Saturday, October 31, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Put Your Name In The Drawing"

Jean's Comment's: "Put Your Name In The Drawing":         Sometimes the sun can be beautiful shinning between tree limbs. 10-31-2015 Perryton, Texas Dead limbs caught the sun this time. ...

"Put Your Name In The Drawing"

        Sometimes the sun can be beautiful shinning between tree limbs. 10-31-2015 Perryton, Texas
Dead limbs caught the sun this time. I will trim the tree next spring. 10-31-2014 Perryton, Texas.

Here in Perryton, Texas it rained almost all day yesterday, but today the sun couldn’t be any brighter. It’s just a lovely day to think positive. That’s what sunshine does for me. Its like looking through a telescope. Everything looks closer, brighter, and more beautiful. My attitude changes completely when the sun is shinning so bright that I can’t even see it without putting on dark shades. Everything that looked ugly yesterday looks so much prettier today. I am thankful for the rain we got, but it kept me inside all day. Now I can see the results of all that wonderful rain. The ground is wet, and the weeds have started growing again, but that’s alright. The moisture is in the ground.

The sun doesn’t stop bad things from happening. I heard on the news this morning where  a Russian plane had crashed killing all 248 people on board. I started to crawl back in my shell, but then I knew I must learn to defend myself when Satan puts these terrible things in my sight. I have to accept them as being part of God’s plan even though I don’t understand. I will have to battle with this terrible thought off and on all day, or until another just as bad, or worse, happens. If sometimes people think we are not caring enough when these bad things happen, like maybe going to a happy place of entertainment, or declaring victory on our blog, Its just that we are fighting off depression. And fight we must if we stay well and strong. The bible tells us there is a time and season for all things. Ecclesiastes 3:1. We must weep before we laugh. Oh! for the joy of knowing we can laugh again after we have cried for so long. The pain never completely vanishes, but the laughter will come in spite of it, if we claim God’s promises.

I am sitting here this Saturday afternoon in my little unimportant home to anyone but me. You may be sitting in your little place of abode also, but because we are such small specks of dust doesn’t mean we cannot move mountains with our prayers. Let us all agree that our national leaders need prayer now more than ever before. Therefore we need to pray in a very sincere way for God to bless the right ones who can save us from total destruction. Without God’s will be done, there is no hope for America.  My prayer may not be the one to touch God, but I am going to pray like it might be. It only takes one prayer out of millions to be the one that counts. If I can explain even better, we may never know if our prayer made a difference, but by faith I believe it does. We all should have that kind of faith, and give God our best attention.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, October 30, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Adding Another Portrait To My Collection"

Jean's Comment's: "Adding Another Portrait To My Collection": Melania Trump as seen by artist M. Jean Sharp. 10-30-2015 Perryton, Texas. As I announced yesterday that I would post Melania Trump’s po...

"Adding Another Portrait To My Collection"

Melania Trump as seen by artist M. Jean Sharp. 10-30-2015 Perryton, Texas.

As I announced yesterday that I would post Melania Trump’s portrait today, I’m keeping my word, although I may make a few changes to it. I need to touch it up a bit, but basically I have the true personality of Melania showing. She is a gorgeous lady. She is a type of person that I could do one portrait after another of. She has so many different styles of clothing and hair do’s. She is just a fun person to work with.

We are getting rain in Perryton this morning. I have just cancelled my lunch plans at the Center today. I don’t like getting wet. There are things I can do at home, that are more important. Watching the news is the most important. I feel very responsible for the decisions I make in my life whether they be personal, political or whatever. If I don’t spend a lot of time watching the television, keeping updated on the news then I cannot make the right decisions when it comes time to vote for an important office, such as President of the United States. I also read a lot since most persons running for an important office have written at least one book. It was after reading President Obama’s first book, “Dreams of My Father,” that I decided he was not someone I would vote for. He has proven now to be that bad person I believed him to be after reading his book. The thing he has strived for every since he was elected president is exactly what I believed he would do upon finishing the book. I made him out to be for replacing all leadership in America with black people and Muslims. I believe that is still his goal and has made great strides in doing just that. I do not have to take part of the blame for putting him into power. I believe those who didn’t vote are just as guilty because they didn’t care enough about their country to take an important part in in. God tells us even the hairs on our heads are numbered. He knows who the responsible ones are and who is not. I also believe He will take away from those who didn’t use their talent and give to those who did. It’s not all about whether our vote counts or not, it’s about whether we care enough to try and help our country. Everyone will be judged for their deeds, whether they be good or bad. It is a good thing for all to contribute something to their country even if it’s just a vote. Word to mouth is another good way to help. If we are read-up on all the facts, and share them with others, we are making sure we are using our wisdom which God has given us. That is not saying we are always right, but at least we are more apt to be right than those whom have not listened to hardly any news or read many pages of the papers. We are being called to be witnesses for God in more ways than one.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Straight Ahead Don't Turn Back"

Jean's Comment's: "Straight Ahead Don't Turn Back": The little deer in my flower bed looks lonesome since the flowers all left it. Hurry up spring and come back. 10-29-2015 Perryton, Texas. ...

"Straight Ahead Don't Turn Back"

The little deer in my flower bed looks lonesome since the flowers all left it. Hurry up spring and come back. 10-29-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Enjoying a nice sunshine day, but just a little cool. Lots of white clouds overhead beneath a clear blue sky. There are too many clouds to see the jets today as they pass over. We haven’t had a frost yet, but the leaves are turning different colors daily. I have to say they are beautiful just like the flowers were. Peace and tranquility always awaits me to come outside and join them. I pray it never ends. I need this short time of relaxation every day. I can say a quite prayer of thankfulness, and be ready to deal with the rest of the day. Several dear friends are either in hospice or hospital recovery at this time. My heart just keeps on grieving for my losses. I guess I am selfish, because I never want to give up my loved ones. I know they are entering that place of perfect peace and rest, but I have to stay and miss them a lot.

I will be posting the portrait of Melania Trump tomorrow. She is a beautiful lady, and I hope she will be our First Lady before long. The portrait I have chosen to paint of her is sexy, but she is a model and that goes with her profession. She no longer models, but the talent is still in her. I plan to do another portrait of her soon that will be a later pose of her. She is still beautiful, but slightly less sexy. The picture is a perfect exposure of, “classic style.” How I admire the grace and humbleness she offers in her personality. Again I am thankful for the appreciation I have been afforded for human male and female masculinity and beauty. I count it as a God given gift. I am now working on a gorgeous sunrise that I took a picture of myself. It almost takes my breath when I look at it, but I am not sure what it will look like after I transpose it to canvas. It seems like I will be painting my way through the rest of my life. I enjoy it so much, and I am amazed at what my work turns into.

