Comment's: "Divided By Non-Believers of Christ": From my kitchen sink window I took this pic this morning of birds gathering to have their Sunday morning church service. 12-2-2018 Perryto...

"Divided By Non-Believers of Christ"

From my kitchen sink window I took this pic this morning of birds gathering to have their Sunday morning church service. 12-2-2018 Perryton, TX

Even the birds of a feather flock together. No doubt this small group of birds are having their Sunday morning Church service. You see only one breed of birds in this picture. Wonder why? I am also told that when a mother bird lays her eggs, and sits on them to hatch, she knows how many eggs, and exactly which ones are hers. If she leaves the nest temporarily, and returns to find an extra egg she immediately throws it out. There are many breeds of birds just like humans, How can this natural idiosyncrasy be explained? Is it God's desire for all birds regardless of feather, to eventually flock together? I'm thinking of all the human breed that are fighting, and killing each other trying to become the number one breed of all. Then we have to remember the human breed became mixed even before Christ. It was one of the punishments God allowed because of sin, although God's Word did discourage the mixing of races. His Word declares, “be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” 2 Corinthians 6:14. By reading further in the chapter it explains more about how a Christian, and non-Christian, cannot have fellowship or communion with each other. Most races have their own religion because it is part of their nature, although all races are human. Then is it more understandable why humans of a faith should stick together with like humans of faith?

The great American dream happened when our forefathers ventured out to find a place where freedom could be lived, and worshiped to the Christ they believed in. They claimed the newly discovered 'land of the free,” and began to seek freedom from the country they left behind. Finally they received their independence, and continued to make this land the most Christian as possible. They wisely compiled a set of laws that would include all future humans who believed in the same dream as they, and agreed to abide by the constitution they had set in place.

The confusion has been over freedom to worship other God's instead of the Father God of Jesus Christ. Nearly two hundred and fifty years later, we are fighting like Christian warriors to keep our constitution in place. We, the American originals, have lost much of that precious constitution to non-believers of Christ. The battle continues as time goes by. There is war in God's Holy Temple. Humans of every race, and religion are fighting for power to rule this Great Land our forefathers died for. Unlike the birds of a feather, we the people can no longer flock together. We still have our bibles, but it will probably be just a short time till we no longer will be allowed to own them. Our guns will go, our bibles will go, and we will be prisoners of Satan. I am angry at those whom have betrayed our forefathers, and allowed the unbelievers of Christ to take over our country. May they all pay for their mistakes.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp    

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Life Before Anguish"

Jean's Comment's: "Life Before Anguish": President George H. W. Bush, and First Lady, Barbara Bush, wedding picture. My gift from them a few years ago. May they rest in peace. 12-...

"Life Before Anguish"

President George H. W. Bush, and First Lady, Barbara Bush, wedding picture. My gift from them a few years ago. May they rest in peace. 12-1-2018 Perryton, TX
Like many other of my deeply appreciated American servants, I hesitate to say good-bye to Ex-President George H. W. Bush. I feel like he has just been transplanted in the eternal flower garden where the flowers bloom forever. I did not always agree with President Bush. For many years I did agree on most of his decisions until age overtook him. Maybe it was a last minute whipping that I thought he gave our incoming President. I hadn't seen that happen to any of the past presidents, although I thought many deserved a good whipping. We all have a right to our opinion.

I was sent this personalized, signed wedding picture of George H. W. Bush, and Barbara Bush a few years ago. I have it hanging on my wall with several other past presidents who all have a special place in my heart. George H. W, Bush married a girl of wisdom, simplicity, self-respect, sincerity, and compassion. These are attributes that a handsome, honorable, young man saw in the girl that made her face beautiful. He waned to marry that girl as soon as possible. After a delay in the appointed wedding date, due to military changes, the future President, and First Lady, were married.

I think the most cherished part of Barbara Bush's character to me, was her sense of humor. However, she made no bones about giving her honest opinion, whether good or bad. I have said all of this to let you know how much I appreciate some of ex-President Bush's choices. “Behind every good man is a good woman.” This marriage has now ended, but will soon be reunited in Heaven. It took a long time for either of these two lovers to let go of their faithfulness to each other, but God's patience finally won. If only more of our younger boys, and girls, would let this couple's example be their choice for planning a marriage, the world would be a lot better off.

God bless the family of the long lived life of George H, W, bush, and wife Barbara, May they never forget the love shown to them by these two loving parents, and grandparents.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, November 30, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Christmas Season Welcome"

Jean's Comment's: "A Christmas Season Welcome": The thermometer on my porch shows 54 degree. It was suppose to have been much colder than that. 11-30-2018 Perryton, TX I was amaze...

"A Christmas Season Welcome"

The thermometer on my porch shows 54 degree. It was suppose to have been much colder than that. 11-30-2018 Perryton, TX
I was amazed at the nice day we have had today. Yesterday it looked like a bad cold front was moving in, and the weather report suggested that. It has been in the fifties all day. There is some wind, but not too bad to enjoy being outside some. It was comfortable with just a sweeter on. The sun has not been hid all day. Just clear skies, and a trace of white clouds. I truly am thankful for the part of the earth I live in. Very seldom do we have threatening weather like heavy snow storms, or tornadoes. I have never heard of an earthquake happening within several hundred miles form where I live. We did have a severe grass fire about two years ago, but that was one in many years. I'm not saying we can always expect to be safe from these acts of nature, but as long as we are mostly missed of such destructive happenings, I am very thankful. I also realize that any time a major force of destruction happens any where in America we all are affected in some way. Today we are hearing of the 7.0 earthquake in Alaska. We have yet to hear how much damage or if any lives were lost, but to say the least it was a bad, natural attack to an important part of our country. This particular event was definitely caused by an act of God. No human fault can be blamed for it, except if it was punishment for human disobedience to God. That may not sound politically correct by many, but it's time to recognize the Godly correctness. I believer these things happen to make people aware of a greater power than a group of ungodly politicians. I wonder how many more disastrous events will have to happen before people wake up to the fact that God is still in control.

My joy will never be taken from me permanently, because, “I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able, to do that which He's committed unto me until that day.” Yes, we must take time to grieve, and pray for the victims of unfortunate circumstances, but we must also keep the victory in our hearts. If God be with us, who can be against us? By faith we are saved, by faith we are healed, and by faith we are more than conquerors over sin. The best weapon we have to fight sin is faith. Sin is when we do things that our hearts tell us not to do, not what someone else's heart tells us what to do. When it's time to stop doing something that we are tackling, God will let us know before it gets out of hand. If only people would understand that, this world would be a much better place to live. Common sense is also a good weapon to fight sin. Let us use our faith, and common sense more, and leave other people to use their own.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Change Of Thought Today"

Jean's Comment's: "A Change Of Thought Today": This picture of the sun is not what I was seeing when I snapped the camera button. I saw a perfectly round-like ball of fire. Dark clouds ...