Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "All Live Must Be Nourished"

Jean's Comment's: "All Live Must Be Nourished":                                 A bouquet is growing in my yard. 5-31-2017 Perryton, TX                                      Awaiting th...

"All Live Must Be Nourished"

                                A bouquet is growing in my yard. 5-31-2017 Perryton, TX

                                     Awaiting the humming birds. 5-31-2017 Perryton, TX

This has been an enjoyable day for me. I ate lunch with the Senior Citizens, and came home to relax for the rest of the day. The news on television continues to hold my attention. The family reunion I am suppose to attend next week has taken second place in my special events to attend. Next Thursday, the day I am suppose to leave, has been designated as the day ex-FBI director, James Comey will testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee. I understand part of it will be an open meeting. I have been waiting for this a long time, and now I probably will have to miss it. What should I do? I’m sure they need my impute. They just don’t know it. Anyway life never gets too boring now a days. I’m glad I work for myself, and don’t have to punch a time clock.

I took some time to work a little in my flower beds this afternoon. I must give them good care, or they won’t bless me. They are a joy to my soul. I have got most of the weeds out, and the flowers look so lively standing alone. We are suppose to get rain tonight, so that will help a lot. If not the sprinkler will definitely be turned on tomorrow. There is still volunteer plants coming through the ground, and I am anxious to see what each one will turn out to be. The birds drop waste from their gizzard and seeds they have swallowed often produces pretty flowers. Every summer I am surprised to see flowers that I didn’t plant. The sunflower is the most common of these swallowed seeds. Another interesting point in my yard is the humming bird feeder. I love to watch these little miracles humming around the feeder. Everything God created is a miracle. I love Him most of all.

I delivered my “God directed letter” to a terminally ill young man today just 22 years old. I handed the letter to his mother to read first. I have never met her son, and I wanted to know for sure that I was not mislead by my own feelings, and maybe doing the wrong thing. When one has decided to take no more treatments, because of the pain, and slim chance of surviving, it’s hard to comfort them. Especially a young person who has not had a chance to become independent. It really breaks my heart. I told his mother if it is God’s time to take him, and since he has decided to let go, I do not want to possibly bring back hope then have to give up again. This mother understood, and I’m sure she will make the right decision. It’s in God’s hand. I need not do anything else. It’s just that simple. Either God will let him live, or He will take him home. Please help me to pray for him. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, May 29, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Memories Forever"

Jean's Comment's: "Memories Forever": Charles and Myrtle Jean 50th Wedding Anniversary. Married February 2, 1950.Feb.2, Pic2000         Charles and Myrtle Jean's tombston...

"Memories Forever"

Charles and Myrtle Jean 50th Wedding Anniversary. Married February 2, 1950.Feb.2, Pic2000
        Charles and Myrtle Jean's tombstone. Ochiltree Cemetery Perryton, TX 5-29-2017
Our children's names on our tombstone. Chuck, Rick, Rhonda, Kent. Sharp. 5-29-2017 Perryton TX

How soothing it was today to visit the cemetery, and attend the Memorial services the VFW put on. It was so nice to view so many graves of so many friends I had known for years. I could almost see each one rise up from their graves and greet me. It did hurt, but I had to know they were really in a wonderful place receiving God’s blessings every minute of the day and night. I had the pleasure of remembering something about each one who had made an impression on my life. It was good to be among the dead today, for they are really still living, but just not in this old sinful world. I have lived in this city for 61 years, therefore I personally knew hundreds of those buried there. That place will be my bones next home also.

I haven’t been able to do anything today but visit the cemetery. The rest of the entire day has been spent reminiscing, and praying for some who are very sick, and are depending upon our prayers. This day has been special, and I wanted to make it that way all day. I like to think of it as a daydreaming day which I can imagine what it will be like in heaven. Tomorrow will be a day of getting back to the old grind of finishing our work here on earth. I have so many unfinished things that I truly want to complete before I give up. Sometimes I wonder why I start another project before I complete the one I have been working on. Then I am made to remember just like life it’s self, boredom has a way of taking over many times. A change is necessary to break the ugh. It’s funny how the old projects seem to redeem themselves and make new beginnings. I just need to not start another until I have fully satisfied myself with what I have already started. Maybe that’s why I’m still living because I have a lot of things to do yet. Lord, help me to hurry up and get everything done.

I just can’t explain my feelings today. I have been saddened, I have been encouraged, I have been thinking some of the evil that is spreading so vastly, and I have been shaken by the ungodly who seemingly have lost it all. Do we give up and die, or do we keep fighting for God? What glory does God get out of such an evil, murderous, nation? What could be the purpose of fear, suffering, hopelessness, and much more to little innocent children? What is it that when we pray for healing we receive it, but lack the faith to remove mountains? God is God, He is real, and He judges everyone. I will never doubt that, and I hope to keep my faith in Him to the highest level. Only by my daily prayers, and fear of losing my faith, can I keep what I now proudly posses. I hope to stay hid behind the cross.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Rose Of Paradise"

Jean's Comment's: "The Rose Of Paradise":                      So beautiful, yet so unable to destroy sin and evil. 5-28-2017 Perryton, TX There is no easy road for anyone to fol...

"The Rose Of Paradise"

                     So beautiful, yet so unable to destroy sin and evil. 5-28-2017 Perryton, TX

There is no easy road for anyone to follow from now on out. That is what I am hearing from my own instinct. The Word of God is my reason for feeling the way I do. I understand it to say in the last days perilous times will come. It is evident that perilous times are now upon us. Nothing about the news can be taken seriously. Unless one is listening with their own ears, and seeing with their own eyes, the person speaking, then it cannot be believed. Lies and more lies are filling the airways like never before. Evil is so thick you can cut it with a knife. This is because all those who don’t believe in the Savior, and Lord, Jesus Christ, is still trying to follow the Old Testament. There are also many who don’t believe in either The Old Testament or the New. They are dead on arrival when they declare this belief.

If reading the Old Testament you will see that killings were a daily thing with everyone. It is just kill, kill, kill. It does seem like to me that back then no matter how good a person tried to be, even the so-called good ended up wanting to kill them. And they did. It can’t get any worse than that, and that’s what’s happening today.  Killing was just a way of life in old times. It is no wonder God decided to send his son, Jesus, to earth to live, and die, for all sins. Many people have abused the Love of God, and made an mockery out of Him. I am speaking now to those whom say they believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ, but do not follow His teaching that He taught all of His earthly life. In simple words they wanted their cake and eat it too. Well they got it. They are facing a day of reckoning just like the Lord told them they would do. “What so ever a man soweth that shall he also reap.” This applies even to those who finally woke up to the fact that God is real, and there is no peace without Him. The seed had already been sown, and even though God forgave them for their sins, the harvest has to be reaped. Is there more than one harvest per year? No, but the conscience of man never will let them forget. It isn’t God still punishing them, it is the conscience He will give strength to overcome the past, but it must be reaped. Believe me, Got the Father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Spirit still demands our respect, and obedience. Otherwise we will be getting into trouble again.