I must pass on a thought to all who read this blog. Sometimes I think no one gets anything out of what I write, but I keep being reminded by the holy spirit that God’s word does not return to Him void. So as long as I am speaking of God and His goodness, I have to believe someone is being blessed. Its all by faith, but no not really. I do often get comments of how my work has helped someone so I can’t say Its all by faith. I don’t have an email address on my blog nor do I have it sit up for comments on line, but I do get encouragement by person. I am not computer wise enough to accept all invitations as there are so many evil people out there. But I wish it were not that way. Be assured that I pray for all my viewers every night, and I know my prayers are not falling on deaf ears. I love you all and wish the best for everyone.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Heart Of Stone"

Jean's Comment's: "A Heart Of Stone": Some people's hearts are made of stone. The worse thing I can think of today. 10-27-2015 Perryton, Texas. A voice told me this morni...

"A Heart Of Stone"

Some people's hearts are made of stone. The worse thing I can think of today. 10-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.

A voice told me this morning to write about a heart of stone. This was after I had a thought of someone I loved dearly, and would have given my life for, died without ever changing her dead-set way in thinking that she was right about everything she said. Sadly enough she was the most stubborn person I had ever known. At first I argued with this strong thought, thinking it was not something I wanted to remember about my beloved one. Especially I didn’t want to write about it. But for some unknown reason I was being informed of some things that I had not thought of before about this dear one. I had always thought this person had a heart as big as a bushel basket, but just had some strange ways of showing it sometimes. Then the voice inside me said, this person you loved so dearly had a heart of stone. Nothing in the world could ever have changed her thinking of always being right. I had gotten to the place where I thought she was beyond any hope of making things right with God, although she definitely believed in God the Father, and Jesus Christ the son. She never wanted to hear their names mentioned. I believe she was afraid of giving into their pleading with her to repent. She would always change the subject. Yet when she was called upon for help by a person with spiritual needs, she was super prepared to dig them out of their confusion, never denying the power of God. She was a director of traffic, but couldn’t drive herself. If ever anyone had a worry, she was the first to convince them that it was Satan who made them worry. Within minutes she had people thinking they had the world by the tail. It was always so nice to go visit this person because she was so interesting, and had no bounds about who, or what, she wanted to say. Yes, she did have reservations about people who wanted to preach to her and tell her she was wrong, and in so many words, a fool. She didn’t treat anyone badly, but she had a way of telling them she was not about to listen to their non-sense religion. I will try to describe this person to my best understanding. She was a lady of poor parents, who failed to provide, and demand of her to get an education. She had the love of these parents that surpassed most parent’s love for their children. She was thought of by her parents as being smart enough without going to school a lot. I have to partly agree with that, except all children need a good education. She was offered for a bride to a minister several years older than she. She bare him seven children and breast fed them all. She lived with her husband till all her children were grown, the left to go out on her own. She never asked for a divorce, but remarried after her husband died. I don’t know where her wisdom came from, but she certainly was no fool when it came to common sense thinking. She was the best doctor, not to hold a license, that I ever knew. She never publicly prayed for anyone, which makes me so disturbed. Yet I ask myself what difference did it make as long as the sickness was quickly resolved. This lady was spoken of by many as, beautiful, sweet, smart, humble, survivor of all hardships, and fun to be with. Yet I am told this morning she had a heart of stone. What does it mean?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, October 26, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Love That Never Quits Loving"

Jean's Comment's: "Love That Never Quits Loving": This picture shows a perfect plane in front of the smoke. Double click to see the wings and nose. 10-26-2015 Perryton, Texas. This pictu...

"Love That Never Quits Loving"

This picture shows a perfect plane in front of the smoke. Double click to see the wings and nose. 10-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This picture is after the jet passed over my head and was going away from me. The first on was while it was coming toward me. Both pics are clearly showing the entire plane. 10-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Some more interesting sky-watching took place this afternoon. I can’t believe so many jets are flying over my head every day. It must be a busy world all around the globe. I am so thankful to have a speck to call home where I can feel safe and secure. Busy can stay away from me. I am enjoying my turtle-crawl with just sticking my head out once in awhile. My crawling space covers a small town area with population about 8,000. Busy has made this city a very nice place to live. But busy is also crawling slowly now. Enough is enough for some common, every-day, folks.

Today has been a day where I barely stuck my head out. I have been so lonely after having such a busy week-end with my son from Abilene. I wished him Godspeed when he left yesterday afternoon, but I did hate to see him leave. However, I would not have wanted him to stay away from the sweet wife, two children, lovely home, and management of the economic development department of a large city which he fills. With all of these responsibilities he still has time to care for me. Why was God so good to me? Tomorrow I will be crawling out to take over my own duties as an artist and writer. These closed-up days don’t come often. I usually am trying to think of some way to slow down when it starts to get bed time. I did have to go and pay a bill today then  get a tag for my car, only because it was a must.

The sun is starting to sink now. A long night awaits me and I feel like tomorrow should start now. I guess that’s normal when one has goofed off most of the day. I will make up for it tomorrow. In the mean time I know I need bed rest and sound sleeping. “Spank me Lord, and put me to bed.” I have discovered on the days when one is feeling low, is the time when Satan really tries to attack you. He tells lies as long as you will listen to them. After the first few words I don’t listen anymore, but those few words found an lasting place in my memory cells. Tomorrow they will automatically be deleted. That’s why I am anxious for tomorrow. Another day, another jet, will carry my blues away. My memories will all be of good things, and the bad will have to wait for another time. I am almost already feeling the ‘tomorrow morning’ when I love to drink my three cups of coffee, and watch the early morning news. I am at the best of my attention span as God directs me as to what to expect in the future. I know without a doubt He is directing my path. I no longer feel lost as the day goes by. He starts to fill my empty coffee cup with joy and happiness. After three cups of that I am on my way to a great, and satisfying day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "What Is A Fool"

Jean's Comment's: "What Is A Fool": The jet can be seen at the bottom of the smoke trail. So interesting to me. 10-25-2015 Perryton, Texas Two jets can be seen here flying ...

"What Is A Fool"

The jet can be seen at the bottom of the smoke trail. So interesting to me. 10-25-2015 Perryton, Texas
Two jets can be seen here flying close together. No smoke, but flying lower than the other one. 10-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

