Wednesday, October 7, 2015

"A Simple Prayer Can Change The World"

Some just refuse to die. Snap dragons came back bouncing. Made me glad. 10-7-2015 Perryton, Texas.
                            Pretty fall leaves from blackberry vines. 10-7-2015 Perryton, Texas.

A typical fall day. Some life from flowers and vines are dying, and others are still surviving. Nothing could be more up-lifting. A few snap dragons in a little cluster was fervently asking for attention this afternoon when I walked through the rain soaked yard. They caught me by surprise since I thought I would not see them again till next year. Alone they are dominating the flower bed. The leaves on the blackberry vines are turning all different colors making a nice sight to enjoy. A few more days to enjoy before old man frost comes to kill them all.

I shared lunch today with several friends and acquaintances. It was nice to see my paintings hanging and be getting wonderful complements on many. I even had a book sale today at the Center. No better people can be found anywhere than those at the Center in Perryton, Texas. I don’t know how I got so lucky, but am truly thankful for everything. The laughs that we share in, are better than the food. Put them both together and it spells perfect pleasure. My children keep me supplied with meal tickets because they feel it is the easiest, and best gift they could give me for special occasions. They are happy to have me involved in such a nice group of people. I pray God’s blessings on them every night. Again I am so fortunate to have such a nice family.

I just want to mention that I am now painting a portrait of Melania Trump, Donald Trump’s wife. She is so gorgeous, I can’t wait to finish her lovely personality features that I am steadfast on creating. I think she would be a great. “First Lady,” and I hope God will allow her to become just that. I will post the portrait as soon as I am finished with it. I also will be hanging it beside Donald at the Center where his portrait is already hanging. Even though the worst of worst could happen any minute in our world today, I still have faith in God to bring those who are trusting Him through to victory. There is not enough evil in this world to destroy the Almighty power of God. I believe Donald Trump knows that, and is set to prove it if God wills. Many millions in bounty money has been offered on his head, but if God wants this man to become our leader nothing can stop it. I also believe if God doesn’t want him as leader, it won’t happen, but I feel sure if the second, if, is what happens, this world won’t last much longer. It all depends upon God’s plan. However, God has been known by, statements in the bible, to have changed His mind. Is there a prayer out there anywhere that can make God change His Mind? I certainly believe there is. Let us all keep asking God for mercy every day. “Ask and ye shall receive.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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