Sunday, May 21, 2017

"A Revealing Time Of Prophecy"

President Trump speaking to muslim countries. A great historical speech. 5-21-2017 Perryton, TX
                     King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz. 5-21-2017 Perryton, TX
                  Many countries represented at this historical meeting. 5-21-2017 Perryton TX

Halleluiah,  Halleluiah, I missed church this morning. I didn’t plan it that way, but President Trump’s speech came latter than I thought. I could not of missed it for anything. I had my dish ready for church dinner today, but now I will have to eat it by myself. The President’s speech left me in wonderment. My mind was going a dozen different directions.

I have been studying the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel. Several things I have read in this book seems to be fulfilling what I am seeing today in our troubled world. 1 Samuel chapter 28, is emphasizing the battle between the Palestinians, and the Israelite's that has been going on for centuries even before the birth of Christ. It is my understanding of the bible that this is a long standing war over the Muslims being denied the right, according to the law, to inherit the wealth of Abraham since the first son born to Abraham was a Muslim, but illegitimate The Muslims claimed that right even though Hagar, the mother of Ishmael, was not Abraham’s wife. The first son born to Abraham was supposed to inherit his wealth. That was the law at that time, but Abraham’s first son, Ishmael,  was cast out because of Abraham’s wife Sarah. Abraham later had a son by his wife, Sarah, an Israelite named Isaac.  Isaac inherited the wealth of Abraham and war has been going on between those two states every since.

Now our President Trump is undertaking the, almost impossible, task of bringing peace to these two states, of thousands of years of conflict. I am not a prophet, but if this attempt works out, I will have to say I have missed something in the bible. I am reminded of the scripture that says, beware when men declare peace and safety, then sudden destruction will come. 1 Thessalonians 5:3. I don’t mean to be an optimists, but I’m wondering if perhaps there can be such a thing as an Islamist democracy. I firmly believe President Trump is a call from God to carry out His plan, but who is smart enough to know God’s plan in a time like this? I will never change from my original belief that God is to be feared, and praised, every day of my life. He can change this world in a twinkling of an eye. I cannot say what tomorrow holds, but I can say I know who holds tomorrow. Peace comes from within, and not from without. My peace from within comes from trusting God. I trust Him to protect our President, and Vic-President, and then the rest of us will be protected also. At least those who were on the right side. The sides being good or evil. I think I have been shown the good side and I know the difference clearly. My dear friends this is not just a time of bickering and disagreement. It is a time of preparing for that great and notable day when the sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon turned to blood. Acts, 2:20.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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