Tuesday, May 2, 2017

"I Think I Have Been Told To Make A Change"

No babies for this mother and father. The mean squirrel murdered the embryo of one and caused the other to die. 5-2-2017 Perryton, TX
The nest can be seen on the closes post top to the house. The squirrel scampers up the wall and nests under the roof of the house. 5-2-2017 Perryton, TX

This is another beautiful spring morning. The ground is still very wet after all the snow, but the sun is shinning bright. I was saddened to find the dove nest has been abandoned. Only one egg is left, and I am sure a squirrel got the other. The nest is directly below where a squirrel climbs up my wall to the roof and stays a lot. The nest appears to be in original shape, but I don’t think the mother will sit on one egg. The squirrel probably scared her away for good. This sometimes happens to the best of us. Life is not always a happy playground.

The asparagus was beaten up by the large hail we got, but I was able to cut a mess of new growth this morning. I am cooking it now for my lunch. The roses are blooming nicely, and flowers are up and growing. Everything will soon look normal again. I swept up a trash can full of pine cones, and I still need to pick up several large limbs from off the yard. This spring has been mean to us, but it could have been worse. We are thankful for all the nice things God has done for us. I am trying to write the things I have already accomplished instead of the things I want to accomplish. Too often I find myself eating crow. I just don’t have the pep I used to have, and I never get to finish what I had planned to do. I’m doing well for all the ware and tare I have on my body.

I can’t brake the silence so I will finish this blog. I had taken a break to eat lunch and watch the news, but the television went off and one hour later it still isn’t back on. If it’s not the electricity that’s off it’s the television. This is just happening too often. I am considering making a big change in my life. I don’t know if I would be bettering myself or not if I moved. It seems that everywhere you look anymore things are going more and more to pot. I know the best thing I can do is wait upon the Lord to lead me, and that is what I’m going to do. I’m making this major decision only because I feel almost forced to. We do reach that point in life, and I think I am about there. I have to drive 130 miles to the closest doctor for my need. Anyone knows that’s too far away from a doctor when you’re 84 years old and have no family living within 400 miles away. Chuck lives here in the city, but he is more disabled than I. He to is needing to get closer to a doctor since he has to ride a bus almost every week 130 miles to Amarillo to see a doctor. There is no way in this world either of us would move if it were not almost impossible to stay here. To say the least, we can’t always keep all our blessing without making a change in time. I am sure we will be doing the right thing when the time comes to either go or stay. Sometimes we have to step out on faith.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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