Saturday, October 24, 2015

"A Picture Of Part Of My Heart"

Me, Jean, and youngest son Kent Sharp.TCU shirt not showing good. 10-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.

                    My youngest son, Kent, and middle son, Rick. 10-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I had all three of my sons here with me this week-end although my oldest wasn’t here when we were taking pictures. It has been so nice to have them here in our home. The time just goes by too fast. Kent will be going back to Abilene tomorrow. He has done a lot of things for me while he’s been here. He moved furniture and deep suctioned my carpet in all the living and dinning room area, cleaning all the edges and corners with the special tool. Then he mowed both yards. He also did a lot of other stuff. I think his wife knows how lucky she is to have him, but in case she don’t, let me tell her. She didn’t get to come this time. He is just as lucky to have her for a wife. God bless my children for being so good to me. I will have my daughter and son-in-in law with me for Thanksgiving, next month. Another date to look forward to.

Kent just told me he will be fixing ribs on the grill in the morning. So glad he will be staying till the afternoon. We will have a great meal before he leaves. We still have chocolate cake and fruit salad left over. It can’t get better than that. Sometimes I feel like shouting between battles. Most of the time I feel victorious. All because of God’s mercy to me. Somehow He lets us look above the dark clouds. Sometimes when we need a boost of encouragement He give us a dream that is so wonderful till it carries on for days. I believe it is just a way to let us know that He still hears and answers prayer. The dream is almost like it really happened. In other words a dream life can be like a real life if we chose. In His time He will make it real.

Kent and Rick are catching up on a lot of space between togetherness. I left them to visit while I came to write this blog. This has been such a blessed week-end. I will always remember it. These next two months will be passing by fast, and I already feel like they will be the best two of the year.  I almost feel selfish to gloat about my blessings when I hear every day about so many terrible things happening to other people. Let no one ever doubt that I feel the pain of others almost like my own. I am also claiming victory for them. Life is what it is, and we can’t change anything. We can only declare we will stay strong, and not give into defeat. Our battles are not our own, but Gods. Let us claim that promise, and put Satan on the run.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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