This beautiful Sunday before Memorial Day has been an extra special day for me. I came away from church feeling so blessed, and I plan on sharing those blessings starting tomorrow. I will follow my instinct and do what I feel lead to do. That is to speak by letter to a young man whom I’ve never met before, but I know his mother. She is crushed for having to give up her young son to an in-curable  cancer. A family of wonderful people, and one has to wonder if this is a test from the believers to use their faith in God to heal, or is this one of the times God says, “do not question me.” Since I don’t know for sure, I’m going to do my part to keep this young man with us. Help me pray, please.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Just Plum Evil On This Sinful Tree Of Destruction...

Jean's Comment's: "Just Plum Evil On This Sinful Tree Of Destruction...:                This is not a grape vine. It is a delicious plum tree. 5-24-2017 perryton, TX The entire tree is covered with these plums...

"Just Plum Evil On This Sinful Tree Of Destruction"

               This is not a grape vine. It is a delicious plum tree. 5-24-2017 perryton, TX
The entire tree is covered with these plums. Can't wait for them to ripen. 5-24-2017 Perryton, TX

The hard hail storm we had a few weeks ago didn’t knock off all the plums. We still have a full crop of them that will be ripened in a few days. The rest of the fruit didn’t survive as well. The few apples that’s left on the trees are hail damaged, and will be unfit to eat. All cherries are gone. Blackberries are ok, but rhubarb is beaten up badly. They survived a late freeze, but not a hail storm. I would hate to be in a farmers shoes. They face drastic crop damaging disasters every season. If all goes well, and they make a good crop the farmers can make a lot of money. On the other hand if their good luck fails them they lose a lot of money. At least my fruit is just an extra blessing. I don’t depend on it for money. Sometimes here lately I feel like I need a hay bailer to cut my grass. The rain just keeps coming. With all the fertilize I put on it, and all the rain, the grass is not only tall, but thick. It takes three days after the rain before the grass is dry enough to cut. By then it has rained again. What an unusual year we are having. The cool wind don’t allow me to trim what I can with the hand trimmers. Places where the mower won’t go. Or the weed eater either. Just looking forward to a brighter day.

I just have to express my level of faith at this time. It has seemed for sometime now that America was too filled with evil Democrats, and a Democrat President to ever recover. By the will of God America was able to elect a Godly man to fill the presidency after eight years of every kind of law breaking act by the Democrats and their president. The network of evil was still so great until at times our faith was severely tested. Every day more unbelievable documents were discovered to prove that the swamp was much larger than at first imagined. Our president kept fighting, and would not be beaten down beyond  getting up and fighting harder than ever. The Trump backers kept praying harder than ever also. At this time today I am learning that more proof has been discovered to show that President Obama committed serious acts of criminal activity against many Americans that could send him to prison for life. Of course the evil fighters are still swinging with all their might, but I truly believe that the time has come to get these traitors prosecuted. There are a bunch of them, and many have already decided they better run for safety. They should be punished, all of them, even the so-called republicans who are guilty of some of this evil crime. There is power in prayer, and millions are praying for God to use our President to drain this terrible large swamp. This prayer will be answered, and I have no pity for those who have been so evil. Dear Christian brothers and sisters, don’t be discouraged, the time has come to give it all we got, and that is enough to stop every evil foe Democrats, Republicans, Independents, or illegal alien that has betrayed us. Don’t start feeling sorry for those who have been so wicked in trying to give our country away to the enemy. They will have to confess, but will use every excuse in the book to justify themselves Let us let God be the Judge as to their punishment. He is just, and needs no help from us in deciding the punishment phase.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Jean's Comment's: :"Roses Help To Cheer Us On"

Jean's Comment's: :"Roses Help To Cheer Us On": Before the rain last night that knocked off so many pedals, this rose bush was beautiful. 5-23-2017 Perryton, TX Another nice, cool, wet...

:"Roses Help To Cheer Us On"

Before the rain last night that knocked off so many pedals, this rose bush was beautiful. 5-23-2017 Perryton, TX

Another nice, cool, wet day today. The rain is beating the rose pedals to death. The ground is covered with colorful rose pedals. The yellow and white ones are showing signs of rust. When it stops raining they will put more blooms back on, and will be pretty the rest of the summer. They crown my personality with pride bringing joy to my heart. Each morning when I wake up I have to go out and greet them with a “good morning” smile. Then I am ready to start my day. A pot of coffee, and a couple hours of news  gets me ready for breakfast. From then on it’s just hit or miss. I never know what I will be doing before the day ends. Except the things that stay on my daily calendar. For the past few months I have been glued to my television set. I do try every day to enter into a discussion on the internet with other concerned citizens who are putting forth an effort to help our President  make America great again. At least I don’t decline from that responsibility. I believe every American citizen has a duty to stand up for the good of our country. Unconcerned, lazy, and ignorant souls don’t deserve a part of the good that comes when the rest of us work our buns off trying to fight the evil that is about to overtake us. I’m sorry, but this is my honest opinion.

At the end of the day I am tired and tense, but I feel as If I have fought a good fight. It’s time to go to bed and sleep several hours. Is this what life is all about? I can’t find any other reason in the bible that God put us here for. I am led to believe when God created the earth his plan was for man to live a perfect life and enjoy all the good things He created. However God also created Satan. Why? It was Satan who tempted Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit which caused sin to enter God’s perfect paradise. From that moment on man would have to toil and suffer to live. It has been a constant battle between good and evil every since. God did create pleasure, and prosperity for those who put Him first in their lives, but He did not make anyone sinless except His son who died for all of us. Yes, even Jesus Christ fought evil all His life on earth, then died a cruel death upon the cross. Will we ever understand God’s plan for humanity? We all have that hope within us. Until then we must bear our cross and follow Jesus. In my opinion life without Christ would be the most terrifying thing that ever happened to man. I call out His name several times a day so as not to take him for granted. He knows every time I call Him. Call it what you may. I call it obedience to the Great Creator.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Purity Of The Rose"

Jean's Comment's: "The Purity Of The Rose": The white rose is a symbol of purity. I love my doorstep white rose bush. 5-22-2017 Perryton, TX                    Come on in if you wi...

"The Purity Of The Rose"

The white rose is a symbol of purity. I love my doorstep white rose bush. 5-22-2017 Perryton, TX
                   Come on in if you will. You are welcome in my house. 5-22-2017 Perryton. TX

A brief story of the Sacred Rose.

Christians view roses as reminders of the Garden of Eden, a paradise in a world that reflects God’s design before sin corrupted it. Roses have long served as a symbol of the Virgin Mary. Mary is known as the “mystic rose” or the “rose without thorns” because of her role as the mother of Jesus Christ.

Before sin entered the world and corrupted it, tradition says that the Garden of Eden featured roses with no thorns and thorns appeared after humanity sinned. My thought is that everyone should have a rose garden in their yard.