While enjoying a beautiful sunny day in my backyard this afternoon, I was lucky enough to see within minutes three jets flying over. The first jet was plainly visible just a short distance from the trail of smoke coming from it. The second two jets were flying very close together with no visible smoke at all. The speed had to be great, because I was moving my camera fast trying to get them focused in. Boom! Within seconds they were gone. I enjoy watching these super transportation air planes move gracefully across the sky. Some may have as many as two to three hundred passengers on them. Others may have tons of freight. I often wonder what will be the next major invention to rapture people to the moon, or if the moon will ever be human livable. I believe the realm that I’m living in will be a joke to my great-great-great grandchildren. I thank God that He mostly has let people live a hundred years or less, in this time and age. It will always be a big question what eternity will be like. I have settled to the notion of living life one day at a time, and loving every minute of it. Today is mine, but tomorrow may not be mine. Like a young child looking for a playmate, I am looking for a Christian get-together where everyone is happy and free. If anyone knows of such a place please let me know. Its been too long since I belonged to such a fellowship. I have been living for a long time on precious memories. Once again I would like some reality. A false, spiritual movement has dominated our pews for too long. As you might say, the pulpit has been the beginning of this non-sense religion. How sad to see those persons whom think they are the true Christian when others see them as religious fanatics who are totally out of touch with God. Even the punishment God places on them don’t change their twisted beliefs. My description of such, Christian covetous, (what a shame to write those words,) is jealousy, boastfulness, pride, deceivers, self-righteousness, and highly egotistic. So much so that they never slow down long enough to ask God if there could be in wrong doing in their life. God has to tell them in ways they didn’t ask for. Some people just don’t want to give up their egotistic pleasures, no matter how bad they must treat others to keep it. There could be no greater fools than this. If only they would pull off their old rotten garments, and put on some new, they could be healed and be able to do great things for God. But if the fool wants to continue to live in their folly, they will forever be looked upon as fools who are unforgiving for their mistakes. They definitely need to correct them before its too late. Some mistakes can only be corrected by admitting you have made them, and apologizing to any who may still be waiting to hear it. Sometimes showing it can be better than speaking it.

God Bless
Jean Sharp

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Picture Of Part Of My Heart"

Jean's Comment's: "A Picture Of Part Of My Heart": Me, Jean, and youngest son Kent Sharp.TCU shirt not showing good. 10-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.                     My youngest son, Ke...

"A Picture Of Part Of My Heart"

Me, Jean, and youngest son Kent Sharp.TCU shirt not showing good. 10-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.

                    My youngest son, Kent, and middle son, Rick. 10-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I had all three of my sons here with me this week-end although my oldest wasn’t here when we were taking pictures. It has been so nice to have them here in our home. The time just goes by too fast. Kent will be going back to Abilene tomorrow. He has done a lot of things for me while he’s been here. He moved furniture and deep suctioned my carpet in all the living and dinning room area, cleaning all the edges and corners with the special tool. Then he mowed both yards. He also did a lot of other stuff. I think his wife knows how lucky she is to have him, but in case she don’t, let me tell her. She didn’t get to come this time. He is just as lucky to have her for a wife. God bless my children for being so good to me. I will have my daughter and son-in-in law with me for Thanksgiving, next month. Another date to look forward to.

Kent just told me he will be fixing ribs on the grill in the morning. So glad he will be staying till the afternoon. We will have a great meal before he leaves. We still have chocolate cake and fruit salad left over. It can’t get better than that. Sometimes I feel like shouting between battles. Most of the time I feel victorious. All because of God’s mercy to me. Somehow He lets us look above the dark clouds. Sometimes when we need a boost of encouragement He give us a dream that is so wonderful till it carries on for days. I believe it is just a way to let us know that He still hears and answers prayer. The dream is almost like it really happened. In other words a dream life can be like a real life if we chose. In His time He will make it real.

Kent and Rick are catching up on a lot of space between togetherness. I left them to visit while I came to write this blog. This has been such a blessed week-end. I will always remember it. These next two months will be passing by fast, and I already feel like they will be the best two of the year.  I almost feel selfish to gloat about my blessings when I hear every day about so many terrible things happening to other people. Let no one ever doubt that I feel the pain of others almost like my own. I am also claiming victory for them. Life is what it is, and we can’t change anything. We can only declare we will stay strong, and not give into defeat. Our battles are not our own, but Gods. Let us claim that promise, and put Satan on the run.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "It Is Very Dark Outside Today"

Jean's Comment's: "It Is Very Dark Outside Today": Rain clouds look great. We have already had over an inch. Now 30 minutes after this picture was taken its completely dark. 10-21-2015 Perr...

"It Is Very Dark Outside Today"

Rain clouds look great. We have already had over an inch. Now 30 minutes after this picture was taken its completely dark. 10-21-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Perryton, Texas is getting rain today. We have received an inch last night and already today. It is suppose to rain through tomorrow. So thankful for every drop we get. The dead grass is already looking better.

I enjoyed a nice time at The Center today. I got to sit with two friends who don’t come very often. I also met the new hospital administrator. He sat beside me which was the only vacant chair at our table. He seems to be a very nice person, and I hope Perryton treats he and his family well. Today was our annual membership meeting. Five new members were elected to the board. We have a total of twelve members. The annual report sounded good, and we look forward to even a better year this next term. The Center has 174 paying members. There are lots of people who come to eat with us who are not members. That’s because the food and fellowship is so nice. The building was built in 1982, and has grown in membership every year since. For a small town, that is an outstanding record for Senior Citizens.

I must say something about the condition our world is in at this time. I believe everyone would agree that evil is at the highest level, world-wide, than it has ever been since America was discovered. I pray that everyone will accept that fact, and turn their live over to God for whatever He chooses to do with it. I would rather do that than fight with flesh and blood. I do believe God does have a leader who can put the evil on the run, but our job is to respectfully put that leader in place. It can be done, because God has told us in His word that He would never leave nor forsake us. The Spirit of God is all powerful, and will fight the battle for us. Many innocent human beings have suffered an horrible death, both young and old. It makes us want to ask God why, but we know we cannot do that. We can join forces with our prayers, and wait upon the Lord to direct our path. My life is in God’s hands, and I have to trust Him with it. Prayer is the greatest weapon we could possible have. Let us all use it to the fullest. If we fail to recognize God’s voice when He speaks to us about the path He wants us to follow, then we will suffer along with the multitude of others who waited too late to call upon his name. They can be identified as too unconcerned for too long. God’s mercy will not be with them. If I sound troubled, I am. Far too many people are out of touch with God, and will not make the right choices when fighting for the right leader with their prayers. They only can say, “Thou will be done.” It is going to take a direct request for God to answer their prayer. No guessing about it. Now is the time to take a stand.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "It Takes God's Beauty To Fulfill Our Duty"

Jean's Comment's: "It Takes God's Beauty To Fulfill Our Duty":                        Blackberry leaves turning red in late October. 10-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.  I am thankful for a light rain a few ...

"It Takes God's Beauty To Fulfill Our Duty"

                       Blackberry leaves turning red in late October. 10-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.
 I am thankful for a light rain a few minutes ago. Everything looks so refreshed. 10-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I wasn’t expecting a shower today, but I really appreciate it. The outside smells so fresh and everything looks watered. I have to love the beautiful colors of fall leaves. There are so many different shades of every color. I thought about making an arrangement for my dinning table. I could gather so many different kinds and colors of leaves, then I have pine combs, and lots of asparagus fern. But I know it would die very quickly, and it wouldn’t be worth the time. Even though the sun isn’t shinning at my place, I still like to sit out and feel the fresh air moving across my face, Occasionally I can feel a drop or two of rain on my arms. I had to wipe the lawn chairs off since the rain left a puddle of water on their seats. The temperature is just right to be comfortable. I took a snack out to eat while I was enjoying the nice weather.

