Monday, May 22, 2017

"The Purity Of The Rose"

The white rose is a symbol of purity. I love my doorstep white rose bush. 5-22-2017 Perryton, TX
                   Come on in if you will. You are welcome in my house. 5-22-2017 Perryton. TX

A brief story of the Sacred Rose.

Christians view roses as reminders of the Garden of Eden, a paradise in a world that reflects God’s design before sin corrupted it. Roses have long served as a symbol of the Virgin Mary. Mary is known as the “mystic rose” or the “rose without thorns” because of her role as the mother of Jesus Christ.

Before sin entered the world and corrupted it, tradition says that the Garden of Eden featured roses with no thorns and thorns appeared after humanity sinned. My thought is that everyone should have a rose garden in their yard.

A light rain last night has watered the yard, and made everything look so fresh. I love the rain without the hail or tornados. My grass and flowers love it too. We just need some dry time to get the yards mowed. This spring season has been extremely unusual. First it was severely damaging ice storm occurring in mid spring. Then devastating fires ignited and spread over thousands of acres surrounding our community and others as well. Thousands of head of stock were destroyed as well as some lives and homes. Then we had a terrible damaging hail storm that caused most homeowners to have to replace roofs and other property. We have had tornado warnings a few times, but so far we have been spared from an actual touch down. We have had a record breaking of rainy days, although the moister level may not be as such. This 22 day of May, I still turned my heater on this morning. The temperature was 62 degree when I got up. Some of us are too fearful of the weather to leave our homes very far behind. So goes the world of surprises, and unusual devastating news.

I just got a bit of something with shocking meaning as I left my computer to speak to a repairman outside. I must hurry with this blog and go find out what this latest, devastating, news is all about. Hear me people, amidst all the wonderful things our President Trump has, and is accomplishing, Hell is still fighting with all it’s might to stop him. How many lives will have to be given up before the battle against good and evil will be settled? This world-wide war is not because of President Trump, it’s in spite of him. God has given the righteous people a chance to survive, but we the Christian believers must join him in this mean, evil, and deadly attempt to nullify every aspect of our Constitutional rights, including our people’s Congress. Many of our highly respected, successful, powerful, elected officials are beginning to give into the evil powers that are becoming too Satan inspired for them to endure any longer. Are you and I strong enough to face Satan, and deny him victory over our country? This may be the beginning of the Mark of the Beast the bible speaks of. I personally have had a couple of encounters with this evil spirit that comes to attack us in a dream. I am sure it was a warning of more would be coming if I didn’t let up from my backing of President Trump. Of course I could not survive these attacks without the power of God in my life, but with that a surety I will be saved.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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