Tuesday, May 23, 2017

:"Roses Help To Cheer Us On"

Before the rain last night that knocked off so many pedals, this rose bush was beautiful. 5-23-2017 Perryton, TX

Another nice, cool, wet day today. The rain is beating the rose pedals to death. The ground is covered with colorful rose pedals. The yellow and white ones are showing signs of rust. When it stops raining they will put more blooms back on, and will be pretty the rest of the summer. They crown my personality with pride bringing joy to my heart. Each morning when I wake up I have to go out and greet them with a “good morning” smile. Then I am ready to start my day. A pot of coffee, and a couple hours of news  gets me ready for breakfast. From then on it’s just hit or miss. I never know what I will be doing before the day ends. Except the things that stay on my daily calendar. For the past few months I have been glued to my television set. I do try every day to enter into a discussion on the internet with other concerned citizens who are putting forth an effort to help our President  make America great again. At least I don’t decline from that responsibility. I believe every American citizen has a duty to stand up for the good of our country. Unconcerned, lazy, and ignorant souls don’t deserve a part of the good that comes when the rest of us work our buns off trying to fight the evil that is about to overtake us. I’m sorry, but this is my honest opinion.

At the end of the day I am tired and tense, but I feel as If I have fought a good fight. It’s time to go to bed and sleep several hours. Is this what life is all about? I can’t find any other reason in the bible that God put us here for. I am led to believe when God created the earth his plan was for man to live a perfect life and enjoy all the good things He created. However God also created Satan. Why? It was Satan who tempted Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit which caused sin to enter God’s perfect paradise. From that moment on man would have to toil and suffer to live. It has been a constant battle between good and evil every since. God did create pleasure, and prosperity for those who put Him first in their lives, but He did not make anyone sinless except His son who died for all of us. Yes, even Jesus Christ fought evil all His life on earth, then died a cruel death upon the cross. Will we ever understand God’s plan for humanity? We all have that hope within us. Until then we must bear our cross and follow Jesus. In my opinion life without Christ would be the most terrifying thing that ever happened to man. I call out His name several times a day so as not to take him for granted. He knows every time I call Him. Call it what you may. I call it obedience to the Great Creator.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp.

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