Thursday, December 13, 2018

"I Am As Free As A Bird"

Birds flying in droves today across the street. The wind was high enough to let them sail. 12-13-2018 Perryton, TX 

I managed to get a few of the birds today as they flew in droves up the street. The wind was so high till all the birds had to do was raise their wings, and no camera was quick enough to get a picture of the dozens flying close together. I managed to get the tail end of one large flock. I don't know where they were going, but I'm sure to a warmer place. The temperature has been in the low forties with a terrific high wind. It's strange how Mother Nature has a way of taking care of her living creation. I can't imagine where this many birds, dozens, upon dozens zooming together in a long trail with someplace to go. I am glad I'm not a bird today.

I have had a good day visiting with my son. We just watched television, and recalled a few old memories. His memory is almost as good as mine, and do we ever have fun reliving some of the good ole times. I'm so happy to have this one son still with me. He is the only one of my four children who never moved away from me. He never married, and has always had health issues, but has always had many friends stay in touch with him. He seems to have a built-in source of information that attracts a lot of interest from those who know him. He is my oldest child, and is mostly different from the others however, they all are of a different personality. I can say his television stays on 24-7. I believe he has read the entire volume of encyclopedias. As little as one would think after being around him most of his life, he is very knowledgeable about the bible. Yes, the bible is something he seldom ever mentions except if he uses it to correct someone who he thinks is misinterpreting it. He never tries to prove his theory, but will not hesitate to offer it. I go to his house twice a week to help clean, and prepare food for him. He is also a good cook so I don't have to do much of that.

Tomorrow is my day to enjoy another type of pleasure. I feel like I will be getting up, dressing up, and showing up at the Senior Citizen's Center tomorrow. I have missed a few days lately, and it's time to get back to less serious business. I've been trying too hard to solve a lot of the political problems that we are dealing with. It seems as though no one in Washington D C pays any attention to me. I will just go back to my old funny as heck, friends at the Center. They don't care if anyone listens to them or not. They would rather be comfortable by letting someone else worry about our future. I have to say I couldn't agree with them more. I hope they saved my seat.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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