Monday, May 1, 2017

"After The Storm We Give Thanks"

Chuck is spraying the fruit trees after the hail and snow. 5-1-2017 Perryton, TX
The ground is covered with plums the hail knocked off. Still lots on the trees. 5-1-2017 Perryton, TX

May Day weather is beautiful. There is still snow on the ground, but the temperature is already 67 degree at 12 o’clock. P.M. Very little wind, and I am so happy. This is a 50 degree turn around from yesterday.  Chuck came over to spray the trees again. We were shocked to see how many plums were lying on the ground. A solid carpet, but they don’t show up very well in the picture I took. The trees are still loaded, but some of the plums have hail dents on them. Most everything in the yard has been stripped from the hail. The bird nest is still intact, but no bird was sitting on the eggs when I saw it. I don’t know if they survived the hail or not. Another inch and one quarter of rain was in the rain gauge. Everything is still very wet, but so fresh and green. Yes, we did have some hail damage to our houses, and some people had damage to their cars, but we were spared from tornado's. We give thanks and glory to our Lord. As far as we know all of our family who live in the area to where the tornado’s hit Saturday are ok. Some were just missed by a few miles. We are also thankful for that, even though we are saddened by the loss of so many others. Our prayers are going up for them.

The month of May is a hard month for me to lick. My mother and father were both born in this month, and I can’t help but think about them every day. I even dream about them many times in this month. I think about them now more than ever. I guess it’s because I am growing closer to my own earth departure, and I wonder if I will meet up with them when I arrive at my eternal place of rest. I have to think that all we have been taught about heaven and it’s eternal glory is possibly not true. There are so many interpretations of the bible and who is to say who is right? I do believe the scripture where Jesus said “In my Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you so. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2 KJV. For who? I believe for those who have accepted Him as their savior, and have followed His teaching as closely as possible. He was the sinless human, and never made any mistakes. He was willing to die on the cross even though He could have called ten thousand angels to release Him. The perfect will of God was complete when Jesus drew His last breath. How could anyone not melt with compassion when seeing this sinless person dying for their sin? Reckless living, and unconcern for what Jesus did for them is beyond my imagination. I have to thank Him personally every day of my life.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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