Our church surrendered another one of our most-loved members this week. He was 95 years old. I am thankful that he had just a short time of bed rest before passing. He was strong enough to come to church except for the last two months. His death came sooner than expected since he injured himself in a fall. His mind stayed clear till the end. I am proud to give his name and I am sure some of my readers would appreciate it. Dave Deal was a star football player on his high school team many years ago. I don’t have the exact time of he and his wife’s wedding, but I believe it was about 73 years ago. She survives him. I took a dish to church today for the funeral services, but because of sickness in my own family I did not stay for the service.

My great grandson was taken to the hospital yesterday with unknown problems. He has been paralyzed from the neck down since he was fourteen. He was hit by a vehicle while skate boarding. He is nineteen now. His mind has always been good, but cannot move a muscle below his neck, nor can he turn his head because they have a brace on his neck. I am happy to say he has been given the best of care since the accident happened. Five yeas was the time given to his parents that he would live. It has been just about that time, and we are waiting anxiously to see if he will come out of this semi-coma condition. The doctors have not been able to give us any information yet on his condition. He is in the intensive care unit at Scott and White in Temple Texas. We have had this precious child in God’s hands every since the accident, but it will still be hard to give him up when ever God sees fit. Life just does not seem good to some people, but we know God does all things for a reason, and we trust Him always. Prayer is the key to the door of God’s peace and stability.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Are Those Who Praise His Name"

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Are Those Who Praise His Name": This morning at 9:30 a.m. the sun was one big joy to behold. 10-18-2015 Perryton, Texas. The master of the earth. The light of the world...

"Happy Are Those Who Praise His Name"

This morning at 9:30 a.m. the sun was one big joy to behold. 10-18-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The master of the earth. The light of the world. The Son, and His sunshine. 10-18-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. I stepped out in my front yard to see this unbelievable sun. I had to put my sun glasses on to even get the camera close to this bright sky scene. I was shouting the victory, declaring defeat over all evil in the world. Please join me in claiming the promise God gave us in the bible. 2 Chronicles 20:15.  And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah, and thou king Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the Lord unto you, Be ye not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; FOR THE BATTLE IS NOT YOURS, BUT GODS.

I challenge each and every one of you this next week to not be afraid nor dismayed. If your heart is right, God will fight your battles. I had a big battle this past week to deal with, but I look back now and ask myself, why was I feeling defeated? I knew the battle was God’s. But somehow we think, “well I guess its time for me to quit. I didn’t realize I was so weak to believe I was becoming master of everything I had been robbed of.” That thought was directly from Satan. I had begun to feel somewhat victorious by the end of the week, but that same old Satan would still attack me and try to make me doubt again. He would say, “don’t be fooled, the battle is not over.” Then when I saw this enormous sun with all its arms reaching out every direction this morning, I knew I was still going to be a winner. I don’t expect to be a “Little David who slew the giant, but neither do I want to continue to fight giants such as David did all his life. I just want to be a child walking beside it’s father every day knowing that he will protect me from all evil.

No one on earth is exempted from harsh criticism, but a winner will stay in the game as long as they really want to win. The game is not over till it’s over. There’s always another one to play. I have never been knocked out. Wounded, but not disabled. As long as I hold my Father’s hand, I’m not afraid of anyone. His will for my life is my only desire. His mercy and goodness will always be with me. I am not afraid to speak my convictions. I will always challenge you with them. Not that I don’t believe in your convictions, but you must let me believe in mine. Because someone tells me I am not worthy, doesn’t make it so, but they must remember they themselves are not worthy neither. Not that anyone has told me that, but some have tried to make me feel as such I believe.  We all get more than we deserve in life. Satan has always used people to speak for him, and I can usually recognize his face. “Be of good cheer, Dreary is just momentarily.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "From Rest To Breast"

Jean's Comment's: "From Rest To Breast": The morning glories have opened up for the evening. Its close to sundown so they will close up soon. 10-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.        ...

"From Rest To Breast"

The morning glories have opened up for the evening. Its close to sundown so they will close up soon. 10-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.
        A rose bush is still looking pretty these days way into fall. 10-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.

The sun is lowering in the west, but I still have blooming flowers that make me happy. This is the seventh of October, but it is still nice and warm in Perryton, Texas. I am blessed to have a lovely selection of flowers still blooming.  How nice it was to sit out in my backyard for awhile this late afternoon while I investigated the sky, the flower garden, and the butterflies. I only saw two or three birds the whole hour I was out there. The large congregation of birds that I enjoyed all summer have found a better place to call home it seems. I did see a plane so high in the clear sky till it looked like a fly speck, but it was so far away, and moving so fast I couldn’t get it focused in my camera. It was not a jet because there was no smoke trailing it. And there was no sound. I just noticed this tiny speck moving across the sky very fast. I watched it till it completely disappeared, which must have been several miles.

I have finished my schedule for today except for eating a light supper and watching the latest news. I spent a good while painting on the portrait of Melania Trump. She is such a gorgeous lady, and I hope I can convey it on canvas. Her husband, Donald Trump is now hanging at the Senior Citizens Center, but I will not be able to hang Melania’s portrait beside him because some of the members of the Center think too mush of her breast are exposed. I used to be that modest, but somehow I see things differently now. If a mother can breast feed her baby in public places what is the difference in not nursing one, The model Melania is, does not show all of her breast. I will not judge a person for being their self as long as it is not provoking. It’s strange how I can apply this to certain people. Not every woman would I condone partial breast exposure. I believe it has something to do with the personality. I have found myself in hot water before when trying to explain a complex situation. I just don’t believe that black is always black, nor white always white. I feel like gray can be created by using both colors. It took me a lot of years in life to decide that some things are just not 100 percent wrong. I have been made to believe that God does not deal with everyone the same way. The person who believes in God has the right to speak to Him personally. We the non-perfect one, should stay out of that  person’s business. Of course there are many ways of looking at lust, but the bottom line is everyone is responsible for their own sin. Hats off to those who are given the responsibility of maintaining respect in the community. it’s a tough job, and covers a lot of territory. May the Lord be with us all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, October 16, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Thought Inspired By The Moon"

Jean's Comment's: "A Thought Inspired By The Moon": A picture of the half-moon tonight at 9:00 p.m. turned out to look like several half-moons. The eye saw three, but not this many. 10-16-20...