A light rain last night has watered the yard, and made everything look so fresh. I love the rain without the hail or tornados. My grass and flowers love it too. We just need some dry time to get the yards mowed. This spring season has been extremely unusual. First it was severely damaging ice storm occurring in mid spring. Then devastating fires ignited and spread over thousands of acres surrounding our community and others as well. Thousands of head of stock were destroyed as well as some lives and homes. Then we had a terrible damaging hail storm that caused most homeowners to have to replace roofs and other property. We have had tornado warnings a few times, but so far we have been spared from an actual touch down. We have had a record breaking of rainy days, although the moister level may not be as such. This 22 day of May, I still turned my heater on this morning. The temperature was 62 degree when I got up. Some of us are too fearful of the weather to leave our homes very far behind. So goes the world of surprises, and unusual devastating news.

I just got a bit of something with shocking meaning as I left my computer to speak to a repairman outside. I must hurry with this blog and go find out what this latest, devastating, news is all about. Hear me people, amidst all the wonderful things our President Trump has, and is accomplishing, Hell is still fighting with all it’s might to stop him. How many lives will have to be given up before the battle against good and evil will be settled? This world-wide war is not because of President Trump, it’s in spite of him. God has given the righteous people a chance to survive, but we the Christian believers must join him in this mean, evil, and deadly attempt to nullify every aspect of our Constitutional rights, including our people’s Congress. Many of our highly respected, successful, powerful, elected officials are beginning to give into the evil powers that are becoming too Satan inspired for them to endure any longer. Are you and I strong enough to face Satan, and deny him victory over our country? This may be the beginning of the Mark of the Beast the bible speaks of. I personally have had a couple of encounters with this evil spirit that comes to attack us in a dream. I am sure it was a warning of more would be coming if I didn’t let up from my backing of President Trump. Of course I could not survive these attacks without the power of God in my life, but with that a surety I will be saved.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Revealing Time Of Prophecy"

Jean's Comment's: "A Revealing Time Of Prophecy": President Trump speaking to muslim countries. A great historical speech. 5-21-2017 Perryton, TX                      King of Saudi Arab...

"A Revealing Time Of Prophecy"

President Trump speaking to muslim countries. A great historical speech. 5-21-2017 Perryton, TX
                     King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz. 5-21-2017 Perryton, TX
                  Many countries represented at this historical meeting. 5-21-2017 Perryton TX

Halleluiah,  Halleluiah, I missed church this morning. I didn’t plan it that way, but President Trump’s speech came latter than I thought. I could not of missed it for anything. I had my dish ready for church dinner today, but now I will have to eat it by myself. The President’s speech left me in wonderment. My mind was going a dozen different directions.

I have been studying the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel. Several things I have read in this book seems to be fulfilling what I am seeing today in our troubled world. 1 Samuel chapter 28, is emphasizing the battle between the Palestinians, and the Israelite's that has been going on for centuries even before the birth of Christ. It is my understanding of the bible that this is a long standing war over the Muslims being denied the right, according to the law, to inherit the wealth of Abraham since the first son born to Abraham was a Muslim, but illegitimate The Muslims claimed that right even though Hagar, the mother of Ishmael, was not Abraham’s wife. The first son born to Abraham was supposed to inherit his wealth. That was the law at that time, but Abraham’s first son, Ishmael,  was cast out because of Abraham’s wife Sarah. Abraham later had a son by his wife, Sarah, an Israelite named Isaac.  Isaac inherited the wealth of Abraham and war has been going on between those two states every since.

Now our President Trump is undertaking the, almost impossible, task of bringing peace to these two states, of thousands of years of conflict. I am not a prophet, but if this attempt works out, I will have to say I have missed something in the bible. I am reminded of the scripture that says, beware when men declare peace and safety, then sudden destruction will come. 1 Thessalonians 5:3. I don’t mean to be an optimists, but I’m wondering if perhaps there can be such a thing as an Islamist democracy. I firmly believe President Trump is a call from God to carry out His plan, but who is smart enough to know God’s plan in a time like this? I will never change from my original belief that God is to be feared, and praised, every day of my life. He can change this world in a twinkling of an eye. I cannot say what tomorrow holds, but I can say I know who holds tomorrow. Peace comes from within, and not from without. My peace from within comes from trusting God. I trust Him to protect our President, and Vic-President, and then the rest of us will be protected also. At least those who were on the right side. The sides being good or evil. I think I have been shown the good side and I know the difference clearly. My dear friends this is not just a time of bickering and disagreement. It is a time of preparing for that great and notable day when the sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon turned to blood. Acts, 2:20.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Friday, May 19, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "It's Down To Only One Day At A Time"

Jean's Comment's: "It's Down To Only One Day At A Time": More perennials blooming today. Making my flower garden come alive. 5-19-2017 Perryton, TX            A bloom here and there soon turns ...

"It's Down To Only One Day At A Time"

More perennials blooming today. Making my flower garden come alive. 5-19-2017 Perryton, TX
           A bloom here and there soon turns into something beautiful. 5-19-2017 Perryton, TX

This day has mostly been a, “taking care of business day.” I haven’t had much time for anything else. I just wanted to show off my pretty orange perennial that is loaded with nearly open blooms. I am so anxious for more blooms to pop open on several different kinds of flowers in my flower garden. It is cool today, and the wind is blowing too much to be comfortable outside. I need to be working out around the flowers as they are about to be overtaken with weeds. The rain has caused me to get behind. But I do love pretty green grass and colorful flowers.

I had several things on my, to do list, today that I finally got done. Two of my night lamps that requires special type bulbs had burned out. I had put it off for awhile not knowing where to go to find them. I got that problem taken care of today. I bought groceries, and paid the contractor for my roof bill. I had a few other errands to run, then I came home and started to clean out the file cabinet. That is the most tiring job of all others. With five drawers of files, I just have four more to go through. Then I have to start on boxes. There goes most of my precious memories. It’s sad that no one wants them but me. I can’t take them to heaven with me, so out they go.

I have had a long, wonderful life. Yes, I have had lots of tests and trials to go through, but with God by my side I made it fine. I feel blessed to have four wonderful children who are all grown with children of their own, and are enjoying a prosperous life also. My children are happy, and therefore I call them prospering children. Money cannot buy happiness. I’m thankful that my children know that. Love is free, and there is plenty of it. Forgiveness is easy if one has the love of God in their heart. Bad memories can be buried if one will dig a big hole. And unless we do, we will always be haunted by them. Why would we keep them around? Because we didn’t want to forget. Sad, and bad business. Good memories are rewarding, but only in memory. They just make us cry, and maybe regret the loss of that good ole time when! It’s time to put aside all boasting, and pride, and think of how we can make the world a better place tomorrow. Where ever that leads us, there let us go. Someone may be following in our tracks. If we fail, they fail. For someone else’s sake let us be strong, and pray for the Lord’s guidance every day. We cannot fail if we truly trust God for wisdom and guidance. We may seem useless at times, but God blesses the meek, and humble, whether we know it or not. Our countenance is sometimes the thing God needs to speak to hearts.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Thank God For A Roof Over My Head"

Jean's Comment's: "Thank God For A Roof Over My Head": Today I got a new roof put on my house. Hail damage replacement. 5-18-2017 Perryton, TX I am happy with the new roof put on my house tod...

