Friday, October 30, 2015

"Adding Another Portrait To My Collection"

Melania Trump as seen by artist M. Jean Sharp. 10-30-2015 Perryton, Texas.

As I announced yesterday that I would post Melania Trump’s portrait today, I’m keeping my word, although I may make a few changes to it. I need to touch it up a bit, but basically I have the true personality of Melania showing. She is a gorgeous lady. She is a type of person that I could do one portrait after another of. She has so many different styles of clothing and hair do’s. She is just a fun person to work with.

We are getting rain in Perryton this morning. I have just cancelled my lunch plans at the Center today. I don’t like getting wet. There are things I can do at home, that are more important. Watching the news is the most important. I feel very responsible for the decisions I make in my life whether they be personal, political or whatever. If I don’t spend a lot of time watching the television, keeping updated on the news then I cannot make the right decisions when it comes time to vote for an important office, such as President of the United States. I also read a lot since most persons running for an important office have written at least one book. It was after reading President Obama’s first book, “Dreams of My Father,” that I decided he was not someone I would vote for. He has proven now to be that bad person I believed him to be after reading his book. The thing he has strived for every since he was elected president is exactly what I believed he would do upon finishing the book. I made him out to be for replacing all leadership in America with black people and Muslims. I believe that is still his goal and has made great strides in doing just that. I do not have to take part of the blame for putting him into power. I believe those who didn’t vote are just as guilty because they didn’t care enough about their country to take an important part in in. God tells us even the hairs on our heads are numbered. He knows who the responsible ones are and who is not. I also believe He will take away from those who didn’t use their talent and give to those who did. It’s not all about whether our vote counts or not, it’s about whether we care enough to try and help our country. Everyone will be judged for their deeds, whether they be good or bad. It is a good thing for all to contribute something to their country even if it’s just a vote. Word to mouth is another good way to help. If we are read-up on all the facts, and share them with others, we are making sure we are using our wisdom which God has given us. That is not saying we are always right, but at least we are more apt to be right than those whom have not listened to hardly any news or read many pages of the papers. We are being called to be witnesses for God in more ways than one.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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