Tuesday, December 11, 2018

"My Eyes Behold The Beauty Of God"

           Love this early morning scene about 6:15 this morning. 12-11-2018 Perryton, TX

I got up this morning at 6 o'clock. This view of the sun rising was beautiful. I am always glad to see the sun come up. I went to bed last night with a heavy heart after just learning one of my nephews has lung cancer, and it sounds like an in-treatable case. He is too young for his life to end so soon, but only God can change that. We can pray and trust God, but the victims must also have a change of heart, and ask for healing themselves. When we have known a person all of their life, and know the life they have lived, it is either easy, or hard, to believe God for their healing. Sometimes we just have to say, “God have mercy on this loved one, and speak to them personally. The bible does say, “Love covereth a multitude of sins.” I'm praying for a healed body, and a healed mind.” Sometimes I think I pray for more miracles than anybody, but I have had a lot of them answered. The biggest miracle I have had answered was when Christ forgave me, and accepted me for his own. I have been a believer in God for many years since that miraculous day. I truly believe it takes a one on one with Jesus to overcome the devil's temptations. The father of all demons will never leave you, because he is angry that you trusted God. It is certain that Satan can never win you back, if you will refuse to listen to him every time he speaks to you. God said He would never leave us either, so we have a choice to which one we want to follow.

I left this blog this morning to go to work, so eight hours later here I am to finish it. I did have a hard day, and am very tired, but feel good about all I accomplished. I'm winding things up before Christmas so I can fully relax, and enjoy my family. I will spend my evening watching comments made about the important meeting today between President Trump, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer concerning the wall. Nothing could possible be as interesting as this subject. In my opinion it is the most important thing being tackled at this time. We the people elected President Trump for the most purpose of building a wall. We have no country without a wall. I am confident our President will get it done some way. He is being led by the Almighty God, and God can do all things. I am a Christian warrior, and I will fight till the wall is completed. We just cannot let the evils take over our country. Satan is powerful, but he is no match for God. However, God expects us to fight for the good He has given us all if we will just trust him. I trust, and I will fight with all my might.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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