Sunday, December 2, 2018

"Divided By Non-Believers of Christ"

From my kitchen sink window I took this pic this morning of birds gathering to have their Sunday morning church service. 12-2-2018 Perryton, TX

Even the birds of a feather flock together. No doubt this small group of birds are having their Sunday morning Church service. You see only one breed of birds in this picture. Wonder why? I am also told that when a mother bird lays her eggs, and sits on them to hatch, she knows how many eggs, and exactly which ones are hers. If she leaves the nest temporarily, and returns to find an extra egg she immediately throws it out. There are many breeds of birds just like humans, How can this natural idiosyncrasy be explained? Is it God's desire for all birds regardless of feather, to eventually flock together? I'm thinking of all the human breed that are fighting, and killing each other trying to become the number one breed of all. Then we have to remember the human breed became mixed even before Christ. It was one of the punishments God allowed because of sin, although God's Word did discourage the mixing of races. His Word declares, “be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” 2 Corinthians 6:14. By reading further in the chapter it explains more about how a Christian, and non-Christian, cannot have fellowship or communion with each other. Most races have their own religion because it is part of their nature, although all races are human. Then is it more understandable why humans of a faith should stick together with like humans of faith?

The great American dream happened when our forefathers ventured out to find a place where freedom could be lived, and worshiped to the Christ they believed in. They claimed the newly discovered 'land of the free,” and began to seek freedom from the country they left behind. Finally they received their independence, and continued to make this land the most Christian as possible. They wisely compiled a set of laws that would include all future humans who believed in the same dream as they, and agreed to abide by the constitution they had set in place.

The confusion has been over freedom to worship other God's instead of the Father God of Jesus Christ. Nearly two hundred and fifty years later, we are fighting like Christian warriors to keep our constitution in place. We, the American originals, have lost much of that precious constitution to non-believers of Christ. The battle continues as time goes by. There is war in God's Holy Temple. Humans of every race, and religion are fighting for power to rule this Great Land our forefathers died for. Unlike the birds of a feather, we the people can no longer flock together. We still have our bibles, but it will probably be just a short time till we no longer will be allowed to own them. Our guns will go, our bibles will go, and we will be prisoners of Satan. I am angry at those whom have betrayed our forefathers, and allowed the unbelievers of Christ to take over our country. May they all pay for their mistakes.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp    

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