"A Thought Inspired By The Moon"

A picture of the half-moon tonight at 9:00 p.m. turned out to look like several half-moons. The eye saw three, but not this many. 10-16-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This shot almost looks like a man's face with a baseball cap on backwards. So much for half-moons. 10-16-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Tonight at 9:00 p.m. I noticed a double half-moon in the low western sky. Sometimes I could see three half-moons. I thought it interesting enough to take a picture. In the process of doing that I got all kinds of different shapes of the half-moon. I have posted two. I just have to take notice when I see a bright moon in the sky. I know that actually it is God looking over us. He is the light of the world both day and night. If we will trust Him we will never walk in darkness. We, His children have our times of fear and weakness, but He is always there quickly to encourage us. I remember when I was a young girl living in the country. A few times when I and my brothers got off the school bus mom and dad would not be home. That was fine until it began to get dark, then fear would start to mount up. In those days there was no telephones or no electricity at most farm houses. When we kids would finally see our parents turning in the long driveway we would shout for joy. Then I had to listen to my brothers brag about not being afraid at all. It was never real dark when the parents arrived, but we, being children didn’t know if they would even be home all night, because we knew accidents did happen. I know that my Heavenly Father is even more concerned about me than my earthly parents were, but the child-like fear seems to follow us all our lives. I am glad for that, because I never want to not be afraid of getting too far away from God.

There are times in our lives when we wonder if things will ever get better. I guess I am trying to ask does it ever get to where we won’t have to worry or fear anymore. I am made to believe as long as we have a good mind we will have to worry. Not that God want’s it to be that way, but because we are in the flesh. And with so many people time causes more and more worry. Finally the life has to give into defeat, and lay it down. Like a child who does not want to go to bed, we often fight the thought of giving our life up. To put it mildly, life can be so cruel, and we still want to live on.

I am thankful that I am still able to trust God, and He never fails me, but I, like my Savior Jesus Christ, must bear many crosses before I can enter into eternal rest. How great our God is, and how good it is to be present with fellow Christians who believe like I do. There is where the strength comes in. I don’t want to be a loner. I want to be among the God fearing, believing, and Spirit filled Christians.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Calling All Prayer Warriors To The Front Line."

Jean's Comment's: "Calling All Prayer Warriors To The Front Line.":                              Mid-fall afternoon in my backyard. 10-16-2015 Perryton, Texas. Still enjoying some flowers. Its mid-fall. b...

"Calling All Prayer Warriors To The Front Line."

                             Mid-fall afternoon in my backyard. 10-16-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Still enjoying some flowers. Its mid-fall. but several flowers continue to bloom. 10-16-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I don’t know of any other place I would rather be, like today, just sitting out in my backyard enjoying the beautiful day. The sky were totally blue with just a few white clouds. Several long trails of white smoke, supposedly from jets, could be seen all around the sky. Nothing but beautiful, and mysterious. We all know there is fighting going on all over the world now, and guided missiles are striking where people are living, with many causalities occurring every day. Advanced scientific technology has made it possible for the world to be destroyed with just one push of a button. No one knows for sure what countries have this capability. We here in America are no longer assured of being the King of all nations. Of course we in America have that dreadful button that we can use, but what if another country decides to use it first. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the last war on earth will soon begin. God has changed His mind before according to the bible, and I strongly believe He would do it again if people would turn from their wicked ways, repent, and seek His face. But make no mistake about it, A mighty fight has to be fought at this time before victory can be claimed. No “good-ole-personality,” type in the White House will ever be able to conquer this evil, world-wide war. It is going to take some one who is not afraid to stand up and declare that we will not bend or bow to any countries evil aggressiveness.  There is only one in the whole group of Democrat, and GOP, candidates who can fit this description. Donald Trump means business. He will not play games, and he knows how to take our country back. I am positively sure he could be our next president if only God will intervene and destroy all of those evil forces that already exist in America who think they can now destroy Donald Trump. Yes, I believe a Civil war is oblivious, and is already underway. I have always been one to move over if someone wants to bully me, but a great change has come over me. I now say, like Aaron and Hur, when they supported Moses hands when he no longer could hold them up toward heaven, let us all hold up Donald Trump’s hands because he also is getting tired of fighting such ungodly force every day. I believe he has the determination, and will not give up, but he needs all of our support. “God bless America, and God destroy our enemies,” I pray. They no longer deserve mercy after what they have done to God’s children who loved and served Him daily. Surely everyone remembers the story of how Sampson killed one thousand men with the jawbone of an ass. Judges 15:16. God gave him strength, and God will give Donald Trump strength.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Dried Apple For The Butterfly's Food"

Jean's Comment's: "A Dried Apple For The Butterfly's Food": A butterfly is eating from the dried apple still on the tree. It's the same color as the apple and hard to see. Need to double click i...

"A Dried Apple For The Butterfly's Food"

A butterfly is eating from the dried apple still on the tree. It's the same color as the apple and hard to see. Need to double click it. 10-13-2015 Perryton, Texas.

A few dried apples are still clinging to the tree. This morning while working in the yard I saw this monarch butterfly land on one of the dried apples and started eating away. I got the camera and was able to get a picture of it. It was the same color of the dried apple so its hard to see the butterfly, but if you double click it can be seen better. I sat and watched it feast on the apple till I finally had to get busy again. I take several time-outs during my work schedule every day. Since I am now my own boss I can do that. I thought of my dad this morning as I was taking an extra lot of time resting. He used to say to us kids while we were chopping cotton, “O K kids, you’ve rested long enough. Time to get busy.” He was very lenient with us, and I still miss him a lot. When I was growing up I didn’t think my dad was very smart, but now as I look back I think he was very intelligent. I can’t hardly wait to see where he will be sitting when I get to heaven. I don’t believe he will be on a back seat. I am thankful for all the things he taught me, even though I never told him that before he died. I now live in regret for being too stubborn to tell him “I love you.” I did have enough decency to let him know he had been better to me than he thought he had. In his latter days he said to me, “I just wish I could have given you kids more than I did. And, sis I didn’t want to spank you that time you cut up the material that your aunt had bought to make her daughter a coat, but…” I remember very well that incident. I was 12 years old and we were visiting my aunt and uncle in St. Louis Missouri. My aunt said she was going to try and make her daughter a coat, but said she didn’t know how. I thought I was a good seamstress so I was going to make the coat for her without telling anybody. My dad couldn’t remember very well because he never laid a hand on me. I can’t hardly remember even getting scolded very much. Somehow My dad was thinking he had been mean to me, and was having a hard time dealing with it. I did everything I could to make him understand that he never ever whipped me, and he had given me much more than I deserved. I just never told him that I loved him. He seemed too much more than a dad for me to tell him that. He was my reverend, my bible teacher, and my counselor, and much more. I am not the only member of the family that has appreciated him more since he passed on. My brothers, sisters, and many of my nieces, and nephews have all given much praise to this father, and grandfather whenever we have gotten together.

If sometimes we feel like we are not appreciated just remember, Jesus was not appreciated until after He was killed. He of all people had every reason to be loved, and appreciated. The memories of one’s childhood will forever live in them. We may leave our children here on earth, but we can’t take the memories away from them. The memories of my dad are nothing but good.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, October 12, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Share Your Sunshine With Others"

Jean's Comment's: "Share Your Sunshine With Others": Today the sun broke through my neighbor's tree, causing a reflection that looked like two suns. 10-12-2015 Perryton, Texas. Leave ...

