Monday, May 29, 2017

"Memories Forever"

Charles and Myrtle Jean 50th Wedding Anniversary. Married February 2, 1950.Feb.2, Pic2000
        Charles and Myrtle Jean's tombstone. Ochiltree Cemetery Perryton, TX 5-29-2017
Our children's names on our tombstone. Chuck, Rick, Rhonda, Kent. Sharp. 5-29-2017 Perryton TX

How soothing it was today to visit the cemetery, and attend the Memorial services the VFW put on. It was so nice to view so many graves of so many friends I had known for years. I could almost see each one rise up from their graves and greet me. It did hurt, but I had to know they were really in a wonderful place receiving God’s blessings every minute of the day and night. I had the pleasure of remembering something about each one who had made an impression on my life. It was good to be among the dead today, for they are really still living, but just not in this old sinful world. I have lived in this city for 61 years, therefore I personally knew hundreds of those buried there. That place will be my bones next home also.

I haven’t been able to do anything today but visit the cemetery. The rest of the entire day has been spent reminiscing, and praying for some who are very sick, and are depending upon our prayers. This day has been special, and I wanted to make it that way all day. I like to think of it as a daydreaming day which I can imagine what it will be like in heaven. Tomorrow will be a day of getting back to the old grind of finishing our work here on earth. I have so many unfinished things that I truly want to complete before I give up. Sometimes I wonder why I start another project before I complete the one I have been working on. Then I am made to remember just like life it’s self, boredom has a way of taking over many times. A change is necessary to break the ugh. It’s funny how the old projects seem to redeem themselves and make new beginnings. I just need to not start another until I have fully satisfied myself with what I have already started. Maybe that’s why I’m still living because I have a lot of things to do yet. Lord, help me to hurry up and get everything done.

I just can’t explain my feelings today. I have been saddened, I have been encouraged, I have been thinking some of the evil that is spreading so vastly, and I have been shaken by the ungodly who seemingly have lost it all. Do we give up and die, or do we keep fighting for God? What glory does God get out of such an evil, murderous, nation? What could be the purpose of fear, suffering, hopelessness, and much more to little innocent children? What is it that when we pray for healing we receive it, but lack the faith to remove mountains? God is God, He is real, and He judges everyone. I will never doubt that, and I hope to keep my faith in Him to the highest level. Only by my daily prayers, and fear of losing my faith, can I keep what I now proudly posses. I hope to stay hid behind the cross.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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