Wednesday, May 31, 2017

"All Live Must Be Nourished"

                                A bouquet is growing in my yard. 5-31-2017 Perryton, TX

                                     Awaiting the humming birds. 5-31-2017 Perryton, TX

This has been an enjoyable day for me. I ate lunch with the Senior Citizens, and came home to relax for the rest of the day. The news on television continues to hold my attention. The family reunion I am suppose to attend next week has taken second place in my special events to attend. Next Thursday, the day I am suppose to leave, has been designated as the day ex-FBI director, James Comey will testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee. I understand part of it will be an open meeting. I have been waiting for this a long time, and now I probably will have to miss it. What should I do? I’m sure they need my impute. They just don’t know it. Anyway life never gets too boring now a days. I’m glad I work for myself, and don’t have to punch a time clock.

I took some time to work a little in my flower beds this afternoon. I must give them good care, or they won’t bless me. They are a joy to my soul. I have got most of the weeds out, and the flowers look so lively standing alone. We are suppose to get rain tonight, so that will help a lot. If not the sprinkler will definitely be turned on tomorrow. There is still volunteer plants coming through the ground, and I am anxious to see what each one will turn out to be. The birds drop waste from their gizzard and seeds they have swallowed often produces pretty flowers. Every summer I am surprised to see flowers that I didn’t plant. The sunflower is the most common of these swallowed seeds. Another interesting point in my yard is the humming bird feeder. I love to watch these little miracles humming around the feeder. Everything God created is a miracle. I love Him most of all.

I delivered my “God directed letter” to a terminally ill young man today just 22 years old. I handed the letter to his mother to read first. I have never met her son, and I wanted to know for sure that I was not mislead by my own feelings, and maybe doing the wrong thing. When one has decided to take no more treatments, because of the pain, and slim chance of surviving, it’s hard to comfort them. Especially a young person who has not had a chance to become independent. It really breaks my heart. I told his mother if it is God’s time to take him, and since he has decided to let go, I do not want to possibly bring back hope then have to give up again. This mother understood, and I’m sure she will make the right decision. It’s in God’s hand. I need not do anything else. It’s just that simple. Either God will let him live, or He will take him home. Please help me to pray for him. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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