"Thank God For A Roof Over My Head"

Today I got a new roof put on my house. Hail damage replacement. 5-18-2017 Perryton, TX

I am happy with the new roof put on my house today, due to the recent hail storm. The old roof was ripped off and the new one put on in eight hours. A nice job, and I am well pleased. Just another blessing from the Lord. It had been approximately seventeen years since we had a roof put on. We had never had a leak, but it was time to replace . I will get the other house roof replaced next week. This roof contractor is nice to deal with. I have to think about when we no longer will have to pay high premiums on insurance to cover our homes because our eternal home will all be free. That’s something to look forward to.

I’m almost ashamed to say this, but I have hardly left my recliner today but just long enough to go the bathroom. So many unbelievably bad things are happening to our President, and our country till I cannot miss a single moment of the news. I believe without a doubt that one-half of our country has been turned over to a reprobate mind. That is a job that only God can do. The bible reference is Romans 1:28. Definition  Those whom God has rejected as Godless and wicked.

Romans 1:28-32.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind,   to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers,  Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient, to parents,  Without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful; Who knowing the judgment of God, that which commit such things are worthy of death, not only to the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Can you imagine the feeling to think that God might have rejected you? Yet it seems to me as so many of the liberals in our society today fit into that definition of a reprobate mind. It’s hard to see any good thing at all in millions upon millions of dysfunction human efforts trying to destroy anything that God loves. Can God still find enough Christian believers who will work with Him to unmask all the evil doers? It’s time to raise your hands to God, and keep your promise to fight for His good till death do us part. We have no choice if we want to be saved in the end.

I don’t know how far this phase in our lives will last, but we are definitely experiencing a time of great change. Are we ready for the show down? I don’t think we have much time left to get ready. I am agreeing with Rev. Franklin Graham when he said with great emotion, “get up and fight for God. We must do it now.” This fight is not about Party, it’s about God. Answer the call today.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Cute Picture An ugly Picture"

Jean's Comment's: "A Cute Picture An ugly Picture": I'm sorry this little dog didn't show up better. He was about to drive off and leave his passengar behind. 5-16-2017 Perryton, TX ...

"A Cute Picture An ugly Picture"

I'm sorry this little dog didn't show up better. He was about to drive off and leave his passengar behind. 5-16-2017 Perryton, TX

When I left the Citizen’s Center on Mother’s Day I noticed this car with the motor running and some kind of figure at the wheel. Upon further notice I saw this little Papillon dog standing at the stirring wheel. His paws were wrapped around the wheel. About that time a lady walked up smiling at my amazement. I said to her, “you were just about to get left behind.” She said, “that’s my baby.” I took a picture of this cute little dog trying to figure out how to drive off. It doesn’t show up too well, but can be seen a little. I don’t know if the lady left the dog in the car with the motor running all the time she was inside eating, or whether she had just left for a short time. It was a cute sight, and I had to take a picture.

Yesterday I had several things going on and didn’t get a blog posted. Today I am watching for  a tornado which was sighted a short time ago about nineteen miles west of where I live. I believe it has gone around us now, at least I hope so. I decided to come to the computer and type a few words. Before I’m finished there will probably be another one spotted close by. There are the natural storms, then there is the human made storms that is constantly threatening the destruction of our entire world. Everyone is aware of the evil, non-relenting, liberal media that is banking on putting our President out of the White House. Whatever it takes they will not give up. I could give them some real news if they want more attention. Millions upon millions of God-fearing, and God believing Christians, have put this President in power, and there is where he will stay. This America, biased, liberal media may be the cause of an entire world wide war, but the victor is still in our White House and will come forth as gold. There are enough good people to lift him up and hold him so high till he cannot be torn down. Thank God for His Almighty Power. We are living in a time when a human life means nothing more than a fly’s life. This has got to change, and it will before God is finished. We have a President with committed, loyalist, cabinet members who will fight for him to their death. Not even to mention all the millions of loyal Americans who are fighting for him. Of course we get attacked every day if we take a stand for God, but we have the Almighty Power on our side. We may get wounded, but we will survive and get back to the fight.

All fence straddlers need to exit to one side or the other. You cannot be on both sides, and you cannot be counted if you are not on the ground. Let us see your team name. Otherwise you will be wiped out with the evil ones. It is just that bad, dear friends.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Mother's Day Bash"

Jean's Comment's: "A Mother's Day Bash":           A full house for Mother's Day dinner today at Citizen's Center. 5-14-2017 Perryton, TX Well over a hundred people cel...

"A Mother's Day Bash"

          A full house for Mother's Day dinner today at Citizen's Center. 5-14-2017 Perryton, TX

Well over a hundred people celebrated Mother’s Day at the Center today. It was a real bash. Besides the wonderful food, happiness, and excitement were the two main attraction. I have to say this was a very, happy day for me. None of my children were here with me, except Chuck, who lives here, but they all called and sent lovely cards. Since I know most of the people attending the dinner today I felt almost like being with my extended family.

We had a great church service today also. A missionary from Kenya was our guest speaker. Our church has supported this missionary on this isolated colony for over 25 years. He told us about some things they had accomplished which was good news, but the hard way they had to work and manage to get there was heartbreaking. This missionary, who is white, lost his wife while laboring in Kenya in 2004. Four years later one of the native Kenya women he worked with caused a spark to flare in his eye and, they were married soon after. The last time he was here he had his new wife with him, but today he just had her picture. She stayed behind to care for their twin boys who were in a boarding school and graduating this year. What a blessing to hear this missionary so full of greatness for all the support the churches has given them. The last project he and his wife started grew from zero Christians to 33, and in a shot time the number is now over 1,000. This makes us want to shout to the housetops. The last time this missionary was with us it was a Sunday when we were having dinner at church. I got to visit with him for quite some time about his daily life in Kenya. Since our president at that time, Barack Obama, had written a book with a lot of his interest focused  on Kenya, I had to bring up the subject. I learned that our President was not that well liked in Kenya. At least by a lot of people. Since today was Mother‘s Day I didn‘t tarry to visit with the missionary.

I left church feeling so blessed for all the privileges I share in today living in America; But I must remember we are fighting every day to keep these privileges. I encourage every Christian to brace for a tougher time than we’ve ever know before. Nothing short of God will help us keep our freedom, and most of all our right to put America first. That is in language, Jesus Christ, and the great American flag. Not to be left out is our constitution, and it needs no more amendments to it. It’s been working for us for nearly two hundred and fifty years. Let’s keep it as it is. God has given us a President, and vice President who is doing a great job in restoring respect for America. I urge all true Americans to get behind them and guard them with their own lives.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, May 12, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Another Day Another Rose"

Jean's Comment's: "Another Day Another Rose":                  Crimson roses are so pretty. Many buds on this bush. 5-12-2017 Perryton, TX My morning has been very busy with making ...

