Friday, May 12, 2017

"Another Day Another Rose"

                 Crimson roses are so pretty. Many buds on this bush. 5-12-2017 Perryton, TX

My morning has been very busy with making calls trying to collect information for the update of our family history book. Many times I have to leave a message which don’t always get returned promptly. I’m glad I’m only having to do my own immediate family. Life can be frustrating enough just trying to deal with all the latest technology without having to deal with modern, human advanced, brains producing troubling ideas.  I believe this younger generation has lost their best asset. That is their consideration, and respect, for their supporters while they were yet wet behind the ears. How quickly they have traded their life long guarantee of priceless  advise, for an I-phone that tells them which way to go, but not what to do when they get there. They keep searching for this important devise, but nothing can ever replace the wisdom of an aged, born-again Christian. How little do they know that the persons they are denying a trashing to, has a built-in detector devise that shows them the foolish mind these instrument users really has. It’s sad to say, but many would be, intelligent, younger members  has looked the wrong direction when the I-phone did all it was supposed to do. They grope around hoping another devise with more advanced light will soon be invented. I believe in modern, scientific technology, but never trade your God-given mind for even the best of such. God uses the mind to guide us to His outer space, which is far more advantageous than the human devise.
So there is a balance in Superpower, and human power. It takes a little of both to live the happy, peaceful life of success.

I never know what my tomorrow will bring, but I know I will be ready to face it if I am left here. Some days are good, some are bad. My bible tells me it has always been that way even with God’s anointed ones. No manner of modern, scientific technology will ever replace the power of God. Only the foolish could ever believe differently. So to my dear, sharp-shooting, I-phone addicts, God Bless you, and may you finally recover from the messed up life they have given you, all because you have lost your first love. It will not get better with time unless you realize God is much more important than a simple I-phone glued to your hand. Let me be clear I am very appreciative of all the latest help I have with advanced computer, and the technology it offers, but I don’t hold an I-phone in my hand while I shop looking at my grocery list. Nor do I visit with someone while I grocery shop about lengthy discussions, making others look around thinking they are being spoken to. Nor do I text while I am driving. I don’t even talk while I drive unless it’s just to see if I have an emergency call. This is my words from my own conscience, and everyone has a conscience, so don’t think I expect everyone to agree with me. I just use my conscience to cast my vote.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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