"Share Your Sunshine With Others"

Today the sun broke through my neighbor's tree, causing a reflection that looked like two suns. 10-12-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Leave it to me to always find something unusual to take a picture of. I took this picture from my yard of my neighbors tree that was framing the bright sun. It was a beautiful sight with the large green tree having enough space between two limbs to let the sun shine through. As you can tell I love the sun and never am ready for it to do down. It lights up my life every day that it shines, but when it is not there I get pretty down. Kind of like a child missing its mother. Thank God for mothers, and thank God for sunshine. Never does a day pass that I don’t wonder what this great big world is all about. A thousand questions run through my mind daily, but never do get  answer. My biggest question is why is so much pain present in this Great Creation that God made out of love? Why is a hundred years a long time for a human to live? Why is there never an end to eternity? The wonder goes on and on. Unless one leaves these unanswered question in God’s hand, there can never be peace even with the sun shinning bright. If our own flesh is not hurting our heart is hurting for someone else’s pain. I cannot get relief for very long for remembering the awful pain I have head others go through. Sometimes I have to plead the blood of Jesus to help me forget some of the awful things that has happened to innocent little children. Their little pleading cries just keep ringing in my ears. No one but God can help me in times like that. I believe we’re not suppose to forget, for that is what life is all about. Those who forget will probably be forgotten in the end. I cannot even forget the anger I feel toward those who inflicted the terrible pain on others, but even that has to leave our minds. The pain just continues on.

At the end of every day, when the sun goes down, I lay all my sorrow on the alter of prayer. After a nights sleep, and rest I am ready to face another day. The question still remains why Lord, why? I learned at a very young age to trust God for all things, but I have to be sorry for those who was not taught  that. Is it fair, we sometimes ask ourselves. Again, God is a just God, and he would not do anyone wrong. The question is still going unanswered. Trust, trust, someday we will understand it all. Till then let us all do everything in our power to help someone who is living in constant pain, whether it be physical pain, or mental. If you can’t feel it, then I suggest you pinch yourself to see if you feel that. If you never have to pray for God to help you forget someone else’s pain, then you must already be dead. I would be afraid of having lost the love of God myself.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "He Who Hath Ears Let Him Hear"

Jean's Comment's: "He Who Hath Ears Let Him Hear":                          My faithful little rose bush is still blooming. 10-11-2015 Perryton, Texas.        The fall mums are just start...

"He Who Hath Ears Let Him Hear"

                         My faithful little rose bush is still blooming. 10-11-2015 Perryton, Texas.
       The fall mums are just starting to bloom. I enjoy them so much. 10-11-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I’m so glad for this day. It has been filled with blessings for me. Church services was great, and lunch and fellowship afterwards was even better. The temperature has been 90 degree, and I still have flowers blooming. I feel satisfied with all I have been involved in today. It hasn’t been one of those days when you feel like you wasted all of it. I am already looking forward to tomorrow. I have lots of things I need to do, and I know I will make a showing again tomorrow.

I spent an hour last night listening to a prophet’s belief on what is about to happen to the world immediately. It sounded like he could be 100 per cent right, until I finally got tired of listening and reading both at the same time,  and clicked off. I don’t know how long this bible documentary was, but it turned into a thought for me that at the end there was going to be something that would benefit some people who were trying to promote a substitute for electricity. This supposedly well researched bible prophet, was a genius in proving his theory with the bible, except he was still a mortal, and if one listens long enough they can always see the main purpose of the warning message given by that mortal. I am not saying that what he was saying will not happen, because it did sound very possible with what we already know is happening, but I believe we can do as well with our faith deeply anchored in God, as what this mortal was suggesting we do. When getting close to the end he said every one needs to be prepared for this day, which I agree, but the preparedness he was speaking of was something of the natural. Then he started speaking about how we can do without electricity as an individual, but not as a country. I didn’t wait for the long explanation that I assumed was coming, but from what I did hear I don’t understand how anyone could survive even with his idea.  I may be exaggerating a bit here, but I believe he was saying the few people who will follow his instructions can survive, but as a whole everyone else will die. The world will be destroyed by this one light that, I believe he was meaning Russia has, when he said will knock out every electric operating devise in the world. No guns, no bombs, and no man power is needed to destroy the world. He said Russia’s present leader is the king of the north, and America’s president is the king of the south, that the bible speaks of. I believe I heard him right when he said Obama is the last president America will ever have, and Putin is the last one Russia will have. He said Obama will not go out of office. I have never been one to believe modern day prophets, nor do I even listen to them, but since this documentary was part of Max news that I read every day, and it usually has it right, because the T V news media always covers it later, I decided to listen to the tape. This prophet did not frighten me because I already know and expect something drastic to happen any day, but I would not be surprised if at least part of what he said will happen and soon.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

The fall mums have just now started blooming. They cheer me up so much. 10-11-2015 Perryton, Texas.
I also have a gorgeous rose bush that just keeps on blooming. Two or three buds can be seen in the background that will be bloomed out in a couple of days. Loving every minute of what's left of nice weather. 10-11-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "I See A Mighty Sign Of Disaster"

Jean's Comment's: "I See A Mighty Sign Of Disaster": A long streak of light or smoke from a jet above the sun, made for an interesting sight this afternoon. It kinda looks like a large plane ...

"I See A Mighty Sign Of Disaster"

A long streak of light or smoke from a jet above the sun, made for an interesting sight this afternoon. It kinda looks like a large plane with wings showing. 10-10-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This is the streak without the sun. Some people call these streaks chemicals that environmentalist  are letting go from planes, and other such aircraft, in an attempt  to cool global warming. I say its all a political trick to confuse people. 10-10-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This day has been very pleasant to deal with. The weather is ideal for sitting out and enjoying the bright sun with all the other exposures the sky sometimes produces. Today, as well as many other days, I watched a movie running in the sky. Streaks of white slowly moved across the sky while the width varied from narrow to broad, then to catch up with the sun. I made this picture just as a streak was passing over the sun. It looked so exciting as the sun appeared to have long wings on either side. So extremely bright was that sun I had to guess at the focus window of the camera while I snapped the picture. I managed to get a good shot after several attempts. Then I watched the smoke of a jet till it finally disappeared. We are hearing that global warming experts are letting go of all sorts of chemicals in the air in order to keep the planet from over-heating. Some have told me the long trails of white smoke I see so often is nothing less than the chemicals that are being used to keep us safe, but instead I hear also, that it is causing a lot of sickness among the people here on earth. Whatever it really is I am sure it will always be there as long as there is an earth. I am thankful that I have not yet seen a missile or a bomb coming at me. Millions of God’s people cannot say that. We in America may not be able to declare that much longer. All I want to say about that is we should be in an attitude of prayer twenty-four hours of every day. We can laugh and enjoy ourselves, and still be in an attitude of prayer. Fear does nothing but rob us of our victory that God has promised us. I do want very much to share my blessings with others. I am proud to say that I have been given the ability to defend myself when I am assaulted; however, I do not use it often because God has told us if we seek revenge from others, we already have our reward. Only when I feel like I am being useful in some important way do I hit back. I believe God expects that from us. I do have spiritual strength, and I will always use it when I feel it necessary. I love the scripture, James 1:5. If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God. We do not have to be in doubt about what we do. God’s wisdom will always kick in for us. Sometimes I think I have waiting a long time to  get the desire of my heart fulfilled, but I have to trust God that everything I want is not what I really need. I can do without some of my own desires even though I am human, and am tempted to go after them anyway. If its not best for me, then by God’s grace I will leave it alone. God help me not to complain.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Wish To Sleep With Lights On"

Jean's Comment's: "Wish To Sleep With Lights On": A pretty butterfly landed on the hummingbird feeder awhile ago. It was after the sweet nectar. So very pretty. 10-8-2015 Perryton, Texas. ...

