Sunday, December 9, 2018

"Let Me Take This Picture Of What I See"

Looks like the ring-neck doves have invited some black birds to their Sunday morning church services. Never seen this before. Could this mean America is coming together? 12-9-2018 Perryton, TX

What an unusual sight for me this morning. I have never seen two or more birds of different feathers flock together. This Sunday morning I glanced out my kitchen window, and saw such a thing. I'm sure the birds were worshiping their heavenly father as I saw their heads bowed. The ring-neck doves must have had a change of heart, and invited the black birds to worship with them. Notice the black birds are sitting in the back pews. My first thought was how nice it would be if all human religions could come together, and worship one God. At least we can dream of that very thing happening.

The Almighty God who created the universe is the only God who is real. He is our only hope when life seems hopeless. He is our only comforter when we are sick, and confused about which medicine to take. He is the Great Physician, and knows all about our troubles. He speaks loud and clear in His Word, “there are no other Gods but Me.” People who worship any other kind of symbols are wasting their time. They are called idols, and God said, “do not worship idols.” It is better for one to stay at home than to go to a church where only rituals are practiced. I believe every individual must enter into a one-on-one relationship with God. God will never tell anyone to do anything that seems strange to them. He sent His son, Jesus, to earth to die for our sins, doing away with all other strange ways of worship. Jesus is the New Covenant, and one has only to believe in Him, and follow the New Testament, (New Covenant,) to be accepted by God. An outward sign is only for man, and not for God. Although God does ask us to show an outward sign of an acceptance of Jesus Christ, known as baptism in the Holy Spirit. I believe every new born Christian should be baptized. Many of our churches of today are slack in keeping this command. I do not call baptism a ritual. It is a sign of a new birth, and only needs to be done once, no matter what denomination you belong to. I am speaking of true Christian denominations. I'm not saying that one should only be baptized once if the candidate did not feel satisfied with the first baptism. It is o k to renew their outward sign, and be dipped again.

I believe if Jesus cannot be felt in your church, then you are in the wrong church. He is the head of the church, and the people are the members of His body. Let us all be more aware of that statement made by God. We don't have to see Jesus in person, but we certainly must be able to feel his presence or we are in the wrong crowd. It is a good thing for a church to be organized, but not to the limit of no other way, but our way. No church is perfect, just like no human is perfect. Let us remove the judgmental attitude from our churches, and all come together in unity, and worship God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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