Tuesday, May 16, 2017

"A Cute Picture An ugly Picture"

I'm sorry this little dog didn't show up better. He was about to drive off and leave his passengar behind. 5-16-2017 Perryton, TX

When I left the Citizen’s Center on Mother’s Day I noticed this car with the motor running and some kind of figure at the wheel. Upon further notice I saw this little Papillon dog standing at the stirring wheel. His paws were wrapped around the wheel. About that time a lady walked up smiling at my amazement. I said to her, “you were just about to get left behind.” She said, “that’s my baby.” I took a picture of this cute little dog trying to figure out how to drive off. It doesn’t show up too well, but can be seen a little. I don’t know if the lady left the dog in the car with the motor running all the time she was inside eating, or whether she had just left for a short time. It was a cute sight, and I had to take a picture.

Yesterday I had several things going on and didn’t get a blog posted. Today I am watching for  a tornado which was sighted a short time ago about nineteen miles west of where I live. I believe it has gone around us now, at least I hope so. I decided to come to the computer and type a few words. Before I’m finished there will probably be another one spotted close by. There are the natural storms, then there is the human made storms that is constantly threatening the destruction of our entire world. Everyone is aware of the evil, non-relenting, liberal media that is banking on putting our President out of the White House. Whatever it takes they will not give up. I could give them some real news if they want more attention. Millions upon millions of God-fearing, and God believing Christians, have put this President in power, and there is where he will stay. This America, biased, liberal media may be the cause of an entire world wide war, but the victor is still in our White House and will come forth as gold. There are enough good people to lift him up and hold him so high till he cannot be torn down. Thank God for His Almighty Power. We are living in a time when a human life means nothing more than a fly’s life. This has got to change, and it will before God is finished. We have a President with committed, loyalist, cabinet members who will fight for him to their death. Not even to mention all the millions of loyal Americans who are fighting for him. Of course we get attacked every day if we take a stand for God, but we have the Almighty Power on our side. We may get wounded, but we will survive and get back to the fight.

All fence straddlers need to exit to one side or the other. You cannot be on both sides, and you cannot be counted if you are not on the ground. Let us see your team name. Otherwise you will be wiped out with the evil ones. It is just that bad, dear friends.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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