Wednesday, May 3, 2017

"A Rose To Help Heal"

A rosy path today. It came at a right time. All is well now. 5-3-2017 Perryton, TX
These roses didn't touch me yesterday, but today the single brilliant rose in the top photo, challenged my heart. 5-2-2017 Perryton, TX

Today I am rejoicing  after another mind-racking day yesterday. The little deep crimson rose at the top of the bush seemed to say it all. “Open up your heart and let the sun shine in.” Yesterday after the terrible bad nightmare the night before, I was hit with another unbearable catastrophe in the middle of the day. I was still trembling from the nightmare when my television shut down. This made the umpteenth time in so many days I have been without TV reception. I have explored every avenue possible to better my TV service, but have not found anything better yet. The two days prior to yesterday I had been without electricity, and of course TV, and heat in sub zero weather, for over twelve hours. All of these difficult testing, and trying, circumstances put me in a state of shock. With God’s help, and the understanding of my friends and family, I was able to get through the day. This morning I am feeling 100 percent, with the latest voice of the little crimson rose. A time of relaxing, and waiting upon the Lord, has conquered my shaken nerves. I thank everyone for their patience, and understanding, of my troubled times. I had a very restful, and peaceful night last night. My mind is open to the moving of the Holy Spirit, and I know I will be blessed if I wait on that Great Director of my life. I don’t make any drastic changes in my life without I feel positively led by the Spirit. “One day at a time” is my motto.

Doubt and fear are two of our greatest enemies. They both are turned loose on us at our weakest points in life so the evil spirit can claim victory over us. God will re-capture our joy and peace, if we will just wait upon Him. When the battle of vicious attacks on our lives are conquered, we have been made oh! so much stronger. What a privilege we have in serving Jesus. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the light.” We must hang onto that powerful statement regardless of any obstacle that crosses our path. The bed of roses I posted today is not always there, but they will bloom out when the right time arrives. Hold onto that promise. Our friends will cry with us. Our families will hurt with us. Our neighbors will be patient with us, and when the tears are dried up, and the pain is gone, our precious jewels will shine again. Oh! How much I love everyone, and everything in this world that God has made perfect, with the exception of death it’s self. Death is the end of all tribulation in this evil world of sin. Grace is the beginning of all ammunition we need to fight that evil. Let us use it without reservations of who, what, or when, as long as we have life left in us. Not all ammunition is deadly. Sometimes it’s just the sight of it that makes our enemy run for their lives. Sometimes we just need to show people that we are equipped with spiritual ammunition and that makes them less fearful of our safety. Thank God for Christian family and friends.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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