"Another Day Another Rose"

                 Crimson roses are so pretty. Many buds on this bush. 5-12-2017 Perryton, TX

My morning has been very busy with making calls trying to collect information for the update of our family history book. Many times I have to leave a message which don’t always get returned promptly. I’m glad I’m only having to do my own immediate family. Life can be frustrating enough just trying to deal with all the latest technology without having to deal with modern, human advanced, brains producing troubling ideas.  I believe this younger generation has lost their best asset. That is their consideration, and respect, for their supporters while they were yet wet behind the ears. How quickly they have traded their life long guarantee of priceless  advise, for an I-phone that tells them which way to go, but not what to do when they get there. They keep searching for this important devise, but nothing can ever replace the wisdom of an aged, born-again Christian. How little do they know that the persons they are denying a trashing to, has a built-in detector devise that shows them the foolish mind these instrument users really has. It’s sad to say, but many would be, intelligent, younger members  has looked the wrong direction when the I-phone did all it was supposed to do. They grope around hoping another devise with more advanced light will soon be invented. I believe in modern, scientific technology, but never trade your God-given mind for even the best of such. God uses the mind to guide us to His outer space, which is far more advantageous than the human devise.
So there is a balance in Superpower, and human power. It takes a little of both to live the happy, peaceful life of success.

I never know what my tomorrow will bring, but I know I will be ready to face it if I am left here. Some days are good, some are bad. My bible tells me it has always been that way even with God’s anointed ones. No manner of modern, scientific technology will ever replace the power of God. Only the foolish could ever believe differently. So to my dear, sharp-shooting, I-phone addicts, God Bless you, and may you finally recover from the messed up life they have given you, all because you have lost your first love. It will not get better with time unless you realize God is much more important than a simple I-phone glued to your hand. Let me be clear I am very appreciative of all the latest help I have with advanced computer, and the technology it offers, but I don’t hold an I-phone in my hand while I shop looking at my grocery list. Nor do I visit with someone while I grocery shop about lengthy discussions, making others look around thinking they are being spoken to. Nor do I text while I am driving. I don’t even talk while I drive unless it’s just to see if I have an emergency call. This is my words from my own conscience, and everyone has a conscience, so don’t think I expect everyone to agree with me. I just use my conscience to cast my vote.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Growing Mother's Day Bouquet"

Jean's Comment's: "A Growing Mother's Day Bouquet":                       Front door roses. Mother's Day blessings. 5-11-2017 Perryton,TX I couldn’t be more happy this morning with ha...

"A Growing Mother's Day Bouquet"

                      Front door roses. Mother's Day blessings. 5-11-2017 Perryton,TX

I couldn’t be more happy this morning with having these sweet-smelling roses gracing my door steps. This is pre-Mother’s day week, and I feel so loved by everyone. A card from my youngest son in the mail box this morning was beyond any love a son can give a mother. It had to originate in heaven. I have been elevated to the highest degree of appreciation from my son. I feel unworthy. Why has God blessed me so much with my children? I will fight for them, and pray everyday for God’s blessing on them. I also want to wish every mother out there a very happy Mother’s Day.

The Lord is shinning His Love on me in so many different ways. Things I have been worried about are turning out to be minor without any doubt. I have learned that my plans can be changed from day to day without any unfortunate happenings. Always to my delight. I don’t claim to have the world by the tail, but I do claim that my Heavenly Father does. I love Him, and proudly introduce Him to all my friends. “The Lord is my Sheppard I shall not want.” John 3:16. He is also everyone else’s Sheppard if they will believe in Him. So many times naughty children are ashamed to call upon their Heavenly Father. Sometimes because they don’t want to change their naughtiness. Other times they feel like they have been too naughty for their Heavenly Father to forgive them. First case, their life will get more and more entangled without a change. They can deal with their punishment much better if they will make a change. (The punishment being guilt that follows the repented soul. It’s not any more punishment from God, but the Satanic fear that everyone has to deal with.) Second case, no one deserves the love of the Father. The human mind interferes with the spiritual mind of God. Any human has to first become as a little child scared to death to find themselves lost in a wild animal forest before they can reach God. The little child  screams for help. The sinner must silently scream for help. The Father hears without the sound, and comes to the rescue. Any normal person who has experienced this fear will never be so reckless with their lives again. They remember the horrible feeling of being lost in that deathly moment of hopelessness.

For any who did not have a birth, nor an adoptive mother to raise them, I would greatly sympathize with you, but some lady in your life surly made an influence on you. It would be nice to let them know this Mother’s Day that you appreciate them, even though it be a small gesture. It will make you believe that someone cared. Many who did have mothers or, adoptive mothers can say they were short of being a loving, caring parent. That’s sad, but so true. Give them your love anyway.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Home Happy Home"

Jean's Comment's: "Home Happy Home":                                          My rosy haven of rest. 5-10-2017 Perrryton, TX Spring is starting to look like summer. I am so...

"Home Happy Home"

                                         My rosy haven of rest. 5-10-2017 Perrryton, TX

Spring is starting to look like summer. I am so happy it’s finally happening. We have had a bad winter, and spring with ice storms and hail, fires and floods. Our community is slowly bouncing back, but some things can never be replaced. I am one of the more fortunate ones, for which I am so thankful. My houses did get hail damage, but the insurance is covering it. All of the limbs that the ice storm broke off covering our yards were removed by volunteers from churches. We live in a great community of thoughtful people. “When God closes one door, He opens another.” There is more truth in this quote than most people believe. I am seeing doors being opened for me every day. Yes, I have felt shut out many times in the past few years, but now I feel welcome only because God was ready to open the door. He even opened the door for a new president who is calling back all the Christian believers who for so long have been traumatized with Satan’s followers. Everyone should be rejoicing from the housetops. God is closing the door to these evil people day by day. His lock cannot be picked even by the most brilliant lock-pickers in the world. We must stay in or out until He decides to unlock the door. I accept this Superpower without any questions asked. We are asked to live by faith and not by sight. This requires a total commitment from us to our God. Are we there today?

Just because I am not mentioning the political happenings taking place now is no sign I am not taking it in. I have just felt led to silence my voice about politics until further notice. I am very much aware of serious, disagreeable meetings taking place in Congress. I am not commenting at this time only to say “the swamp is being drained,” but we are not finished yet. We have seen a lot of bloodshed already, but we possible could see a lot more before we can proudly say, “We have made America great again.” My focus now is on taking care of my own business. That is a pretty big job for me. I am also  busy getting information from my family for my sister who is  updating our family history book. She needs it soon so she can have the updated books ready to take to our next family reunion June 10. We are expecting a large gathering of family members this year at Lake Thunderbird, near Norman, Oklahoma. That is one month away, and everyone is excited. I treasure my large family, and count them as one of my biggest blessings that God has given me. We eat, drink, laugh, and are made merry for we no not if we will ever meet again this side of heaven. Thank God for cheat phone service and the internet that keeps us all fairly close connected.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "One Of Those Dark Days"

Jean's Comment's: "One Of Those Dark Days": Another low income apartment complex for Perryton. Several units will be available soon. 5-9-2017 Perryton, TX Perryton is getting anoth...

