Friday, May 19, 2017

"It's Down To Only One Day At A Time"

More perennials blooming today. Making my flower garden come alive. 5-19-2017 Perryton, TX
           A bloom here and there soon turns into something beautiful. 5-19-2017 Perryton, TX

This day has mostly been a, “taking care of business day.” I haven’t had much time for anything else. I just wanted to show off my pretty orange perennial that is loaded with nearly open blooms. I am so anxious for more blooms to pop open on several different kinds of flowers in my flower garden. It is cool today, and the wind is blowing too much to be comfortable outside. I need to be working out around the flowers as they are about to be overtaken with weeds. The rain has caused me to get behind. But I do love pretty green grass and colorful flowers.

I had several things on my, to do list, today that I finally got done. Two of my night lamps that requires special type bulbs had burned out. I had put it off for awhile not knowing where to go to find them. I got that problem taken care of today. I bought groceries, and paid the contractor for my roof bill. I had a few other errands to run, then I came home and started to clean out the file cabinet. That is the most tiring job of all others. With five drawers of files, I just have four more to go through. Then I have to start on boxes. There goes most of my precious memories. It’s sad that no one wants them but me. I can’t take them to heaven with me, so out they go.

I have had a long, wonderful life. Yes, I have had lots of tests and trials to go through, but with God by my side I made it fine. I feel blessed to have four wonderful children who are all grown with children of their own, and are enjoying a prosperous life also. My children are happy, and therefore I call them prospering children. Money cannot buy happiness. I’m thankful that my children know that. Love is free, and there is plenty of it. Forgiveness is easy if one has the love of God in their heart. Bad memories can be buried if one will dig a big hole. And unless we do, we will always be haunted by them. Why would we keep them around? Because we didn’t want to forget. Sad, and bad business. Good memories are rewarding, but only in memory. They just make us cry, and maybe regret the loss of that good ole time when! It’s time to put aside all boasting, and pride, and think of how we can make the world a better place tomorrow. Where ever that leads us, there let us go. Someone may be following in our tracks. If we fail, they fail. For someone else’s sake let us be strong, and pray for the Lord’s guidance every day. We cannot fail if we truly trust God for wisdom and guidance. We may seem useless at times, but God blesses the meek, and humble, whether we know it or not. Our countenance is sometimes the thing God needs to speak to hearts.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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