Monday, December 10, 2018

"Merry And Sad Mean Total Confusion"

The Christmas decorations at our Assisted Living Center are very beautiful. 12-10-2018 Perryton, TX
I visited the Perryton Assisted Living Center today. It was decorated so beautiful, and the residents there seem so happy. I am thankful for a nice place for those needing a little help with their medicine, and a few other things to have a lovely, comfortable place to live. They are served three meals a day in a spacious dinning room, and the food is wonderful. This dinning room is more like a ballroom than just tables, and chairs, like a regular nursing home. I would recommend it to anyone needing a place to finish out their life in dignity. Of course no one would choose this place over their own home, but the time does come when it is necessary not to stay alone any longer. My prayers are with the residents, and the helpers, who make this place pleasurable.

I have been doing some finishing up on my own Christmas buying, and decorating. I still live alone, and am able to do most everything I always did, but just not as hunky-dory. The less I do to decorate the less I have to do to un-decorate. It's no fun to put everything away after Christmas is over, and I will be spending Christmas away from home. Chuck will be here to keep my place merry while I am gone. I am excited about spending Christmas with several of my children, and grandchildren.

The past two weeks have been nothing but watching television from morning till night. The Bush funeral was a full week of nothing but a final good-bye which was more exaggerated than I have ever seen before. I don't mean any disrespect to the Bush family, but I have to believe even the family were relieved when the last good-bye was given. In my opinion, the entire funeral was exhausting, and uncomfortable to many who attended with seating arrangements given them against their desire. I have heard many conversations since the last prayer was given, on what some people was taking in from viewing the service rather than listening to the speakers. The expressions on faces of those front seat present, and ex-chief individuals who were at one time the top officials of our country. Hands being passed with something in them, only to cause speculation about the differences between the then, and now, attendees. I thought it sad to hear so much speculation, even about the good, and bad things of the deceased ex President. To put it mildly this country is becoming a mockery of the Christian values it was founded on. This week I have been glued to the set waiting for an answer to why the director of the FBI, James Comey has failed to answer questions that was why he got fired in the first place. After six hours of behind closed doors of questioning, we still have no answers. What has happened to our Great country? Is there any hope? I am ready to call on the Almighty God to use His wrath on the evil men, and women who have almost destroyed our country.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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