Tuesday, December 4, 2018

"I See A Huge Light Bulb Over America"

   Does this look like a light bulb? Yes, high up in the sky. 12=4=2018 Perryton, TX

I could barely glance at this sun today because of the blindness it caused. I closed my eyes, and hoped I got a part of it in the photo. I was surprised to see a perfect light bulb when I unloaded the camera. It has been cool here today, but the sun was extremely bright. We had frost on the trees, and ground this morning. I was so glad to see the sunshine after all the frost this morning. The birds are having a parade around the trees in my back yard. They seem to be celebrating also. I so wish the weather would stay this way till after Christmas. I will be traveling, and I don't like it when the roads are wet, or iced over.

I have finished my work for the day, and looking forward to a nice evening of having a fruit cocktail, with chip, and dips while I catch up on the news. The news is more about the behavior of our own American citizens (especially the leaders,) than anything else. There is so much hate, and disrespect till I wonder if America will ever be one nation under God with liberty, and justice for all, again. I am watching our President Trump extend the olive branch to the family of the deceased ex-president, George H. W, Bush with seemingly no appreciation in return. I realize it would be hard to accept defeat by a man whom you had not one bit of respect for, but we must realize we are only one of the millions who had a different view of the winning President. The rudeness some saw in the debate sessions were really just an honest man giving an honest opinion. He was not the normal political, hypocritical, person who was only interested in getting votes. It was because of his honesty, and his dynamic delivery there of, that made people explode with great cheers, and action to boot. Two years later these same people are still cheering, and many more have come on board. The world has gotten too mean to be that nice, pity-feeling president who is letting it ( evil power,) become center stage in our democracy. I, for one, am so thankful for the fearless, honest, crafty, and successful President God helped us elect.

I believe President George H, W, Bush made things right with God before he gave in to death. I do hope the rest of the family will find the grace to do so, also. But what's more I hope the millions of people who were disappointed in the actions of the Bush family during the election process, will also find the same grace. America needs to repent, and let God rule this country the way he chooses. He has chosen His leader, let us cooperate, and mend the fences,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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