"One Of Those Dark Days"

Another low income apartment complex for Perryton. Several units will be available soon. 5-9-2017 Perryton, TX

Perryton is getting another low income apartment complex. Several units will be available soon. I am in wonder why Perryton is getting so many nice motels and apartment complexes. Due to the City tax income, and so many houses for sale, it just doesn’t add up. As a citizen my property taxes increased a lot this year. I believe we citizens are having to pay for our city leader’s mistakes in over building. After a couple of years of booming oil activity, oil and gas prices plummeted, and people were scrambling for bread for their tables. Now there is a need for tax payers to build places for many to live on a low income. Too many leaders, both local, state, and national are not being help responsible for their bad judgment. The hard working class people are having to work harder to pay for these irresponsible leaders mistakes. I am about ready to put on my fighting gloves. It just isn’t right. Our cities, states, and federal government are all in a wasteful state of, “who cares anyway.” Just raise the taxes some more. Many people in this city are living on part-time, low paying jobs, and receiving assistance from the state. Even then it is a disgrace to see how little they survive on. I truly believe we now have a president who will help this national situation. He is being attacked from every evil, greedy, liberal in the country, but in the end he will be the winner, just like he won the presidency.

Just today my lawn mowers told me when I asked them to lower the blade a notch, that it would be $10.00 more. I was already paying them $5.00 more than they asked when I hired them. I have always told them they did a good job, and I appreciated their work. Then today I am hit with a raise request after a few cuttings. These people do not live in low housing apartments. They overcharge people for their work, and possibly receive food stamps because of their failure to report their income. Needless to say I will be changing yard mowers. Yes, we are living in difficult times. One of my helpers with home repairs, etc, just told me he was being cut back on his part time job, without a schedule to work by. He was having a hard time getting by as it was. I call this stomping on a man when he is already down. This man could not have been more faithful, nor work any harder than he did. Someone will be surprised to find blood on their hands on judgment day. As I see it our country is almost past the redeeming point, and we all will be found suffering more and more every day. Only the strong, and determined will be the hero’s who will not give up their faith in God. I ask everyone to renew their faith, and declare a victorious win over sin and corruption.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, May 8, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Roses To Cheer Me On"

Jean's Comment's: "Roses To Cheer Me On": My yellow roses seems to be saying  :Happy Mother's Day," again. This rose bush was given to me by son, Chuck, several years ago....

"Roses To Cheer Me On"

My yellow roses seems to be saying  :Happy Mother's Day," again. This rose bush was given to me by son, Chuck, several years ago. 5-8-2017 Perryton, TX

Early Mother’s Day bouquet makes my heart rejoice. Chuck set this rose bush out for me several years ago with mother’s day wishes. It’s just one of many he set out for me. This yellow and white mixture of roses will be almost one solid rose in a few days. It’s in the very early stage of blooming. By next Sunday, Mother’s Day, the roses will be exceptionally beautiful. When my flowers start blooming I feel so close to my deceased husband and children, Next to my family they are the most beautiful thing in my life. I expect the rest of the spring and summer to be a daily pleasure since flowers are going to be blooming every day. They do light up my life.

I went on a shopping spree this morning. I bought material to make me two outfits. I got it for one-half price, and I’m anxious to design, and sew my own idea of something different. I also bought a pair of gorgeous heels to wear with one of the outfits. I couldn’t go away without a purse to match the other desirous things. My total bill was not big enough to mention. It would be embarrassing, although I feel like I’m just a thrifty shopper. I’m back in the sewing business since my sister fixed my sewing machine a couple of weeks ago. I’m still amazed at what she can do with sewing machines. She came all the way from Albuquerque to Oklahoma City, and I met her there with my sewing machine. It works perfectly now. When you find a store that has 75% marked off of already sale prices, you can’t go wrong. I could shop for hours in a situation like that. I need to go back tomorrow and find some jewelry. I’m in love with this store and it’s not a WalMart’s. It sells classy stuff that has been sent to them without they ordered it. It’s so cheap the store can’t turn it down. The customers are able to save a bundle, and get things that they couldn’t find this side of New York. However I did find a dress pattern marked $18.98. It was just one-half off. I didn’t buy it. The most I’ve ever paid for a pattern is $1.25. I probably have 100 patterns stored in my chest of drawers. I choose to make my own patters with the help of a few basic pieces of an old one. Now that I’m sewing for myself again it gives me reason to want to lose more weight. I’m down to within five pounds of my goal. 

After I’m finished hassling with insurance people resulting from a very bad hail we had recently, I will start my sewing machine up. I have two roofs to replace, and I’m shopping for the best deal I can get  A roof for the house I live in is costing me almost as much as we paid for our first brand new home we had built to our own blueprint. How things change with time. The deductible on my houses are a lot, so I’m working with roofers to forgive some of that. How thankful I am for God’s help with all my business.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "An Evening Of Bumper Upper"

Jean's Comment's: "An Evening Of Bumper Upper": A slight view of Lake Fryer taken from the steps of the Lobo restaurant there. 5-7-2017 Perryton TX We ate early last evening at the Lob...

"An Evening Of Bumper Upper"

A slight view of Lake Fryer taken from the steps of the Lobo restaurant there. 5-7-2017 Perryton TX
We ate early last evening at the Lobo and not many people had come to eat yet. Most of our group had already left before I thought about taking a picture. 5-7- 2017 Perryton, TX

I did make the trip to the lake last evening to meet with the widowed group for dinner. The weather was nice, and lots of people were at the lake. Our group orders their meal around 5 o’clock so not many people had come for dinner yet. I was excitedly watching the Kentucky Derby while I ate, and forgot to take a picture before most of the group left. The food was delicious, and the atmosphere was pure, lake style, at it’s best. The classic style of the horse race made a balance of pure-d-pleasure. As we were leaving several people had started coming in including bikers, campers, and even some from town who just came to eat the good food. I did enjoy the time spent with friends, and catching up on everyone’s activity for the past week. It helped put me in a positive mode, which I was needing badly. I had a good night’s sleep and rest, and was ready for church early this morning. I am going to visit a friend in an assisted living center when I finish this blog. This friend is always glad to see me, and I must not forget those who are less fortunate than I. The best medicine I can take is sharing the best of me with the worst of others. I wish I could do more, but I can do a lot if I try. I am so happy and thankful to have the ability to help others.

