Wednesday, May 24, 2017

"Just Plum Evil On This Sinful Tree Of Destruction"

               This is not a grape vine. It is a delicious plum tree. 5-24-2017 perryton, TX
The entire tree is covered with these plums. Can't wait for them to ripen. 5-24-2017 Perryton, TX

The hard hail storm we had a few weeks ago didn’t knock off all the plums. We still have a full crop of them that will be ripened in a few days. The rest of the fruit didn’t survive as well. The few apples that’s left on the trees are hail damaged, and will be unfit to eat. All cherries are gone. Blackberries are ok, but rhubarb is beaten up badly. They survived a late freeze, but not a hail storm. I would hate to be in a farmers shoes. They face drastic crop damaging disasters every season. If all goes well, and they make a good crop the farmers can make a lot of money. On the other hand if their good luck fails them they lose a lot of money. At least my fruit is just an extra blessing. I don’t depend on it for money. Sometimes here lately I feel like I need a hay bailer to cut my grass. The rain just keeps coming. With all the fertilize I put on it, and all the rain, the grass is not only tall, but thick. It takes three days after the rain before the grass is dry enough to cut. By then it has rained again. What an unusual year we are having. The cool wind don’t allow me to trim what I can with the hand trimmers. Places where the mower won’t go. Or the weed eater either. Just looking forward to a brighter day.

I just have to express my level of faith at this time. It has seemed for sometime now that America was too filled with evil Democrats, and a Democrat President to ever recover. By the will of God America was able to elect a Godly man to fill the presidency after eight years of every kind of law breaking act by the Democrats and their president. The network of evil was still so great until at times our faith was severely tested. Every day more unbelievable documents were discovered to prove that the swamp was much larger than at first imagined. Our president kept fighting, and would not be beaten down beyond  getting up and fighting harder than ever. The Trump backers kept praying harder than ever also. At this time today I am learning that more proof has been discovered to show that President Obama committed serious acts of criminal activity against many Americans that could send him to prison for life. Of course the evil fighters are still swinging with all their might, but I truly believe that the time has come to get these traitors prosecuted. There are a bunch of them, and many have already decided they better run for safety. They should be punished, all of them, even the so-called republicans who are guilty of some of this evil crime. There is power in prayer, and millions are praying for God to use our President to drain this terrible large swamp. This prayer will be answered, and I have no pity for those who have been so evil. Dear Christian brothers and sisters, don’t be discouraged, the time has come to give it all we got, and that is enough to stop every evil foe Democrats, Republicans, Independents, or illegal alien that has betrayed us. Don’t start feeling sorry for those who have been so wicked in trying to give our country away to the enemy. They will have to confess, but will use every excuse in the book to justify themselves Let us let God be the Judge as to their punishment. He is just, and needs no help from us in deciding the punishment phase.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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