Monday, December 31, 2018

"I Hope It Lasts Awhile Longer"

The only bible I ever read. As you can see it's been read many times. Tape on top of tape is barely holding it together. 12-31-2018 Perryton, TX
I have a suggestion for all Christians for a New Year's resolution. Tomorrow is the first day of the New Year, 2019. If you will do this you will build your faith beyond all imagination. Take you Holy Bible, KJV, place it near your bed with a sheet of typing paper folded, an ink pen, and your glasses if you need them. Starting with chapter one in the first book of the bible, Genesis, read the whole chapter before going to bed. Take your pen and write on the typing paper Genesis 1, cross it out, and mark 2. Read that chapter tomorrow night. Do this in consecutive order for the entire year. Read only one chapter a night no matter how short. or how long, they are. You probably won't finish the bible in a year, but continue on with the next year. After reading the chapter always kneel by your bed and pray. (talk to God personally, and sincerely, because He is real and hears every word you say.) Never start crying and ask for pity. When you cry your heart out, let it be for thanksgiving that He saved you by His Grace, and Mercy. Thank Him for listening to you, thank Him for answering you, if you have simply asked for forgiveness for sins committed today. Thank Him for wisdom you have asked for, You asked, He giveth. Ask Him to keep you, and your family safe and well. I don't believe we should ask God for anything that we specifically want, because He is our Father, and He knows best. If we will just pray for the things I listed, God will add to our desire, even though it may be something even better.

As you can see the bible I have posted is barely holding together, but it is worth a million dollars to me. Many of the pages have marks drawn under verses from years back when I was reading. Those marks meant something back then, but I cannot tell you what. That same verse could mean something different today. God speaks to us through His word, and we should always remember. I must have probably a dozen bibles in my home, but this is the only one I read. I've even noticed where I have marked a date with a minister's name on a sermon they preached on many years ago. Precious memories, how they linger.

I have never been this outspoken before about my experience with God, but I felt it was time to let people know without a doubt, that God, and His Son, Jesus Christ. is real, and I cannot do that without involving my own personal experience. I believe there comes a time in everyone's life that they have to have a personal experience with God. That is if they ever expect to find perfect peace, and wisdom to know the difference between right and wrong. There is no other way to find that satisfaction. and assurance until we get sincere with God. It's there for you, believe me.

Happy New Year

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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