Friday, May 5, 2017

"God Made Beautiful Roses"

Sweet, pink, May Rose is smiling at me this morning. I love her. 5-5-2017 Perryton, TX
This view will be a solid mass of roses in a few days. 5-5-2017 Perryton, TX

No greater feeling can one have while walking outside in the mid-morning sunshine and viewing the lovely roses. I am anxious to see almost all of my front yard across the distance of my house in beautiful, blooming roses of various colors. They bloom through out the entire summer. They make me happy by welcoming people to my house. Once my visitors get inside they are overwhelmed by all the paintings hanging on my walls of people they know. These additions to my home makes it very hard to think about leaving, even when it seems almost essential because of my health. My future has been handed over to God, and I will follow His direction where ever it leads me. I will know, without a doubt, when He is directing me to stay or change to a different location. If God closes this door, He will open another that will be even more blessed than where I am now. Like He has done so many times before He says, ”Trust Me.” I have done that, and have always been overjoyed at the end results. I didn’t ask God to just do the best for me, but for my family also. Those who only think of themselves are not likely to be blessed by God. The more I love my family, the more God loves me. There is no more room in my heart to love my family any more than I already do. The bible teaches that love covereth a multitude of sins. I thank Him for His great Love to me.

I have another appointment on June 8th in Oklahoma City to have a heart echo made. My doctor said he could hear a slight mummer but he didn’t think it amounted to anything, however he wanted to have an echo made. My home is 260 miles from my doctor, so I feel certain I will need to make a change in the near future. The closest I live to another heart doctor is 130 miles, so either way the distance is too far away. All options are on the table, and I know I can trust God. Living here in Perryton with only my disabled son close to me as far as family, is not good for he nor I either. We both have lived here for over sixty years, and we love our homes, but time does change everything. I feel so sorry for people who do not wait upon God’s direction before making a major decision in their lives. Some innocent souls are forced to do so, but my loving family are understanding of my feelings, and honor them. Again this is one of the great blessings God has given me. It is not a sin to love your children, but it is a sin to not love them. They are what we raised them to be, and I’m sorry to say some parents don’t believe that, but I feel strongly that is a fact. Reap your sown seed whether they be good or bad, but don’t take credit for deeds you did not do.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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