"Wish To Sleep With Lights On"

A pretty butterfly landed on the hummingbird feeder awhile ago. It was after the sweet nectar. So very pretty. 10-8-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I am still enjoying my back yard with all the pretty little butterflies and things. I watched this little butterfly eat nectar from the hummingbird feeder for quite some time. It was opening and closing its wings constantly. The stuff must have been good. It never flew away all the time I was taking it’s picture. At one time I had the camera just a few inches from it. Today is one of my more joyful days. I was already beaming with pride when I walked to the back yard. I had been painting on Melania Trump’s portrait for a couple of hours. She was making me so happy smiling at me while I painted her. All from the canvas, of course. I am excited about how real-like she is becoming on the canvas. The little butterfly eating from the hummingbird’s feeder finished making my day great. I need more hours in the day, but then I would need a new body because this one is too worn out to do more than an average day’s work. I do have trouble at night unwinding because I want to keep going. Sometimes its 2:00 a m. before I go to sleep. But once I drift off I am out till 7:00 the next morning. That’s all the sleep I need for a 24 hour day. However, I do rest a lot during the day. God is more than good, He is awesome. He has helped me to let go of some of the sorrow from losing my husband. I am still hoping to clear out the closets of all his cloths before long. Almost three years should be long enough.

These are the times when I have the heater on part of the time, and the air conditioner  on part of the time. Sounds crazy, but somehow I love it. I want to hang onto summer as long as I can. I’m sure I will not be so frisky when I can no longer turn the air conditioner on. I am determined not to crawl up in my den, and sleep till summer. I may manage to get an edge on selling some of my books and paintings. That is my dream at this time. Its not all about play. There has to be some work involved. I am managing to keep my expenses paid, but everyone looks forward to better than that. The big one is out there if we can just catch it. At least I’m having fun while I keep casting. I have a large net if I hang a really big one. Life is full of surprises, and even some good ones. I look for something exciting every day, even if it’s a little, beautiful, butterfly helping it’s self to the humming bird’s feeder. Tomorrow will be another exciting day, because I am looking for it. Just can’t wait to see what happens next. “Walk in the fullness of His love.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Simple Prayer Can Change The World"

Jean's Comment's: "A Simple Prayer Can Change The World": Some just refuse to die. Snap dragons came back bouncing. Made me glad. 10-7-2015 Perryton, Texas.                             Pretty fa...

"A Simple Prayer Can Change The World"

Some just refuse to die. Snap dragons came back bouncing. Made me glad. 10-7-2015 Perryton, Texas.
                            Pretty fall leaves from blackberry vines. 10-7-2015 Perryton, Texas.

A typical fall day. Some life from flowers and vines are dying, and others are still surviving. Nothing could be more up-lifting. A few snap dragons in a little cluster was fervently asking for attention this afternoon when I walked through the rain soaked yard. They caught me by surprise since I thought I would not see them again till next year. Alone they are dominating the flower bed. The leaves on the blackberry vines are turning all different colors making a nice sight to enjoy. A few more days to enjoy before old man frost comes to kill them all.

I shared lunch today with several friends and acquaintances. It was nice to see my paintings hanging and be getting wonderful complements on many. I even had a book sale today at the Center. No better people can be found anywhere than those at the Center in Perryton, Texas. I don’t know how I got so lucky, but am truly thankful for everything. The laughs that we share in, are better than the food. Put them both together and it spells perfect pleasure. My children keep me supplied with meal tickets because they feel it is the easiest, and best gift they could give me for special occasions. They are happy to have me involved in such a nice group of people. I pray God’s blessings on them every night. Again I am so fortunate to have such a nice family.

I just want to mention that I am now painting a portrait of Melania Trump, Donald Trump’s wife. She is so gorgeous, I can’t wait to finish her lovely personality features that I am steadfast on creating. I think she would be a great. “First Lady,” and I hope God will allow her to become just that. I will post the portrait as soon as I am finished with it. I also will be hanging it beside Donald at the Center where his portrait is already hanging. Even though the worst of worst could happen any minute in our world today, I still have faith in God to bring those who are trusting Him through to victory. There is not enough evil in this world to destroy the Almighty power of God. I believe Donald Trump knows that, and is set to prove it if God wills. Many millions in bounty money has been offered on his head, but if God wants this man to become our leader nothing can stop it. I also believe if God doesn’t want him as leader, it won’t happen, but I feel sure if the second, if, is what happens, this world won’t last much longer. It all depends upon God’s plan. However, God has been known by, statements in the bible, to have changed His mind. Is there a prayer out there anywhere that can make God change His Mind? I certainly believe there is. Let us all keep asking God for mercy every day. “Ask and ye shall receive.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, October 5, 2015

Jean's Comment's: " A Blood Moon Shines On The Passover"

Jean's Comment's: " A Blood Moon Shines On The Passover":                      Blood moon and Passover. My latest painting. 10-5-2015 Perryton, Texas. I have just finished this painting of the B...

" A Blood Moon Shines On The Passover"

                     Blood moon and Passover. My latest painting. 10-5-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I have just finished this painting of the Blood Moon and Passover. There is a great, interesting, story connected with these two subjects. Just over a week ago I witnessed this blood moon in the sky. It was breath-taking. I knew I had to paint it so I did.

The bible says, Joel 2:31, That the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and terrible day of the Lord.

The Jews immigrated into Egypt and became slaves to Egypt, 250 years before they were let go by Pharaoh. God had to place ten plagues upon Egypt before the Israelites were ever freed. The tenth plague was a killing of all Egyptian firstborn. God told Moses and Aaron to kill a lamb and paint the blood on every doorpost of every Israelite house. The angel would know to pass over them. This happened, and Pharaoh was quick to run the Jews out of Egypt. This was called the Passover, and is still celebrated today by the Jews. The Red Sea was dried up while the Israelites crossed over.

