Tuesday, October 27, 2015

"A Heart Of Stone"

Some people's hearts are made of stone. The worse thing I can think of today. 10-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.

A voice told me this morning to write about a heart of stone. This was after I had a thought of someone I loved dearly, and would have given my life for, died without ever changing her dead-set way in thinking that she was right about everything she said. Sadly enough she was the most stubborn person I had ever known. At first I argued with this strong thought, thinking it was not something I wanted to remember about my beloved one. Especially I didn’t want to write about it. But for some unknown reason I was being informed of some things that I had not thought of before about this dear one. I had always thought this person had a heart as big as a bushel basket, but just had some strange ways of showing it sometimes. Then the voice inside me said, this person you loved so dearly had a heart of stone. Nothing in the world could ever have changed her thinking of always being right. I had gotten to the place where I thought she was beyond any hope of making things right with God, although she definitely believed in God the Father, and Jesus Christ the son. She never wanted to hear their names mentioned. I believe she was afraid of giving into their pleading with her to repent. She would always change the subject. Yet when she was called upon for help by a person with spiritual needs, she was super prepared to dig them out of their confusion, never denying the power of God. She was a director of traffic, but couldn’t drive herself. If ever anyone had a worry, she was the first to convince them that it was Satan who made them worry. Within minutes she had people thinking they had the world by the tail. It was always so nice to go visit this person because she was so interesting, and had no bounds about who, or what, she wanted to say. Yes, she did have reservations about people who wanted to preach to her and tell her she was wrong, and in so many words, a fool. She didn’t treat anyone badly, but she had a way of telling them she was not about to listen to their non-sense religion. I will try to describe this person to my best understanding. She was a lady of poor parents, who failed to provide, and demand of her to get an education. She had the love of these parents that surpassed most parent’s love for their children. She was thought of by her parents as being smart enough without going to school a lot. I have to partly agree with that, except all children need a good education. She was offered for a bride to a minister several years older than she. She bare him seven children and breast fed them all. She lived with her husband till all her children were grown, the left to go out on her own. She never asked for a divorce, but remarried after her husband died. I don’t know where her wisdom came from, but she certainly was no fool when it came to common sense thinking. She was the best doctor, not to hold a license, that I ever knew. She never publicly prayed for anyone, which makes me so disturbed. Yet I ask myself what difference did it make as long as the sickness was quickly resolved. This lady was spoken of by many as, beautiful, sweet, smart, humble, survivor of all hardships, and fun to be with. Yet I am told this morning she had a heart of stone. What does it mean?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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