Thursday, December 20, 2018

"it's All In The Luggage"

                  Finally ready to load up. So glad I got it all done. 12-20-2018 Perryton, TX
It seems like I had to do a gillion things to get ready for a one week trip. I would rather take my cloths out of a closet than a suitcase. Then there were a dozen other bags with shoes, hair dryer, and curler. Medicine, cameras, I-phone and equipment, make up, hair brushes, toothpaste, and brushes, just to name a few. I honestly don't like to travel, although I am happy, and excited when I get to my destination. The worse part is just getting everything ready, and trying not to forget something. I never fail to wish I had brought something that I thought I wouldn't need. I am hoping for a good night's sleep so I will feel like driving the 300 plus miles tomorrow. I will be spending time with several members of my family, and I know that is going to be a blessed time.

When I return I will be thinking about what I can do for New Year's celebration. I'm sure that will involve another couple of nights away from home, but a much shorter trip. It's all still in the making as of now. I know for sure I am ready for a New Year. I cannot complain about the old one, but I just like new beginnings. I feel so positive about 2019. I believe our country will improve, and our President will be made stronger than ever. He has had a rough two years, and it's time for him to have a rest.

I thank God many times a day for what He is doing for our country. I ask Him not to spare any mercy for the evil, deep-state fighters who don't believe in God. I believe I will see that request answered more, and more every day. I also believe we have the right to ask God to destroy any, and all, of those who only want to destroy our President for making America Great again. They belong in the pit, and the sooner the better. Several of those such individuals have already been thrown into the pit, in my opinion. God is not through yet. Man will finally come to see that there is an Almighty God who is not all dumb, and let people mock Him by refusing to obey his word. Genesis 6:3 KJV. And The Lord said, “My Spirit shall not always strive with man.” I know several people who should be very concerned about this statement, and make haste to change their attitude. Some will, but many will not, according to God's word. A day of reckoning is close for many. Happy are those who trust in the Lord, and honor His word always. We all should live like today may be our last, but keeping in mind that God also said “Rejoice in The Lord, always.” I will rejoice today, and if I'm still here tomorrow, I will still rejoice.

Merry Christmas to all, and I will be back at my computer, God willing, in a week.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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