Sunday, May 28, 2017

"The Rose Of Paradise"

                     So beautiful, yet so unable to destroy sin and evil. 5-28-2017 Perryton, TX

There is no easy road for anyone to follow from now on out. That is what I am hearing from my own instinct. The Word of God is my reason for feeling the way I do. I understand it to say in the last days perilous times will come. It is evident that perilous times are now upon us. Nothing about the news can be taken seriously. Unless one is listening with their own ears, and seeing with their own eyes, the person speaking, then it cannot be believed. Lies and more lies are filling the airways like never before. Evil is so thick you can cut it with a knife. This is because all those who don’t believe in the Savior, and Lord, Jesus Christ, is still trying to follow the Old Testament. There are also many who don’t believe in either The Old Testament or the New. They are dead on arrival when they declare this belief.

If reading the Old Testament you will see that killings were a daily thing with everyone. It is just kill, kill, kill. It does seem like to me that back then no matter how good a person tried to be, even the so-called good ended up wanting to kill them. And they did. It can’t get any worse than that, and that’s what’s happening today.  Killing was just a way of life in old times. It is no wonder God decided to send his son, Jesus, to earth to live, and die, for all sins. Many people have abused the Love of God, and made an mockery out of Him. I am speaking now to those whom say they believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ, but do not follow His teaching that He taught all of His earthly life. In simple words they wanted their cake and eat it too. Well they got it. They are facing a day of reckoning just like the Lord told them they would do. “What so ever a man soweth that shall he also reap.” This applies even to those who finally woke up to the fact that God is real, and there is no peace without Him. The seed had already been sown, and even though God forgave them for their sins, the harvest has to be reaped. Is there more than one harvest per year? No, but the conscience of man never will let them forget. It isn’t God still punishing them, it is the conscience He will give strength to overcome the past, but it must be reaped. Believe me, Got the Father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Spirit still demands our respect, and obedience. Otherwise we will be getting into trouble again.

This beautiful Sunday before Memorial Day has been an extra special day for me. I came away from church feeling so blessed, and I plan on sharing those blessings starting tomorrow. I will follow my instinct and do what I feel lead to do. That is to speak by letter to a young man whom I’ve never met before, but I know his mother. She is crushed for having to give up her young son to an in-curable  cancer. A family of wonderful people, and one has to wonder if this is a test from the believers to use their faith in God to heal, or is this one of the times God says, “do not question me.” Since I don’t know for sure, I’m going to do my part to keep this young man with us. Help me pray, please.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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