Monday, December 17, 2018

"A True Story Never Grows Old"

There are some awesome Christmas decorations in my neighborhood this year. 12-17-2018 Perryton, TX.
  The best thing about Christmas decorations this year is it is not all about colored lights, and wreaths. I have seen some really interesting replica's of the birth of Jesus. One yard has a life-like wooden shed with stalls, and troughs where cattle feed. Real hay fills the manger where Baby Jesus is lying. Life size Joseph, and Mary figures with the three kings are standing looking on. It is so impressive, till one don't want to be in any hurry about leaving. Then the picture I have posted is two adult figures, but I guess I'm not familiar with that story. They are possible angels, although they appear to be just some kind of high authoritative persons. They stand on either side of the door like guards or something. Many more interesting scenes can be seen all over the city. I have not driven by these places at night, but I know it would be most breath taking when all lite up. I have to admit I am enjoying Christmas more this year than I have in a long time. Could it be God is telling us to enjoy while we still can? We all know our Christian beliefs are in danger of becoming obsolete. I have no worries of my own sorrow, but I certainly fear for my children, and grandchildren. I pray that God will have mercy on them. I feel like I have done all I could to teach them of the real meaning of Christmas. I have also taught them that according to God's word, someday the Christians would be persecuted, and even killed, if a bible is found in their possession. We are seeing that already happening, but it will get worse. I feel like the worse thing about my death will be knowing that my children, and grandchildren may be put to death over the belief that I taught them. And if they do deny Jesus, they will be punished also by the Almighty God, who will not allow His Son to be denied.

My best advise to everyone is be sure you have accepted Christ as your savior, and never, never deny Him, even in death. Have a talk with Jesus daily so you will not become a stranger to Him. I don't mean a talk mentally, but verbally. You may not see Him, but He is in your presence if you fully believe in him. He sees you, he hears you, and He will answer your pray if it be not related to selfishness. Once you have accepted Christ, you must prove it daily without any doubt to others. Not by words only, but by actions. It can never be a, turn it on, and off situation. Most of all if we will truly be faithful to God, He will be faithful to us, and get us through every problem we may face. We cannot ever tell God what to do. We must ask Him, and believe that He loves us, because He promised to never leave nor forsake us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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