Wednesday, December 12, 2018

"Always A Bird Or Two"

Big Dover came to visit me this evening. He is perched a few yards from my front porch. His girlfriend is not in the pic, but she is a short distance from him. They are such good neighbors. 12-12-2018 Perryton, TX  
I sat outside for thirty minutes today with just a light sweeter on while waiting for my hair to dry. The sun was shinning bright, and a perfectly blue sky was untouched by not even a tiny white cloud. It was a perfect day. The birds were taking in the quietness, and were enjoying each other as they followed me with their eyes. The birds are a lot of
company to me, and I do take a lot of pictures of them. Sometimes it's one bird, and sometimes it's several which are perched on lines connected to poles, and it looks as though they are having a bird party. Very seldom do I see but one breed of bird in the same tree, or on a line. They all are interesting to me.

This has been a rest day for me I did cook spaghetti and meatballs, but didn't follow through on making yeast bread. I used light bread to make garlic toast for the spaghetti. Then I decided to forget about making an appointment for my hair, and did it myself. I had put it off too long, and didn't have a place here in town that I wanted to use. I put a rinse on, but decided not to cut it. I am thinking about letting it grow long, and keeping it straight. If I do it will be the first time ever I have let my hair hang straight. It was sun dried with a little wind, and it shines like midnight moon. I am daring myself to let it do it's own thing, but I'm sure trying. I might post a picture of myself later. It would be a lot less trouble, and I would also be in style.

I am getting bored, and would like to go out tonight, but I waited too long to get in the mood. Maybe I will luck out and get it back again soon. I rested too much today, and I need to work it off. Actually I just need to be with friends having a good time. I've been trying to add another regular escape date from my home besides the Citizen's Center, but just haven't fully decided which one to choose. I believe it will happen soon, and I am ready now. It's funny how sometimes you feel like you've hung the moon, and other times you feel like you've hung pig. The bottom line is I am happy at most anything I do.

It's time to say good-night, and I will see you tomorrow. Watch for a new me, because my appearance has changed.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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