Saturday, December 29, 2018

"One Cook Several Instructors"

The chef is Kent, but he had several others telling him, more of this, and less of that. 12-29-2018 Perryton, TX
  It is so nice to be back home after nine days of Christmas vacation. I had a wonderful time with family, and am still feeling the thrill after getting back home. I was blessed in many different ways while there at Abilene TX. We are expecting great, and mighty things to happen in 2019. That's not to say we won't still have battles to fight, but we believe those battles are God's, and He will, like always before, fight them for us. We're just going along for the ride. This year is gone, but we can say it was a good one for us. Because we kept our feet on the ground, we are now ready to sail through 2019.

Kent cooked most of the Christmas dinner, but a lot of us were standing by making sure he did it right. Actually we were engrossed in his creative style of cooking. We got to do a lot of tasting while he kept adding more of this, and that, to his mixture for dressing. It was fun entertainment, and when finished and cooked, it was delicious. He served ham, beef chops, fresh green beans with new potatoes, corn, candied yams, cranberry sauce, dressing, and dinner rolls. For dessert he served pumpkin pie, and pecan bars. His assistant, and wife Angela, made sure all means of serving this special meal was top notch. The table was beautifully set with cloth napkins to match the tablecloth. My daughter, Rhonda, said the blessing, and the food enjoyed by all.

I stayed an extra day after Christmas to meet a special friend of my granddaughter who was there from California. I just had to make sure this friend was as nice as I had been told by everyone he was, since he is so interested in my granddaughter, and she is so proud of him. I was immediately convinced that everything I had been told was correct. He got my approval right away. These two graduated together from UT, but the job Ryan decided to take required him to spend a year in California. I am trusting that everything will work out for both of them, since her job is in Dallas.

To say I had a great time is not enough. This was a time I truly needed to get myself back together since I had been having a difficult time missing all my beloved deceased family during the Christmas season. Living alone is hard anytime, but especially at Christmas. Coming home I took an extra day and swung by my favorite place to get away by myself, and play the slots awhile. This was the finish to my great vacation with my family, that made me perfectly content. I have been satisfied all day, and thanking God for all his blessings to me. I am now ready for a New Year,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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