I heard a good sermon in church this morning, but I am still fumbling trying to find the right page. What, and where, did this sermon fit into my life-book of daily living. The title of the sermon was “Abundant Life.” Scripture reading John 10:1-10. I have this stubborn feeling that I have to remember peoples past when they try to get closer to me. Of course this is an exception of any normal, minor thing that I just didn’t agree with: But when I have been convinced that someone I know has been the murderer of someone I know, I just can’t call that normal or minor. It seemed like our pastor was telling us that he don’t want to hear about someone’s past if they are seeking membership with our church. As far as I know we do not have a member in our church who has a bad past, but I believe we do have a past member who at my opinion is seeking membership again. I believe it takes more than maybe one, or two, or even not any to hear a confession from the evil crime a person may have committed, before membership is accepted. It troubles me greatly. More importantly I am more troubled about a young student connected to our church who has been diagnosed with a rare type of cancer which cannot be treated. This guy is such a loving person that does not deserve this severe death threat. I didn’t learn of this until this morning, although the diagnoses has been made for quite some time. I was greatly touched. This guy is probably 19 years old, and I cannot let this case go with just a simple prayer request. I know first hand that God heals, and “the prayer of the faith shall heal the sick.” My heart is bleeding. This young man has stood enough hard trials already without having to face death. Please join with me to take his case before God, and plead for mercy for this dear one.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Are Those Who Trust God"

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Are Those Who Trust God":             Robin talk, so natural to the soul. Love these neighborly birds. 5-6-2017 Perryton, TX                             The big,...

"Happy Are Those Who Trust God"

            Robin talk, so natural to the soul. Love these neighborly birds. 5-6-2017 Perryton, TX
                            The big, white, moon couldn't be left out. 5-6-2017 Perryton, TX

I sat out on my front porch last evening enjoying the lovely breeze, and taking in lots of activity all around me. The two robins I have posted were so impressive as they seriously communicated with each other in the pecan tree a few steps from where I sat. I didn’t have a movie camera to show their actions, but it was amazing. They were, no doubt, the best of friends. One very small bird made several passes right by my chair which almost had me paranoid. I had never seen anything like this before. The little creature was as fast as lightening. It would make a dive to my chair and fly up to encircle a large area then dive down to my chair again. It did this at least a dozen times before finally flying off. I looked up to see the big, white, moon so gallantly shinning. A young couple walked briskly by with their dog. Some children were romping, and playing in the practice field across the street from me. Then my neighbor down the block started his Harley-Davidson bike, and thundered by me like a streak of lightening. It was an evening of entertainment with a first class seat on my porch. Is there any other place in the world that can beat this all-around good atmosphere? “Thank you Lord.” “I’m glad to be alive enjoying your beautiful world.”

I have debated on whether to attend the widowed dinner tonight at the lake Lobo. The lake is about seventeen miles from Perryton, and it can really get mean down there if the weather decides to turn bad. It is in a low location which floods very quickly. As I have said before the weather around here can change without much warning. I would like to go and be served the delicious catfish meal the chefs prepare. It’s several hours yet before I have to decide, so for now I am planning on going. It is a time for me to renew my pleasure while being with old acquaintances, and sometimes making new ones. Due to certain circumstances I have missed the last three dinners. I really need to go tonight.

The past week has been filled with mixed emotions, but I believe this next week will be one of the most exciting weeks of my life. It’s all just a feeling, but my faith tells me to expect some good news. A huge rainbow appeared in the sky after Noah was saved from the flood that destroyed the entire world except those who were sharing the Ark. I may not see a rainbow, but I will be looking for one any day now. If I see one, unlike Noah, I may be scared to death, but I will be certain that it is my rainbow. All you believers out there, “In God We Trust,” join me in claiming victory over every problem whether personal, worldly, or any other.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, May 5, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "God Made Beautiful Roses"

Jean's Comment's: "God Made Beautiful Roses": Sweet, pink, May Rose is smiling at me this morning. I love her. 5-5-2017 Perryton, TX This view will be a solid mass of roses in a few...

"God Made Beautiful Roses"

Sweet, pink, May Rose is smiling at me this morning. I love her. 5-5-2017 Perryton, TX
This view will be a solid mass of roses in a few days. 5-5-2017 Perryton, TX

No greater feeling can one have while walking outside in the mid-morning sunshine and viewing the lovely roses. I am anxious to see almost all of my front yard across the distance of my house in beautiful, blooming roses of various colors. They bloom through out the entire summer. They make me happy by welcoming people to my house. Once my visitors get inside they are overwhelmed by all the paintings hanging on my walls of people they know. These additions to my home makes it very hard to think about leaving, even when it seems almost essential because of my health. My future has been handed over to God, and I will follow His direction where ever it leads me. I will know, without a doubt, when He is directing me to stay or change to a different location. If God closes this door, He will open another that will be even more blessed than where I am now. Like He has done so many times before He says, ”Trust Me.” I have done that, and have always been overjoyed at the end results. I didn’t ask God to just do the best for me, but for my family also. Those who only think of themselves are not likely to be blessed by God. The more I love my family, the more God loves me. There is no more room in my heart to love my family any more than I already do. The bible teaches that love covereth a multitude of sins. I thank Him for His great Love to me.

I have another appointment on June 8th in Oklahoma City to have a heart echo made. My doctor said he could hear a slight mummer but he didn’t think it amounted to anything, however he wanted to have an echo made. My home is 260 miles from my doctor, so I feel certain I will need to make a change in the near future. The closest I live to another heart doctor is 130 miles, so either way the distance is too far away. All options are on the table, and I know I can trust God. Living here in Perryton with only my disabled son close to me as far as family, is not good for he nor I either. We both have lived here for over sixty years, and we love our homes, but time does change everything. I feel so sorry for people who do not wait upon God’s direction before making a major decision in their lives. Some innocent souls are forced to do so, but my loving family are understanding of my feelings, and honor them. Again this is one of the great blessings God has given me. It is not a sin to love your children, but it is a sin to not love them. They are what we raised them to be, and I’m sorry to say some parents don’t believe that, but I feel strongly that is a fact. Reap your sown seed whether they be good or bad, but don’t take credit for deeds you did not do.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Rose To Help Heal"

Jean's Comment's: "A Rose To Help Heal": A rosy path today. It came at a right time. All is well now. 5-3-2017 Perryton, TX These roses didn't touch me yesterday, but today ...

