Saturday, May 6, 2017

"Happy Are Those Who Trust God"

            Robin talk, so natural to the soul. Love these neighborly birds. 5-6-2017 Perryton, TX
                            The big, white, moon couldn't be left out. 5-6-2017 Perryton, TX

I sat out on my front porch last evening enjoying the lovely breeze, and taking in lots of activity all around me. The two robins I have posted were so impressive as they seriously communicated with each other in the pecan tree a few steps from where I sat. I didn’t have a movie camera to show their actions, but it was amazing. They were, no doubt, the best of friends. One very small bird made several passes right by my chair which almost had me paranoid. I had never seen anything like this before. The little creature was as fast as lightening. It would make a dive to my chair and fly up to encircle a large area then dive down to my chair again. It did this at least a dozen times before finally flying off. I looked up to see the big, white, moon so gallantly shinning. A young couple walked briskly by with their dog. Some children were romping, and playing in the practice field across the street from me. Then my neighbor down the block started his Harley-Davidson bike, and thundered by me like a streak of lightening. It was an evening of entertainment with a first class seat on my porch. Is there any other place in the world that can beat this all-around good atmosphere? “Thank you Lord.” “I’m glad to be alive enjoying your beautiful world.”

I have debated on whether to attend the widowed dinner tonight at the lake Lobo. The lake is about seventeen miles from Perryton, and it can really get mean down there if the weather decides to turn bad. It is in a low location which floods very quickly. As I have said before the weather around here can change without much warning. I would like to go and be served the delicious catfish meal the chefs prepare. It’s several hours yet before I have to decide, so for now I am planning on going. It is a time for me to renew my pleasure while being with old acquaintances, and sometimes making new ones. Due to certain circumstances I have missed the last three dinners. I really need to go tonight.

The past week has been filled with mixed emotions, but I believe this next week will be one of the most exciting weeks of my life. It’s all just a feeling, but my faith tells me to expect some good news. A huge rainbow appeared in the sky after Noah was saved from the flood that destroyed the entire world except those who were sharing the Ark. I may not see a rainbow, but I will be looking for one any day now. If I see one, unlike Noah, I may be scared to death, but I will be certain that it is my rainbow. All you believers out there, “In God We Trust,” join me in claiming victory over every problem whether personal, worldly, or any other.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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