Monday, December 3, 2018

"The Son Of God Asked Him For Strength"

When all else fails try Jesus. He accepted His cross, and paid for our sins. Happy Birthday Jesus. 2-3-2018 Perryton, TX
The human body Jesus shared while here on earth was just like yours, and mine. It felt pain, and was tempted by Satan just like we are. Although Jesus knew who He was, and had left his home in Glory to come to earth, to be brutally beaten, and eventually be nailed to a cross to die from swords that pierced His body; it was still the human in Him that tempted his spirit to plead for mercy. How on earth could anyone mock His birth, and death, by refusing to believe in Him? Some people say we have to honor other's faith, but I say I will never honor anyone's faith that doesn't believe in Jesus the Christ. I will respect those of unlike faith, but never honor it. If we as Christians don't speak out against other bibles being used, other than the Holy Bible, while taking the oath of office in the United States Government, we are simply not a true servant of God the creator of all. We also are not warriors of Jesus if we fail to uphold His commands. “Come follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19. To say the least we are not protecting our constitution from being trashed. It has held us together for over 240 something years, but it is in dire danger of being banished. Every America citizen over the age of 18 has a duty to fight for our constitutional rights, which is the ground work of Christians seeking freedom from all other religions that want to control the Christians. Reluctantly I have to say more of the younger, and the less concerned about the danger situation of their country, either didn't vote or voted out of curiosity instead of sincerity. What a shame for our colleges to teach that everything in America should be free. Somebody failed to get taught the basics of economics. I believe I learned in GRADE SCHOOL THAT NOTHING OF VALUE WAS FREE. One had to earn everything they got even as children. Children worked at home with helping do chores, tend garden, help can food, and process the meat after butchering, Excuse me, I know I will get many nasty words from this statement, but yes, meat was raised on most peoples farm. God created the eatable animals just for that purpose. The difference today is advanced technology, and an lack of cure for laziness. Send your kids to college to learn how to get more free stuff, and don't worry about the future.

America's only hope is in the mercy of God. He will, like always before, punish the evil ones, and save the righteous ones. I will say with all my bible knowledge, which is limited to say the least, I believe that many very high, used to be, ranking officials will see their deeds brought to justice. God is a God of His word, and He said all sin would be punished. I think the time has come for America to be rewarded for it's strong belief in the Almighty God. Do I hear an amen?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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