The first Blood Moon occurred on the Jewish Passover in 32 A D. Several of the Prophets of today are predicting that the second coming of Christ is about to happen. In 1492, the Jews were expelled from Spain and Christopher Columbus discovered America giving the Jews a place to go. In 1948 the modern state of Israel was born, and in 1967, Israel won the Six-Day War and recaptured Jerusalem. During the 300-year interval from 1600 to 1900 there was no blood moons according to NASA eclipse expert, Fred Espenak.

This recent Blood Moon is the time John Hagee, well known TV prophet, predicts that the Rapture will occur where Christians will be taken to heaven. Israel will go to war in a great battle called Armageddon and Jesus will return to earth.

I do expect Israel to be engaged in one of the greatest wars ever, before long. Everything I see points to that prophecy. I encourage every person to be more concerned now than ever before. Everywhere I look I see nothing but bad happening. When I see a Muslin father choke his little four-year old daughter to death because she forgot to put on her head wrap, I know the end time can’t be long. That is only one of the thousands of stories that have been told about human cruelty among the Muslins, as well as would-be Muslins. Now Obama is bringing 200.000 more over here to fight us. Donald Trump can’t wait till 2016 to take control of this terrible mess we have been put in. We need him now. Tomorrow may be too late. There is a right way if everyone would just be serious with the facts and pray fervently unto God. We will never get rescued any other way. He cares for us, but so many don’t care for Him. The day is coming when every knee will bow before Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Shocking Discovery"

Jean's Comment's: "A Shocking Discovery":              This is the pile of old asparagus I cut down 3 weeks ago. 10-4-2015 Perryton, Texas. Today, 3 weeks later this is the new ...

"A Shocking Discovery"

             This is the pile of old asparagus I cut down 3 weeks ago. 10-4-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Today, 3 weeks later this is the new growth. 3 and 4 feet tell. wasn't suppose to come back up till next spring. 10-4-2015 Perryton, Texas

As I have said before three weeks ago I decided it was time to cut the asparagus plants even with the ground and get them ready for winter. I wanted to wait until it frosted before I covered the bed with mulch, but while I was waiting a big surprise knocked me for a loop. I looked out my kitchen window while washing dishes one week after I had leveled the plants to the ground. I thought I saw asparagus plants 3 feet tall. I quickly went out to investigate, and sure enough the plants had sprung up 3 and 4 feet tall. There was a thick patch of them. Chuck, Rick, and myself were stunned at the growth. We just couldn’t believe our eyes. Today has been 3 weeks since I cut the plants back, and you can see for yourself that they have grown to 7 feet tall, and very thick. I’m sure it was new plants that came up, but where did they come from? These plants grew an average of 6 inches a day. Unbelievable! This is the fifth year since I planted them. I had read that it took nine years for asparagus to be of any shape to eat, but mine didn’t take half that long. I am well pleased with the product from these plants, but more anxious to see what they will do next spring.

I enjoyed church services today. A sermon that you never hear preached on anymore was tackled by our minister. The scripture text was Mark 10:2-16. The subject was divorce. I guess it was just a coincidence, but that was the same chapter I read last night before I went to bed. I am just reading the book of Mark. Divorce is almost a forgotten word anymore since so many people no longer get married. Time has changed everything about marriage, and even our freedom of religion. If we ever have to live under the laws that Moses wrote, I think many will be praying that hasn’t ever prayed before. Without mentioning any religion, I think most people will recognize my concern. There is a fast moving religion that does not believe in Jesus Christ, and tries to force the old testament laws on people. It was just demonstrated this past week at the Oregon  College shooting. The shooter asked every one of the victims if they were a Christian before he shot them. If they said yes he shot them in the head. If they said no, or nothing, he shot them in the leg. I do believe that most people fail to realize just how bad our county is fastly getting. My dad used to tell me that ignorance was no excuse in God’s plan when people made terrible mistakes. Now that I am older I have to agree with that. Those who turn a deaf ear to the truth concerning the right thing to do, cannot be excused when they are proven wrong. It’s all in the book, and if they choose not to read or not to listen to respected ministers, then they cannot be called ignorant, but rather children of disobedience. They must bear their punishment. Are you listening yet?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "This Dog's Crumbs Would Be Good To Eat"

Jean's Comment's: "This Dog's Crumbs Would Be Good To Eat": I was sitting on my porch this morning when next-door neighbor, Molly, came over to say hello. I asked her to let me take a picture. She s...

"This Dog's Crumbs Would Be Good To Eat"

I was sitting on my porch this morning when next-door neighbor, Molly, came over to say hello. I asked her to let me take a picture. She spread out on the ground while I took it. 10-3-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Molly will not leave until I rub her back. I took another picture with her waiting on the steps for me to rub her. 10-3-2015 Perryton, Texas.

If ever I need someone to talk to all I have to do is walk outside and wait for Molly, my next-door neighbor dog,  to come over. She is there instantly. She insists that I rub her back, then she is ready to listen to me. You would not believe how much this dog understands what people are saying. She answers by sign language, Her master has done a great job in teaching her the English language. She always responds in a way that one cannot doubt her intelligence. I pray she will stay safe and live a long time.

Today we are getting a good taste of what winter is going to be like. The temperature in my house was 60% when I got up this morning. For an October 3rd  day, it is unusually cold outside. Its very dark, and hard to keep your spirits up. I could talk about all the bad things that we all are seeing and hearing about in our country today, but I must think only positive. My advise from my Lord many years ago just won’t leave me. He spoke to me saying, “Trust Me.” No matter how worried or how fearful I may be, when I pray about the matter He just says again, “Trust Me.” My job was to tell other people what God told me, in case they had not heard Him say those words to them. Each day brings us more and more fear, but in spite of it all, I will trust God. My anger has to be erased by God’s love. My memory of the Satanic acts I see every day has to be blanked-out by my Lord. I am so thankful for all the pleasures, and hobbies, He has supplied me with to help counter-act those horrific thoughts. I am living above all the fear and discouragement only because I “Trust Him.” If I die today, I will be Trusting Him.”  That’s why I enjoy painting and writing, eating out with friends, and sharing precious memories with many.

Yes, I do partly believe we are living in hell on earth today. Of course there is another place called hell that our bodies don’t enter, but the spirit will forever be traumatized if we are sent there. Depending upon our actions, and our faith in Jesus, while living in the earthly hell, determines our destiny for eternity. I count it but nothing to be criticized, and mocked while doing the thing that I believe pleases God. We, as Christians have the power of the Holy Spirit to denounce them as unbelievers, and unfit to claim sanctity. Although we must first turn them over to God asking Him to forgive them. I so often quote this verse in the bible spoken by Stephen when he was being stoned to death for defending Christ. “Father forgive them for they knoweth not what they do.” Luke 23:46. Can we be that kind and loving? I doubt that most of us can say yes. We need to pray more and complain less.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Wake-Up Call For Christians"

Jean's Comment's: "A Wake-Up Call For Christians": This I saw this morning that thrilled my soul. God is still on the Throne. 10-1-2015 Perryton, Texas. A sky slide show this morning was ...