"A Rose To Help Heal"

A rosy path today. It came at a right time. All is well now. 5-3-2017 Perryton, TX
These roses didn't touch me yesterday, but today the single brilliant rose in the top photo, challenged my heart. 5-2-2017 Perryton, TX

Today I am rejoicing  after another mind-racking day yesterday. The little deep crimson rose at the top of the bush seemed to say it all. “Open up your heart and let the sun shine in.” Yesterday after the terrible bad nightmare the night before, I was hit with another unbearable catastrophe in the middle of the day. I was still trembling from the nightmare when my television shut down. This made the umpteenth time in so many days I have been without TV reception. I have explored every avenue possible to better my TV service, but have not found anything better yet. The two days prior to yesterday I had been without electricity, and of course TV, and heat in sub zero weather, for over twelve hours. All of these difficult testing, and trying, circumstances put me in a state of shock. With God’s help, and the understanding of my friends and family, I was able to get through the day. This morning I am feeling 100 percent, with the latest voice of the little crimson rose. A time of relaxing, and waiting upon the Lord, has conquered my shaken nerves. I thank everyone for their patience, and understanding, of my troubled times. I had a very restful, and peaceful night last night. My mind is open to the moving of the Holy Spirit, and I know I will be blessed if I wait on that Great Director of my life. I don’t make any drastic changes in my life without I feel positively led by the Spirit. “One day at a time” is my motto.

Doubt and fear are two of our greatest enemies. They both are turned loose on us at our weakest points in life so the evil spirit can claim victory over us. God will re-capture our joy and peace, if we will just wait upon Him. When the battle of vicious attacks on our lives are conquered, we have been made oh! so much stronger. What a privilege we have in serving Jesus. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the light.” We must hang onto that powerful statement regardless of any obstacle that crosses our path. The bed of roses I posted today is not always there, but they will bloom out when the right time arrives. Hold onto that promise. Our friends will cry with us. Our families will hurt with us. Our neighbors will be patient with us, and when the tears are dried up, and the pain is gone, our precious jewels will shine again. Oh! How much I love everyone, and everything in this world that God has made perfect, with the exception of death it’s self. Death is the end of all tribulation in this evil world of sin. Grace is the beginning of all ammunition we need to fight that evil. Let us use it without reservations of who, what, or when, as long as we have life left in us. Not all ammunition is deadly. Sometimes it’s just the sight of it that makes our enemy run for their lives. Sometimes we just need to show people that we are equipped with spiritual ammunition and that makes them less fearful of our safety. Thank God for Christian family and friends.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "I Think I Have Been Told To Make A Change"

Jean's Comment's: "I Think I Have Been Told To Make A Change": No babies for this mother and father. The mean squirrel murdered the embryo of one and caused the other to die. 5-2-2017 Perryton, TX Th...

"I Think I Have Been Told To Make A Change"

No babies for this mother and father. The mean squirrel murdered the embryo of one and caused the other to die. 5-2-2017 Perryton, TX
The nest can be seen on the closes post top to the house. The squirrel scampers up the wall and nests under the roof of the house. 5-2-2017 Perryton, TX

This is another beautiful spring morning. The ground is still very wet after all the snow, but the sun is shinning bright. I was saddened to find the dove nest has been abandoned. Only one egg is left, and I am sure a squirrel got the other. The nest is directly below where a squirrel climbs up my wall to the roof and stays a lot. The nest appears to be in original shape, but I don’t think the mother will sit on one egg. The squirrel probably scared her away for good. This sometimes happens to the best of us. Life is not always a happy playground.

The asparagus was beaten up by the large hail we got, but I was able to cut a mess of new growth this morning. I am cooking it now for my lunch. The roses are blooming nicely, and flowers are up and growing. Everything will soon look normal again. I swept up a trash can full of pine cones, and I still need to pick up several large limbs from off the yard. This spring has been mean to us, but it could have been worse. We are thankful for all the nice things God has done for us. I am trying to write the things I have already accomplished instead of the things I want to accomplish. Too often I find myself eating crow. I just don’t have the pep I used to have, and I never get to finish what I had planned to do. I’m doing well for all the ware and tare I have on my body.

I can’t brake the silence so I will finish this blog. I had taken a break to eat lunch and watch the news, but the television went off and one hour later it still isn’t back on. If it’s not the electricity that’s off it’s the television. This is just happening too often. I am considering making a big change in my life. I don’t know if I would be bettering myself or not if I moved. It seems that everywhere you look anymore things are going more and more to pot. I know the best thing I can do is wait upon the Lord to lead me, and that is what I’m going to do. I’m making this major decision only because I feel almost forced to. We do reach that point in life, and I think I am about there. I have to drive 130 miles to the closest doctor for my need. Anyone knows that’s too far away from a doctor when you’re 84 years old and have no family living within 400 miles away. Chuck lives here in the city, but he is more disabled than I. He to is needing to get closer to a doctor since he has to ride a bus almost every week 130 miles to Amarillo to see a doctor. There is no way in this world either of us would move if it were not almost impossible to stay here. To say the least, we can’t always keep all our blessing without making a change in time. I am sure we will be doing the right thing when the time comes to either go or stay. Sometimes we have to step out on faith.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, May 1, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "After The Storm We Give Thanks"

Jean's Comment's: "After The Storm We Give Thanks": Chuck is spraying the fruit trees after the hail and snow. 5-1-2017 Perryton, TX The ground is covered with plums the hail knocked off. ...

"After The Storm We Give Thanks"

Chuck is spraying the fruit trees after the hail and snow. 5-1-2017 Perryton, TX
The ground is covered with plums the hail knocked off. Still lots on the trees. 5-1-2017 Perryton, TX

May Day weather is beautiful. There is still snow on the ground, but the temperature is already 67 degree at 12 o’clock. P.M. Very little wind, and I am so happy. This is a 50 degree turn around from yesterday.  Chuck came over to spray the trees again. We were shocked to see how many plums were lying on the ground. A solid carpet, but they don’t show up very well in the picture I took. The trees are still loaded, but some of the plums have hail dents on them. Most everything in the yard has been stripped from the hail. The bird nest is still intact, but no bird was sitting on the eggs when I saw it. I don’t know if they survived the hail or not. Another inch and one quarter of rain was in the rain gauge. Everything is still very wet, but so fresh and green. Yes, we did have some hail damage to our houses, and some people had damage to their cars, but we were spared from tornado's. We give thanks and glory to our Lord. As far as we know all of our family who live in the area to where the tornado’s hit Saturday are ok. Some were just missed by a few miles. We are also thankful for that, even though we are saddened by the loss of so many others. Our prayers are going up for them.

The month of May is a hard month for me to lick. My mother and father were both born in this month, and I can’t help but think about them every day. I even dream about them many times in this month. I think about them now more than ever. I guess it’s because I am growing closer to my own earth departure, and I wonder if I will meet up with them when I arrive at my eternal place of rest. I have to think that all we have been taught about heaven and it’s eternal glory is possibly not true. There are so many interpretations of the bible and who is to say who is right? I do believe the scripture where Jesus said “In my Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you so. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2 KJV. For who? I believe for those who have accepted Him as their savior, and have followed His teaching as closely as possible. He was the sinless human, and never made any mistakes. He was willing to die on the cross even though He could have called ten thousand angels to release Him. The perfect will of God was complete when Jesus drew His last breath. How could anyone not melt with compassion when seeing this sinless person dying for their sin? Reckless living, and unconcern for what Jesus did for them is beyond my imagination. I have to thank Him personally every day of my life.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp